Financing Health Promotion in British Columbia - Rationale


What is the solution? The BCCHP's Position:

The BCCHP advocates for the "empowerment of communities, their ownership and control of their own endeavours and destinies" (WHO, 1986). After four years of community development and regional, provincial and global research, the BCCHP has created a framework for funding community-inspired health promotion. This framework exemplifies our mission of establishing a sustainable source of funding for health promotion activities that are inspired and implemented by communities across British Columbia (Phipps, R., et al, 2002).

We believe that the Government of British Columbia has the capacity and the resources to collaborate with and support communities across the province by becoming a national, if not international, leader in health promotion.

Further to the issues stated herein, and whereas Health Promotion Foundations are successful methods of funding and prioritizing health promotion in other parts of the world - e.g., Australia, Switzerland, Thailand, Austria and Korea -, the BC Coalition for Health Promotion has proposed its two resolutions.

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