Steven's Stuff

These links and informations are specifically for Vancouver Community Network
Amiga TCP/IP: Here is a bunch of TCP/IP software for the Amiga.
Dial-up error list: Windows' Dialup Networking error list.
Distance to phone company: Complaining about getting only 25kbps intead of 33.6kbps? Maybe it's the distance to the phone company. Here is how you find how far you are from the phone company's central office.
DOS web-browser: Arachne 1.70 is a DOS-based PPP dialer and a web-browser. The original homepage is locate here but it is in Europe so I have it mirrored here. The license is free for non-comercial use. Here is a screenshot.
Glimpse error: As of Dec 15, 2001, the reason why doing a "search" at result in a Glimpse error is because we are using the latest version of perl. However, glimpse is relying on an older version. Hopefully, this will change in the future.
POP3 problem: We have recently upgraded our pop3 server and it's not as forgiving. Users who got away with a mis-configured emailer will now have problem fetching email. Here are some UserID configurations for Outlook Express and Netscape Messenger.
POP3 timeout: This is my analysis of the pop3 timeout problem.
Spam filter: Sick of spam? Try these three steps in setting up spam filtering with procmail.
Usenet news: Here is a low-level way of accessing usenet news (NNTP protocol). It is useful to determine if a newsgroup has been corrupted.
UTOKC error: I believe this error message is associated with CWMail. VCN does not use CWMail, but BCCNA webmail gateway does. See RT3086 and RT3081. (Note the CWMail in the headers.)
VCN logo: I spent some time rendering these 3D logo using a ray-tracing program called povray.
WindowsME and VCN: Here is Brian's screenshot of how to configure dialup for WindowsME.
WindowsXP and VCN: These are the instructions and screenshots on how to establish a dialup-connection to VCN with Windows XP.
Zterm 1.01: For the older Macs like the LC series running MacOS7.1 or lower, Zterm 1.01 is nice text terminal program.

I may continue to add info to this page. If you have any request, email me at stieu