Compilation By : Bill Morse ([email protected]) CD Artwork : Greg Volpert ([email protected]) Booklet Artwork : Bill Morse Credits/Web Page : Paul Gouldhawke ([email protected]) Master of Ceremonies : Adolph Feiss ([email protected]) Special Thanks To : Scott Sather ; Andrew Myers ; David Ng - past webmasters, Jeff Webb ; John Kennedy ; Cody Vandever ; Bob Van Voorhis Web Page : EVEN MO' GRAPE - Tribute 2002
Dedication: On October 5th 1998 Dave Marsteller started the Grape mailing list. Dave passed away in 1999. It was Dave's list that helped make the tribute projects happen. This is for you Dave.As always, thanks to the members of Moby Grape for the inspiration and the music - Bob, Jerry, Peter, Skip and Don. Thank you to Jerry Miller, for being so gracious and accomodating to the fans during the Yahoo chats, and to Connie Mosley, for being a great online liason between the fans and band members. This is the second batch of tunes covered by the fans of the Grape. A Big thanks to all those who took part in this endevour and we hope everyone gets a kick out of hearing these songs in new forms.
DISC ONE: 1. Intro by Adolph Feiss (0:23) 2. Murder in My Heart by Bill Morse (3:17) 3. On the Dime (rockabilly version) by On the Edge (2:45) 4. I Picked a Rose by Larry Hosford (4:13) 5. Hey Grandma by The Bridgeburners (4:13) 6. 8:05 by Steve Marcus (2:34) 7. Bitter Wind by John Butler & Rick Willson (4:10) 8. Arthur Godfrey Intro by Adolph Feiss (0:32) 9. Funky Tunk by Alec Newell (2:47) 10. Going Nowhere by Peter Schindelman (2:09) 11. Rose Colored Eyes by Mike Fornatale (4:08) 12. Sitting by the Window by Only Dogs and Us (3:36) 13. Horse in the Rain by Mad Meg (2:47) 14. Right Before My Eyes by Truly Fine Citizens (2:19) 15. Truckin' Man by J. Belenski (2:19) 16. Hoochie by Alec Newell (4:25) 17. Bitter Wind by Father & Son (2:15) Michael Kuptz & Brandon Kuptz 18. What's To Choose by J. Belenski (2:01) 19. Changes Circles Spinning/Right Before My Eyes by Peter Schindelman (3:25) 20. 78 RPM by Adolph Feiss (0:12) 21. Motorcycle Irene by J. Belenski (3:31) 22. Dark Magic by Mike Fornatale (10:49) DISC TWO: 1. Hey Grandma by John Butler & Rick Willson (4:48) 2. Where Do the Birds Go by Alec Newell (3:26) 3. On the Dime (blues version) by J.C. Shooters (J. Chris Christensen)(4:13) 4. I Feel A Change (aka Cough Syrup) by The Saloonsters (6:19) 5. Bitter Wind by Mike Fornatale (4:58) 6. Three-Four by Volcano Blues Cannon (4:04) 7. It's A Beautiful Day Today by Wingers (3:43) 8. Dark Magic by Cerebral Cortex (15:37)
CREDITS/COMMENTS : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro/Master of Ceremonies : Adolph Feiss ([email protected]) those funny spoken bits Adolph Feiss is the alleged unholy love child of Skippy and Arthur Godfrey, DNA test pending. He was born in a mid-60's Emerson mono record player speaker while "8:05" was playing and misinterpreted the song title to be his name. Once unleashed, he went on to moderate an online group dedicated to the band that was his prenatal muse. A notorious womanizer (although not as often as he'd like) and failed musician, he now specializes in rewriting and performing other people's material; in short, a creative scavenger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "MURDER IN MY HEART FOR THE JUDGE" performed by Bill Morse ([email protected]) All instruments and vocals by Bill Morse I noticed way back in the 60s that this was very similar to Buffalo Springfield's For What It's Worth. But since I heard Buffalo Springfield first, I thought that maybe Moby Grape had "borrowed" their song from For What It's Worth. Years later, I read that Stephen Stills had admitted publicly to having taken his main riff from Murder in My Heart. So I thought I would do a version that highlighted the similarities. I actually got this idea while producing the FIRST Grape tribute, Mo' Grape, but didn't have time to complete it. While working on the final recording, I heard Donovan's Season of the Witch, and realized that it was a close cousin to these other two songs. So I incorporated a bit of that into the second verse. Then, while I was reviewing live material for the Complete Moby Grape disks, I heard a recording that they had done, with the same idea. So it wasn't a truly original thought of mine, even though I was unaware of their version when I did mine. The Grape version is song #157 on DISK ONE of the Complete Moby Grape. It was done live at the Fillmore on December 18, 1997. Hey Grandma (The Bridgeburners) - I play bass and mandolin in a Chicago band