TVOntario hasn't had a lot of hits lately, apart from the Polka Dot
Door reunion special Polkaroo Christmas: Home From Rehab. So it's
something of a surprise that a clip from a 1997 TVO interview Paula
Todd did with Stephen Harper, in which neither party attempted to
channel remarks through stuffed animals, would achieve prominence in
this year's federal election campaign.
At the heart of the US scandal over the outing of a CIA agent is an
assertion made by George W. Bush in his January 28, 2003 State of the
Union address. "The British government has learned", said the
President with stirring confidence, "that Saddam Hussein recently
sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa".
It was an odd turn of phrase, given that the US did have a bit of money
budgeted for evaluating claims like this on its own. The careful wording
looked especially well-chosen when, on March 7, the director-general of
the International Atomic Energy Agency told the U.N. Security Council that
documents purporting to show Iraq tried to buy uranium oxide from Niger
were "in fact not authentic".
The phrase "freedom-loving" was on President Bush's lips at almost
every stop of his first European tour last June. He'd developed the same
practised fluency with it, despite his short time in office, that boxing
promoter Don King has with the words "outrageous accusations". Whether in
Madrid, Brussels, or Warsaw, there was nothing the President wanted to
talk about more than freedom-loving nations, freedom-loving countries, and
freedom-loving peoples. Evidently delighted after pronouncing each variant
correctly in Spain, he made a point of rubbing tiny President Aznar's head
for continued good luck.
I have to admit I was concerned about the "binding" referendum we're
having in B.C. on "the principles to guide the provincial government's
approach to treaty negotiations". But I relaxed when I saw the proposal
that "aboriginal self-government should have the characteristics of local
government, with powers delegated from Canada and British Columbia." I'm
comfortable with this type of language, as I used it with great success in
my own New Year's resolutions. I don't say that I made any verifiable
commitment to eat more vegetables, but I did resolve that the principles
to guide my approach to nutrition should include consideration of foods
which have the characteristics of vegetables. By the end of January I
realized that vegetables can be eaten with barbecue sauce, and that they
share this characteristic with ribs, chicken, and any number of other
savoury health foods.
Perhaps fearing that the day's events were not surreal enough, former
US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger told the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation on September 11 2001 that the kamikazes who'd struck America
with passenger jets had demonstrated the need for a National Missile
Defense system. When the interviewer pointed out that such a system could
not have prevented the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Mr.
Weinberger obligingly shifted his position: the tragedy showed that the US
needs a National Missile Defense system in addition to something that
would have prevented the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
So great was his enthusiasm for the proposed cloaking device that even the
northward progression of killers bees would have proven its necessity, or
at least proven the need for NMD plus something that would stop killer