Conference 2003

Walking the Talk of Health Promotion

BC Health Promotion Coalition logo
Quw'utsun' Cultural & Conference Centre
200 Cowichan Way, Duncan BC
THURS. OCTOBER 16th, 8:30am to 4pm


To learn what we can do to improve our own health and quality of life.

To highlight some of the valuable and considerable contributions that our citizens are making towards addressing the determinants of health.

To showcase health promotion opportunities in the Cowichan Valley.

HP Activity Sessions

On the morning of the event may choose two of the
following activities for the afternoon sessions:
  • Acupressure: Health & Wellbeing at Your Fingertips
    - Raven Cloudwalker
  • Art Therapy - Catherine Fraser
  • Astronomy - Ed Boddaert
  • Belly Dancing - Pnina Benyamini
  • Community Gardens - Tom Marek
  • Ecstatic Trance Dance - Navaro Franco
  • Food Security - Eileen Bennewith
  • Herbal Medicine Walk - Bernice Woolam
  • Inclusive Leadership Scavenger Hunt - Linda Hill
  • Mindfulness Meditation - Pat Savola
  • Nature Connections - John Scull
  • National Policy on Herbalism - Gillian Leverkus
  • Photography - Trevor Hancock
  • Traditional Healing Video - Cowichan Tribes
  • Touching the Divine Reality - Dawn Braithwaite
  • Yoga - Pnina Benyamini

To register, provide your

  • Name and Organization Name
  • Phone and fax numbers
  • Email address, if you have one
  • A cheque payable to the BC Health Promotion Coalition and mailed to:

    Canadian Mental Health Association
    Cowichan Valley Branch
    205 - 149 Ingram St
    Duncan BC V9L 1N8

Registration information can also be sent via fax or email:

FAX: 250-748-2606;
Email: [email protected]

Registration is $20 per person, or $17 per person in groups of ten or more

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