called The Bridgeburners. We do mostly originals, in the vein of Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, and Little Feat. The other guys in the band are about my son's age, late twenties. I'm the token geezer of the group! Although they love sixties music like Stones, Beatles, Cream, etc., they were unaware of Moby Grape. I told them I wanted to have the band do a cut for this tribute, and played them enough Grape material to familiarize them with the band. Only problem was, we're in the process of recording our own CD, and that takes up most of the time when we're actually together. Three of the guys live in the Chicago area, while the drummer and I live in Wisconsin. Our main rehearsal area and recording studio is in the basement of Eric, our lead singer/lyricist/harpist/percussionist/rhythm guitarist. He's a Chicagoan. But both Jerry (slide guitarist) and I have our own home studios. So our recording or Hey Grandma was mostly done via e-mail. I recorded the basic tracks - rhythm guitar, bass, drum machine, and guide vocal. I e-mailed that mix to Eric. He replaced my vocal, Jerry added slide guitar, Matt laid down some piano, but it looked like we weren't going to be able to get Tom the drummer in on the project. However, at the last minute, the opportunity arose (at the end of a rehearsal, he was willing to give it a try, and we had 15 minutes to kill). So we're all happy with the final mix, but it doesn't actually represent the band at our best. At least I was able to expose the guys to some Grape music! -Bill ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ON THE DIME" Rockabilly version performed by On The Edge "ON THE DIME" Blues version performed by J.C. Shooters John "Chris" Christensen ([email protected]) "On the Dime" by On the Edge Average Joe Andazola -Drums Don Wittsten -Fretless Bass John "Country" Chris Christensen -Vocals, guitars and piano Basic track recorded April 22, 2002. Overdubs completed April 26. Mixed on April 28 2002. Produced and Engineered by John "Chris" Christensen at Mad Labs Studio, Lakewood, California. The musicians were allowed to hear the original Legendary Grape version exactly once before beginning to record their version. The style to be achieved was described and the progression explained and then we were off and running. Don Wittsten quickly developed a major blister on his finger from slapping and plucking his fretless bass. Average Joe voiced his own concerns about the speed of the brush and stick groove desired by the producer. Though the producer was trying to guide the song into rockabilly territory it quickly developed a mind of it's own and went where it wanted to regardless of the input of the musicians and producer. "Sometimes you go where you're gonna go..." "On the Dime" Blues version by J.C. Shooters J.C. Shooters- Vocal, harp, bass drum and hi hat. A couple of Shots followed by a one-shot recording. Track recorded live to mono April 26, 2002. Produced by J.C. Shooters and John "Chris" Christensen. Engineered by John "Chris" Christensen at Mad Labs Studio, Lakewood, California. My first encounter with The Grape was at Wallich's Music City in Lakewood California the week the first records were released. I knew absolutely nothing about the band, but as I was going through all the 45's for sale I kept running into more and more singles by this group..."what the hell?" I thought...either these guys are AMAZING or this is the biggest load of Hollywood-Promotion-Machine-Crap I have ever seen! I mentally added up the cost of the singles to the price of the album and quickly decided that the album was a bargain. Took the record to a (girl) friend's house, (I think I was staying there, but time and braincells can no longer be sure - and I was about a week away from being inducted into the Army) and promptly put it onto the turntable... I just remember the incredible RUSH from the very first note until the end of side two; I was simply FLOORED! I also had a fairly large ego at the time and was not much impressed by too much of anything I was hearing, but this was really different. After I was inducted I had my Mom send three records to Fort Ord to preserve my Sanity; Fresh Cream, A Quick One While He's Away, and that very first Moby Grape album. Since then my love of a lot of that sixties music has been tempered with time, but NOT The Grape. Moby Grape helped get me through a very tough year in Viet Nam and all of the rest of my extended vacation with Uncle Sam. Today I still find myself returning again and again to that timeless