Port Moody Ecological Society




Links to Government Agencies

D F O Home Page The departmental Mission is to manage Canada’s oceans and major waterways so that they are clean, safe, productive and accessible, to ensure sustainable use of fisheries resources, and to facilitate marine trade and commerce.

Habitat Enhancement Branch Streams provide habitat for many fish species, riparian areas are home to birds and small mammals. Recreation opportunities in urban settings are greatly valued. However, man's intervention has had a negative impact on these delicate ecosystems. A Streamkeeper is an individual, or a group of individuals, who want to recover and restore those ecosystems.

An Introduction to Water Quality Monitoring  This page addresses methods and tools to monitor, assess, and report on the health of America's water resources, and software and automated information systems to manage monitoring data. 

BC Oil Spill Marine Workforce The BC Oil Spill Workforce is comprised of trained workers capable of assisting government and industry in the response to and clean-up of oil spills that may occur along the coast of the Province of British Columbia, Canada. These people are generally from coastal communities.

Driftwood A Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks program designed to promote wildlife viewing opportunities within British Columbia. Specific site information, festivals and events, quarterly newsletter, brochures, checklists and web links!