印 刷 文 獻


1.  Arts

1.1  Express Art Gallery = 甲子藝術學苑 no time

1.2        陳志堅攝影近作展覽, July 1984

1.3        British Columbia Yong Artists, 1983 

1.4        漢唐壁畫 = Han and Tang Murals from the People’s Republic of China, Jan 29—Mar 13, 1977

1.5        The Persuasive Image: Contemporary Posters from the People’s Republic of China, 1982

1.6        Gum San Gold Mountain: Images of Gold Mountain, 1886—1947

1.7        Chinese Arts: from the BRIAN S. McAllen Collection, March 30- June 2 (no year)

1.8        Porcelain of the High Qing (1662--1795): from the BRIAN S. McAllen Collection, March 23- June 2 (no year)

1.9        Made in America: Annual Asian American Art Exhibition, 1980. 7

1.10    烏梅女史畫展, 1986.11

1.11    書法講座 Nov. (no year)

1.12    黃山秀色﹕中藝攝影學會藝術作品展覽, 1985

1.13    Canadian Society for Asian Arts, 1984

1.14    The Magic of Shandong: North American Tour, 1984

1.15    易越石金石書畫展簡介, 1985

1.16    易越石臨石鼓文 ( no time)

1.17    石鼓文新考 /易越石 //南洋商報, 198313

1.18    Locke Photographs by James Motlow / Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency, June 21August 21, 1976

1.19    The Asia-Canadian and the Arts / West Cast Review and The English Department of SFU, 1981

1.20    CHEN YIFEI: Images of China.Exhibition: August 28 September 16, 1983, New England Center for Contemporary Art; October 3 October 22, 1983, Hammer Galleries

1.21    BC Sculptors / The Western Chapter, Sculptors Society of Canada, 1974

1.22    書道春風﹕甘介川師生書法展﹐溫哥華中央圖書館﹐Oct 5-18, 1996

1.23    Chinese Culture & Arts: Exhibit of Asian Art = 亞洲藝術展()中華文化藝術展 / 大溫哥華中華文化中心﹐加中文化藝術聯誼會﹐May 12-27, 2001

1.24    Arts of Heaven: An Exhibition of Chinese Science, Arts & Crafts = 華夏天工﹕中國傳統技藝薈萃展 / 中華文化中心﹐July 25—September 27, 1992

1.25    : 加拿大華裔現代文化探索展, Nov. 1991

2.  China Month: A Festival of Chinese Arts and Culture in Vancouver

2.1  China Month Schedule and General Materials, 1979

2.2  Related letters, 1979

2.3  China-Month // CCFA Newsletter, 1979

2.4  Peking Opera Materials: Chapter of newspaper, 1979

2.5  Chinese Month in Vancouver // Playboard, Nov, 1979

2.6  Translations of Peking Operas, 1979

2.7  中國京劇院訪問加拿大的演出情況, 1979

2.8  Vancouver Museums and planetarium: the Calendar, Nov, 1979

2.9  Chinese Cinema = 中國電影, Nov, 1979

2.10 Canadian Society for Asian Arts, Nov/Dec, 1979

2.11 Chinese Art Exhibitions: China Fest’ 81

2.12 Bronze Age Treasures & Lantern Making: China Fest’ 81

2.13 Acupuncture & Films at the Vancouver Museum: China Fest’ 81

2.14 “A Dancer’s visit to China”: China Fest’ 81

2.15 Aaron Huang Piano Trio in China Fest’ 81

2.16 50 Years of Chinese Cinema: China Fest’ 81

2.17 China Fest’81 Opens August 24

2.18 China Fest’81 Schedule

3.  Exhibition

3.1  Chinese in Canada: 125 Years of Continuous Community

3.2  Saltwater City: the Chinese in Vancouver 1886—1986

3.3  The Six Ancient Capitals of China. Oct, 1986

3.4  Chinese Canadian Heritage Festival: Art exhibition. Sept 28—Oct 31, 1986

3.5  The Chinese in British Columbia: Langley Centennial museum and national Exhibition Center. (no time)

3.6  selected items from The Archaeological Exhibit of the People’s Republic of China = 中華人民共和國出土文物選刊 no time

3.7  The Children’s Art Exhibition from Luda Municipality, Liaoning province People’s Republic of China / Department of Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific and the Chinese-Canadian Friendship Association of Victoria, Mar 26 to Apr 18, 1979

3.8  Children’s Art from the People’s Republic of China / the Canada-China Friendship Association, July 7-29, 1979

4.  Festival Activities

4.1  Friendship Festival (no time)

4.2  Asia Pacific Festival (no time)

4.3  Chinese Canadian Heritage Festival 80 = 加華文化節 / Chinese Canadian National Council for Equality, Council of Chinese Canadians in Ontario. Toronto. Sep, 1980

4.4  Report on the Chinese Festival / Chinese Student’s Association and International House at University of British Columbia. Oct 24—27, 1973

4.5  Chinese New Year Celebration at Britannia

4.6  國慶聯歡晚會節目表 / 臺灣大專院校旅加西校友聯誼會主辦 no time

4.7  60th Annual Appreciation Day / Native Song of British Columbia, June 17, 1981

4.8  Link: Joining our cultural communities in British Columbia / Cultural Heritage Office of the Advisor. (note: The Powell Street Festival: a year celebration of Japanese culture), Aug, 1984