magic that is this band of such incredibly talented guys. Once you've really heard that magic (dark or otherwise) it NEVER EVER goes away. Much, much love and thanks. John "Chris" Christensen 6/06/02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I PICKED A ROSE" performed by Larry Hosford ([email protected]) Larry Hosford -Lead vocal, guitar Kevin McCracken -Vocal, harmonica Tom Groves -Vocal, bass Larry Hosford: I met Bob Mosley in 1974 and via ensuing pickfests, learned "I Picked A Rose" from him not long thereafter. It is a wonderful little tune. In 1978 I was invited by neo-recording engineer, Ken Capitanich, to test drive his new garage studio of the Tascam 8-Track variety in Aptos, CA, by name: Music Arts Recording Studios (MARS). I took my harmonicat and bass player with me, tuned my acoustic to open D, and we whipped up a 3-part campfire version for the occasion. When this "Even Mo' Grape" project evolved 24 years later, I dug through my reel-to reel tape stash and found "IPAR" alive and well. It turned out to be a 2-track rough mix, so I took it back to MARS, which is these days a full-on top-notch facility, for digification. We didn't get to re-mix it, but asi es la vida. My thanks to everyone involved, and especially, of course, to our song's father, which art in Petaluma. In Mose We Trust. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "HEY GRANDMA" performed by The Bridgeburners Eric Elmer - Lead & harmony vocals, percussion Jerry Waggoner - Slide guitar, rhythm guitar Matt Pederson - Piano Tom Beyer - Drums Bill Morse ([email protected]) - Bass, harmony vocal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "8:05" performed by Steve Marcus ([email protected]) All vocals by Steve Marcus When I was a junior in high school I belonged to a band in which I was the youngest by some years; most of the guys were already out of school. The band had some talent and we actually turned down an opportunity to be the "Archies"! Yikes! We were five guys that could play and sing, that is all five. There was a guy named Henry who took the band under his wing. Henry was an INCREDIBLE guitarist and the guy who turned us on to Moby Grape. He set about 'producing' us and teaching us how to play every single part of several songs. The songs he taught us were 8:05, Fall On You, and Sitting By The Window. He worked with each one of us and diligently taught and orchestrated us. I was the lead singer and the lead guitarist on 8:05 and Sitting By The Window; our keyboard man Jimmy (an amazing musician) did the lead work on Fall On You. We rehearsed forever and it was during these sessions that my young guitar playing started to mature as I embraced a new way of playing. BTW, we were Long Island boys used to Rascals, Philly and Detroit style R&B, so this west coast stuff was quite a stretch. In addition to Grape, Henry had us performing other complex arrangements as well - in particular, the Association's "Everything That Touches You", springs to my mind. Oh, Henry! Thank you for making me a musician. Anyway, life goes on, years go by, and I've never given up my music. I've maintained a home recording studio of various size and quality all through my life and manage to support it with my day job. Some years ago I purchased "Vintage Grape" and was listening back to the tracks which included out-take fragments and blurbs of the sessions. I remember the challenge of learning and playing 8:05. To this day, I still play that riff as a limbering exercise and test of any new fingerboard I lay my hands on. When I heard, Vintage and heard a voice say, "Fuck, this is hard, man!" - I felt utterly vindicated. That is, across the decades I remember just HOW HARD it was for me to play. It was a blessing to hear that after all those years. A number of years ago my friend Bill (yes, our Bill Morse) and I saw Moby Grape at the now-famous concert at the Maritime Hall in San Francisco. I had to surrender to the joy and the tears of that evening because I was in my 'Field of Dreams'. A short time after that I saw them again in Sacramento at, I believe, The Red Lion Hotel. There wasn't a real stage and it felt like a good old biker bar. Peter came in, put his guitar case on a table and took his guitar out to get ready to play. I felt like a yutz, but I couldn't restrain myself: I went up to Peter and thanked him for teaching me how to play guitar. Although he nodded and muttered his acknowledgement he couldn't possibly appreciate the deep well from which my thanks sprung. As I write this I'm fighting back the tears. Well, life is too short to not tell folks how you feel and how much they mean to you. It's not so much that they know, it's just that you let them know. Moby Grape - individually and collectively, thank you. And, thanks to everyone who participated in this project. