BCHPC Funding Framework Synopsis


Seven Criteria or Components of the Funding Framework Cont'd
5. Relationship with Communities - The funding organization recognizes the unique identities and challenges of communities throughout British Columbia. Its work is characterized by open communications, respect for community-identified priorities, reliance on local decision-making, and faith in the wisdom, capacity and strategic abilities of communities to do what they say they will do.
6. Accountability is expected at all levels of operation and reflects the long-term nature of health promotion practice. A variety of evaluation methods and tools are used with an emphasis on openness and achievement of outcomes as specified in the goals and objectives of the project, program and/or organization.
7. Strategies for Success - Sustainability, Partnerships and Communications. Opportunities for community empowerment are greatly enhanced when people consult with each other and genuinely collaborate to advance the health promotion agenda. These opportunities fall to individuals, community organizations, professionals in the fields of research and community development, funders and various government sectors. Prioritizing health promotion in British Columbia requires a commitment to work together effectively, to build bridges of understanding that are characterized by equity, sharing of knowledge and collaborative long-term planning. In order to achieve sustainability, this kind of work must be supported at all levels by an enduring source of funding that provides for both short-term and long-term health promotion initiatives.

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