The BCPOA is not a union. The BCPOA is an association of like-minded professionals who believe in the work they do and the role they play in the criminal justice community in British Columbia.

British Columbia Probation Officer's Association
#16-46689 First Avenue
Chilliwack, BC, V2P 1X5 Canada. Phone: 604-793-9053
Fax: 604-793-9442.

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British Columbia Probation Officer's Association Website

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 History: An ad hoc committee of four including Betti Gallpen, Steve Anthony, Barry Williscroft and Wally Heinrichs met on Nov 7/92 in Kelowna to discuss how to proceed in forming an interior chapter of a POs Professional Association. There was general agreement that we sensed a renewed interest in such an association amongst PO's in the province. We were also in agreement that the name of the association should reflect this. Further, it was strongly felt that the intent of the association should be to promote issues unique to and concerning POs without duplicating or conflicting with either the B.C.G.E.U. or the branch.

This page last updated November 9, 2005. Copyright © 2005 BCPOA.

Join NOW! We need your help. Annual Membership is only $40.00: . Join HERE!


As a group with Knowledge, expertise and a mandated role in the Justice system, the Probation Officer's Association of British Columbia will work toward the following goals:

  • To promote the exchange of ideas among PO's and providing a forum for the discussion of Probation issues.
  • To act as an advisory body representing the professional interests of POs.
  • To provide education on the history and traditions of the profession.
  • To provide guidelines on professional conduct and practice to POs, the Government and the public.
  • To provide emotional support and assistance to colleagues and their families.
  • To recognize achievements and contributions by individuals to the community, the profession and the Government.
  • To provide assistance and recommendations to government and the public regarding community justice issues.
  • To make recommendations regarding the proper and safe supervision of offenders in the community.
  • To support and encourage research.
  • To liaise with other related organizations.

Statement of purpose:

We see a Professional Association fulfilling the following roles:

  1. To be an dedicated advisory body representing the professional interests of POs
  2. To promote exchange of ideas amongst POs and Provide a forum for discussion of Probation issues.
  3. To provide education on the history & traditions of the profession
  4. To provide guidelines on professional conduct & practice to PO's, the Government and the public.
  5. To provide emotional support & assistance to colleagues & their families.
  6. To recognize achievement & contributions by individuals to the community, the profession & the Branch.
  7. To provide assistance & recommendations to government & the public regarding criminal justice issues.
  8. To make recommendations re the proper & safe supervision of offenders in the community.


Membership in the British Columbia Probation Officer's Association is open to the following professionals across the Province of British Columbia:

  • Youth Probation Officers (Youth workers)
  • Adult Probation Officers,
  • Youth Justice consultants,
  • Family Justice Counselors
  • Team leaders
  • PO's seconded to Management positions
  • Probation Interviewers,
  • Client supervisors

Associate members include:

  • Retired Probation officers,
  • Former Probation officers working in other Government Ministries,
  • District directors
  • Headquarters staff

CONTACT US: Barry Neufeld, PRESIDENT of the BCPOA: [email protected]
Darlene Jamieson, VICE PRESIDENT of the BCPOA: [email protected]
Irene Wesenberg, SECRETARY of the BCPOA: [email protected]

Martin Hole. TREASURER of the BCPOA: [email protected]

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