Mark Weintraub


Mark Weintraub is currently a litigation and estates partner in the Vancouver law firm of Clark,Wilson. He received his LL.B from the University of Toronto in 1982 and prior to that obtained his Master of Arts in Comparative Religion having studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of British Columbia.  Mark's volunteer work has included Board membership of various educational and charitable institutions.  He is currently  serving as an Officer of Canadian Jewish Congress(CJC) National. He is representing  CJC's National President Moshe Ronen as one of the Conference's speakers. CJC is the World Jewish Congress' Canadian affiliated organization.  Mark is also the National and Regional Chair of CJC's Community Relations Committee. This Committee oversees the major CJC agenda of combating anti-semitism and racism and promoting cross-cultural understanding.


CJC's work on issues related to the Holocaust and War Crimes includes:

advocacy for Canadian War Crimes legislation and active enforcement of Immigration laws to deport war criminals;

acting as the Canadian clearinghouse for funds to be paid  for Holocaust survivors in need;

advocacy of  the establishment of Holocaust remembrance centres, exhibits archives and museums;

advocacy for proclaiming Holocaust Memorial Days in various provinces and introduction of education about the Holocaust in school curriculum;

advocacy to bring to justice post-World War II war criminals in various jurisdictions.