Financing Health Promotion in British Columbia - References


British Columbia. February 17, 2004. News Release - Balanced Budget 2004: Bringing out the Best in BC. Ministry of Finance.
Easton, K. November 2003. Research Paper on the Status of the Medical Services Plan of British Columbia. BC Health Promotion Coalition, Duncan BC.
Health Promotion Switzerland. 2002 Annual Report, Executive Summary. (PDF)
International Network of Health Promotion Foundations.
Mittlemark, M. (2000). A Very Brief Introduction to Health Promotion.
Morton, C. (2000). Health Promotion: A Key Community Investment. BC Health Promotion Coalition, Duncan BC.
Phipps, V. (2000). Walking the Talk in Health Promotion: Research from the Margins. Master's Thesis. Royal Roads University, Victoria BC.
Phipps, R., et al. (2002). Grassroots Leadership in Health Promotion Funding: A Framework for Action. BC Health Promotion Coalition, Duncan BC.
World Health Organization (WHO). (1986). Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion.

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