U.S. Iraq War Deserters in Canada
Supplemental Entries for “References and Sources”
This list of supplemental entries provides an ongoing record of items not
listed in the “References and Sources” section (pages 147-208)
of Simulacrum of Refuge : a History of Canada as Destination for
U.S. Iraq War Deserters (2017). The arrangement, format, and
content of these entries parallel those provided in the book.
Nothing yet discovered.
Support US Army Private Ryan Johnson, imprisoned war resister
Courage to Resist (22 Mar 2017) | Johnson
Kristin Schwab. These Americans moved to Canada for political
reasons. They don’t regret it. Guardian (19 Apr 2017)
| Hughey Hagan* House* McQuail*
War Resisters Welcome Here (2004) 5:20 / snowshoefilms
| Hughey
Canadians Say War Resisters Welcome Here (2006) 9:44 / Karen Harvey ; snowshoefilms
| Hart Hinzman Magaoay House* Walther* Zaslofsky*
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4: U.S. Iraq War Deserters Seek “Refuge” in Canada
Suggestions for additions are welcome. For contact information see Joseph Jones.
Created April 2017
Last updated 27 May 2017
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