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "BITTER WIND" "HEY GRANDMA" performed by John Butler & Rick Willson Recorded live in London, 2002 John Butler (Diesel Park West) & Rick Willson (Big Brother) - We've been fans of the Grape forever and are honoured to contribute. Thanks for the songs guys ! John Butler & Rick Willson (Disel Park West) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WHERE DO THE BIRDS GO" "HOOCHIE" "FUNKY TUNK" performed by Alec Newell ([email protected]) All instruments and vocals by Alec Newell Recorded & Mixed at the Bakery, Toronto, Canada. January 2002 (CDR transfer, digital editing & massaging courtesy of Don Lear) All instruments and vocals by Alec Newell I've had the same basic studio setup since the mid-80's. It's old and creaky and all-analog-all-the-time... but I'm still sorta fond of it, like an old car or something. I started out as a drummer, but since I'm an apartment dweller I've had to settle for recording with a drum machine. I've got an old Yamaha RX15 that can still be fooled into thinking it's Pete Best on a good day. I record everything else (guitars, bass, vocals and harp) through a Roland Cube 20 watt guitar amp, then out the headphone jack and into the multitrack unit. Apart from a bit of Alesis Microverb reverb added in the mix, that's about it. I'd really like to express my appreciation to Don Lear for his help on this project. I took my mixes to him, expecting him to just transfer them to cd for me as-is ... but he tweaked the tracks and EQ'd things a bit more, fine-tuning stuff that I can't manage with my system. Damn nice of him. I was fourteen when the first Moby Grape album came out. I bought it without hearing a single track. I thought the front cover was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. When I got it home and threw it on the turntable I was thrilled to discover that in the Grape's sound I recognized elements of all the music I already loved (great pop hooks, killer vocals, hard driving rock and roll, dizzying guitar work...) but what struck me the most were the sounds I'd never heard before. The Grape turned me onto blues, country, folk-rock, RnB... they also showed me that every member of a band could have a voice (literaly and figuratively.) I'd never come across a band in which all five members not only sang but wrote. These guys were a huge influence on my young self, and continue to inspire me today. I covered "Hoochie" because I just couldn't keep my hands off it. It's always been my favorite Bob Mosley song, and I've been toying with the idea of covering it for years... thanks to Even Mo' Grape for giving me the push I needed. (I realize someone covered "HOOCHIE" on the first Grape tribute, but I'm hoping folks will still enjoy my Swamp Thing boogie version.) I picked up Bob's first solo album in a delete bin in the summer of '75. That album helped me through a rough time, and "Where Do The Birds Go" is such a powerful song, I wanted to have a stab at it. ("Where Do The Birds Go" worked out quite well. I threw in a blues harp solo that sits nicely over that little instrumental bridge build.) I really wanted to cover something of Skip's as well, so I played around with the arrangement of "Funky Tunk" a bit and just had some fun. This whole project's been a blast. Great to see so many people involved in a labor of love. Looking forward to hearing the goods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "CHANGES, CIRCLES SPINNING/RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES" "GOING NOWHERE" performed by Peter Schindelman ([email protected]) All instruments and vocals by Peter Schindelman CCS's verse seemed to me to mesh with RBME's chorus, so I combined them. I recorded this in mid-to-late January, playing drums, bass, and acoustic and electric guitars, as well as trying to sing. I recorded my cover of "Going Nowhere" at the end of April, while breaking in my new-to-me Mackie mixer. I played the same instrumentation as on the other song except without acoustic guitar. There are a few things I wish I'd (re)done differently in performing/recording/mixing each song but these will have to suffice for now. I'm a relative newcomer to Moby Grape. I'd heard of them for years but never actually had heard them till last year when Bill Morse (a friend from another internet message forum with whom I've gotten together and played/recorded music several times) helped me to do so. That's not a very pressing Grape story, but it's all I have for now. I like much of what I've heard from them and look forward to hearing this compilation since the last one was fun! (By the way, I went to Jr. High and High School with a Peter Lewis, but naturally not that Peter Lewis.