4.9  Chinese Variety Show: the Year of the Rooster, Edmonton, Feb 14, 1969

4.10 Mid-Autumn Festival = 華人中秋節 / Thunderbird Neighborhood Center (no time)

4.11 Chinese Cultural Centre Spring Festival = 中華文化中心迎春慶會,1977

4.12 Dragon Boat Festival & Races’87, June 20& 21, 1987

4.13 The CSA Chinese Festival ’77

4.14 箏笛和鳴為公益﹕中秋慈善音樂會﹐October 6, 2001

4.15 Canada Day Celebration / The Chinese Benevolent Association and The Chinese Canada Community of Vancouver = 溫哥華中華會館聯合僑團暨各界熱烈慶祝加拿大建國134週年國慶.-- 華埠中華文化中心﹐July 1, 2001

4.16 Asia Pacific Festival 1987 Passport: June 20-July 1

4.17 Chinatown Spring Festival 2003 = 華埠新春慶典 / 中華會館, 中華文化中心, 華埠商會, 中僑互助會

4.18 Growing up Asian & Canadian: A forum featuring outstanding Asian and Native Canadians.---Discovery Theatre, June 25,1987

  5.  Miss Vancouver Chinatown Pageant

5.1  Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club Presents the 2nd Annual Miss Chinatown Lions Beauty Pageant and Chinese New Year Celebrations, 1978

5.2  5th Miss Vancouver Chinatown Pageant 1981 = 一九八一年第五屆溫哥華市華埠選美大會

5.3  7th Miss Vancouver Chinatown Pageant 1983 = 一九八三年第七屆溫哥華市華埠選美大會

5.4  8th Miss Vancouver Chinatown Pageant 1984 = 一九八四年第八屆溫哥華市華埠選美大會

6.  Music

6.1  紅樓夢﹕北京芭蕾舞劇團及吳足捷芭蕾舞學院, 1985

6.2  Chinese Music and Dance (no time)

6.3  Gob Ballet Academy Summer School, 1985

6.4  Ning Xia Art Troup, June 8—10 (no year)

6.5  Shannon Gunn: Sheraton Landmark Jazz Bar, June 26th-29th (no year)

6.6  Chinese-Canadian Theatre Workshop, Nov 3, 4, 10 (no year)

6.7  The Hong Kong Academy Soloists (no time)

6.8  Bamboo Brew: Asian American Music: San Francisco Style, 1979

6.9  Children’s Beijing Opera: Premieres in North America at Asia Pacific Festival, 1986

6.10 An Evening of Asian American Music: San Francisco Style (no time)

6.11 The Wash-house / Asian-Canadian Theatre presents: The Second Annual Vancouver Fringe Festival (no time)

6.12 故園情﹕溫哥華遠道合唱團中國合唱歌曲演唱會.  1985.11.2

6.13 洛陽橋畔姑嫂墳﹕溫哥華振聲藝術研究社義演.  1984.7.21

6.14 天津京劇團.  1981.11

6.15 白蛇傳﹕中國古典舞劇  1983

6.16 The touring office of the Canada Council presents music from China: Soloists from the Shanghai Conservatory.  May 27, 1984

6.17興王府﹕華僑之聲主辦第一屆話劇節興王府演出紀念特刊  1980

6.18 FOB: Fresh off the boat / Crossroads Theatre Proudly Presents. Nov 24 ~ Dec 11 (no year)

6.19國韻合唱團﹕歌劇 / 鵲橋的想象合唱曲  June 23,1990

6.20國韻合唱團:黃河大合唱  July 8, 1989

6.21 Asia Pacific Festival, 1987

6.22 Concert for Democracy in China = 民主歌聲獻中華:籌建民主女神像之夜. 女皇大戲院, Aug 4, 1989

6.23 2nd Annual Song Festival = 第二屆全卑詩省業餘歌唱比賽 no time

6.24華聲國韻:中國歌曲合唱音樂晚會 / 沙省雷城華聲合唱團,溫哥華國韻合唱團, July 6, 1991

6.25民主歌聲獻中華 1990:北美巡迴演唱會 / 演藝屆名人聯合義演. 場刊

6.26 Music in Our Lives / Sandra Davies (Other title: The Chinese People: Music, Instruments, Folklore = 中國人﹕音樂 器具 民族.—Western Education Development Group, Centre for Studies in Curriculum and Instruction, The University of British Columbia, 1982

6.27 96名伶名票耀光華 / 藝軒樂苑主辦﹐1996

6.28 溫哥華國韻合唱團東南亞巡迴演唱啟程預演音樂會.--- 溫哥華百老匯大教堂﹐Nov. 2, 2002

6.29 魔笛陸春齡與江南絲竹.----卑詩大學陳氏演藝中心, May 5, 2000

6.30 國韻: Vancouver Chinese Choir: June 27, 1987

7.  Physical Training

7.1  West Coast Can-Am Championships 1985

7.2  The Chinese Tennis Club 1940

7.3  陳紹華國術館龍形歷史

7.4  LA in running for ’84 Olympics //Vancouver Sun, Jun 16,1977

7.5  1st PAC Asian Invitational Basketball Tournament / NW PAC- Asian Athletic Association and Seattle Department of Parks & Recreation (no time)

7.6  International Volleyball People’s Republic of China VS. Canada: Canada and China National Teams in Peking, 1974

8.  Film

8.1  The Asian American Film Festival.--San Francisco, May 20-21

8.2  China Film Week = 中國電影.—Bay Theatre, Oct 7-13,1977

8.3  CSA Regular Events Schedule (no time)

8.4  中國電影片目錄 (no time)

8.5  List of 16mm Film (no time)

8.6  Chinese film festival a first in North America // Vancouver Sun, Oct 7, 1977 

9.   香港雛鳳鳴粵劇團美加巡迴盛大公演特輯 (no time)

10.  回顧Vancouver藝壇四十年 / 黃滔﹐Feb, 2000