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ROSE COLORED EYES" (Including Special Fan's Fantasy Sequence) "BITTER WIND" (Both versions reach an uneasy truce) "DARK MAGIC" peformed by Mike Fornatale ([email protected]) All instruments and vocals by Mike Fornatale Mike Fornatale has 16-track analog facilities in his basement. Instead of putting them to good use, he occasionally labors at painstakingly re-creating some of his favorite records, one instrument and one vocal at a time. His 1995 attempts to clone Moby Grape's entire debut album (some of which can be found on "Mo' Grape") eventually landed him, slightly dazed, on stage with Bob and Peter in San Diego in June of 2001. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "SITTING BY THE WINDOW" performed by Only Dogs & Us Andy Myers ([email protected])-Lead vocal, bass Bill Perry -Guitars, drums, backup vocal, engineering Paul Garver -Six-string guitar, backup vocal We had a wonderful time recording it - and we hope the slight re-arrangement is enjoyed. We all love the Grape and marvel repeatedly at how amazing their music is... and always strain to even attempt to recreate what they could do you sing like Bob ? Or Peter? how do you?? ah well... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "HORSE IN THE RAIN" performed by Mad Meg ( David Biasotti & Doc Muir ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES" performed by Ernesto de Pascale & the Truly Fine Citizens featuring Jono Manson Ernesto de Pascale -Lead vocals & Wurlitzer electric piano ([email protected]) Jono Manson -Lead vocals & electric guitar Mark Clark -Drums Peter Williams -Bass Jaime Michaels -Acoustic guitar Jono Manson & The Truly Fine Citizens recorded by Jono Manson in Tesuque,Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Ernesto de Pascale recorded by Sergio Salaorni at Larione 10, Firenze, Italia Mixed by Sergio Salaorni at Larione 10, Firenze, Italia Produced by Ernesto de Pascale,Jono Manson & Sergio Salaorni for Il Popolo del Blues s.a.s. copyright: Ernesto de Pascale, Jono Manson, Sergio Salaorni & Il Popolo del blues s.a.s., 2002 please visit : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "TRUCKIN" MAN" "MOTORCYCLE IRENE" "WHAT'S TO CHOOSE" performed by J.J. Belenski ([email protected]) All instruments and vocals by J. Belenski J.J. Belenski - six and twelve string guitar, harmonica and vocal. Recorded April 23, 2002 at Rubber Ball Productions, North Brunswick N.J. Engineered by Terry Hughes. I've been a fan of the Grape ever since I bought Wow when I was in the sixth grade because it had a cool cover. This band had it all! I wanted to pay tribute to the different aspects I love about the Grape: Bob's gutbucket sensibility and Jerry's picking on Truckin' Man, Peter's delicate but compelling balladry on What's To Choose and Skippy...what can you say?... on Motorcycle Irene. I've been working on a CD of originals all solo acoustic and recorded live - no editing, overdubs or protool bullshit- so I did this the same way, straight to a $.99 cdrw I bought at Walmart. So that's me, a guitar, and a harmonica rack in front of three microphones and any mistakes are not intended! One day I intend to redo this stuff and do it more justice but for now I hope it captures the spirit of the Grape, a band that has given me so much enjoyment over the years. It's great being involved with you guys on the Grape list - there's just so much good will that's undeniably genuine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "BITTER WIND" performed by Father & Son ([email protected]) Michael Kuptz & Brandon Kuptz Bitter Wind by Father & Son (Michael Kuptz and Brandon Kuptz) was recorded in 1992 when my son Brandon recieved his first electric guitar (a Fender Telecaster) from me as a gift. He had already mastered that instrument (since 1990) along with bass, piano and drums. So on this outing, I played acoustic guitar, and did the vocals while Brandon played bass and drums and became producer of this track. We actually released a cassette that year to family and friends entitled (what else?) Father & Son! We are both big fans of the Grape and a lot of the other sixties bands. As a matter of fact, that summer was Brandon's venture into the Time Machine (Dad's collection) of old albums and groups. Brandon carries on this tradition in Virginia with his current band Some Odd Sense ( and the group maintains the tradition of solid songwriting, great playing, strong melodies and three-part harmonies. Long live the Grape (Even mo' than befo'!) Thanks for the opportunity to work on this project with so much talented input from the fans of Moby Grape! Mike Kuptz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I FEEL A CHANGE" (aka Cough Syrup) written by James Robert Mosley performed by CJ & Friends (The Saloonsters) ([email protected]) Craig Juan - Bass & Vocal John P. Murphy III - Lead guitar & Vocal Lynn Giles - Drums Carl Grantham - Violin & digital connection James Coulter - Guitar "Washboard" Bill Bienbrech - Percussion The Phantom Saloonsters were formed in 1995 by Jerry Miller, Craig Juan & John Murphy and played numerous saloons in the SF bay area. When Jerry moved back up north, The Saloonsters treaded on with many different guests, and still CJ & Murph remain to this day spewing forth all sorts of audio morsels with their many associates of musical mayhem. Ahem. This track is a direct to digital live recording. The third take if I recall. Sounds kinda grungy since I just got back barely in time for the recording from a gnarly gig in Jackson, CA but we like it that way. I got the song when Moze let me dabble in his personal tapes of kitchen recordings, demos and all sorts of goodies and Cough Syrup stood out above all. I always wanted to do this tune and here it is in all of its nudity in my/our words. I have heard the few versions of it done live by the Grape circa 1978/1979, but this was culminated from the versions of when Bob was working the song up on his own. Much thanks to Connie for the proper lyrics although I might not have gotten all of them right! And thanks to Shirley Grantham for the sheet metal shop we recorded this in, Steve Cobb for file manipulation and to John Mork for getting me to the church on time and psychedelic inspiration or is it perspiration. Who knows? CJ 5/7/2002 San Mateo, CA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "THREE-FOUR" performed by Volcano Blues Cannon ([email protected]) John Powell - Acoustic guitars, electric bass Tom Ordon - Vocals Recorded in Texas May 20, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY TODAY" performed by Wingers ([email protected]) Dan Fassett -Acoustic guitar and vocals Adam Campbell -Conga Liz Batsford -Shakers Megan Gauthier, Claudia Maniscalchi, Liz Batsford, Anne Fardy, Alison Wilson-Pierce, Roza Anthony and Bethany Steiner -Chorus vocals Recorded at " The Bunkhouse ", Portsmouth N.H. July 2000, Jim Tierney-Enginering/Producer This sesion happened after a week from Hell at camp ( unfortunately adults not kids at cause). This session made up for it. A perfect day, everything just clicked. We recorded 17 songs live in 4 - 5 hrs., These were (at the time) a bunch of 14 year old girls (except Bethany who was 17 years old) with no studio experience, who bonded and decided they wanted to do music despite the fact there was no plan for them to do it. It just come together by itself. We worked on our tunes for a week. The musicianship was top notch. The producer couldn't believe his ears. It was recorded on Tuesday and the whole camp took home a CD with original artwork included on Saturday. We left the studio stunned with the beauty of it all. I still see all of them and despite growth and change they've come through in the meantime the wonder of that day is still with us. -Dan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "DARK MAGIC" performed by Cerebral Codex ([email protected]) Brian Vaughan - Electronic guitar, effects and devices Craig Beebe - Analog Synths & other goodies Jeff Martinov - Drums & repercussive devices We've done the basic parts (structure) a lot like the 1967 bootleg I have, but still have our own arrangement & interpretation (mostly a lot of the lead work will be different from Jerry's, his act is nearly impossible to follow! Plus we are not the same type of band as M.G.). These guys are into it, so this could be a live set piece for us if & when we get any more gigs. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information on "THE COMPLETE MOBY GRAPE" MP3 BONUS CD's included with this project:
Information on the other Tributes :
CD label art - graphic by Greg Volpert