
Chinese Women Immigration

               (All the materials collected by Tamara Adilman for the project---

                         The Effect of the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 on Chinese Women)

1.   Project Proposal

1.1    The Effect of the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 on Chinese Women: project proposal (no time, may be 1983)

1.2    Hand written notes about this project (no time, maybe 1983)

1.3    Women’s Studies: Student Evaluation for Lecture Courses.   Fall 1983

1.4    Description of the Study / Tamara Adilman (no time, maybe 1983)

1.5    Information for Interviewees / Tamara Adilman (no time, maybe 1983)

1.6    Oral History Questions (no time maybe 1983)

1.7    The Chinese in British Columbia: a select bibliography / Wai, H.  Oct, 1983

2.   microfilm copies about the research of Chinese women immigration from Provincial Archives of British Columbia

2.1    Status of Wives & Children of Treaty Aliens/ Canada Pacific Railway Company. Montreal (no time)

2.2    A letter from Department of immigration and Colonization. Ottawa  Nov 3,1925

2.3    Hand written letter  Apr 8, 1928 (2 stamps—nov.30,1928 & Dec 6, 1928)

2.4    A letter: memorandum  May 2, 1929

2.5    Copies: include a tables about Chinese and Japanese Immigrants Admitted to Canada (1924--1929)

2.6    Hand written letter  Sept 14,1930

2.7    Hand written letter Nov 5, 1930

2.8    Letter: Memorandum  Nov 8, 1932

2.9    A letter from Department of Mines and Resources Immigration Branch   Ottawa   Jan 13 1941

2.10  A letter from Sgd. Fred W. Taylor Controller of Chinese Immigration  Jan 16, 1939

2.11  Handwritten letter: Port Parry to Mrs. Start Collins  Feb 24, 1943

2.12  Chinese and B.C. // Victoria Times  Apr 16, 1943

2.13  Chinese Protest Exclusion Move // Victoria Times  Apr 16, 1943

2.14  Draft Treaty Between Canada & China  Apr 1, 1944

2.15  Reproduction of Submission from Allied Censorship / Department of National War Service  Jun 15, 1944

2.16  A letter from the Grolier Information Service   New York   Nov 6, 1949

2.17  Statement by P.M.: Concerning Canada’s Immigration Policy / House of Commons  May 1, 1947

2.18  Department of Mines and Resources Immigration Branch: Official Circular  No.59

2.19  An act to amend the Immigration Act and Appeal the Chinese Immigration Act //George VI  Chap.19  May 14, 1947

2.20  The Church of England in Canada, the Department of Christian Social Service Resolution: Re-Chinese residing in Canada   Sep 29, 1947

2.21  Chinese Immigration to Canada: Possible numbers as a result of the repeal of  the Chinese Immigration Act, and Prospects for Actual Arrivals    Dec 3, 1947

2.22  Chinese Population of Canada: Census 1941

2.23  Report of Chief Controller of Chinese Immigration for Fiscal year of 1946—1947

2.24  Committee for the Repeal of the Chinese Immigration Act.  Toronto, Nov 29, 1947

2.25  A letter to Dr. Armesteng, the Co-Chairman, Committee for the Repeal of the Chinese Immigration Act   Toronto, Nov 29, 1947

2.26  A letter from Committee for the Repeal of the Chinese Immigration Act   Dec 17, 1947

2.27  A letter from F. W. Taylor, District Superintendent    Jan 20, 1948

2.28  A letter from Committee for repeal of Chinese Immigration

2.29  Re: Chinese Immigration: Memorandum Submission to allow Chinese residents to bring wives & their children to Canada (no time)

2.30  A letter to Superintendent of Canadian Immigration (Hong Kong) from Department of Mines and Resources.   Ottawa, Jan 29, 1948

2.31  A letter from Dept of Immigration and Colonization: memorandum.  Ottawa.  Feb 7,1922

2.32  A letter from Dept of Immigration and Colonization: memorandum. Ottawa. Feb 20,1922

2.33  A letter to Hon. Chas, Steward: Memorandum. May 8, 1922

2.34  A letter from Department of Immigration and Colonization to A.L. Jolliffe, Controller of Chinese Immigration. Ottawa. May 11, 1922

2.35  A letter from S.N. Reid, Esq., Controller of Chinese Immigration. Victoria, May 11, 1922

2.36  A letter from Dr. Chilion Tzur, Consul-General of China, Dept of Immigration and Colonization. Ottawa, May 12, 1922

2.37  A letter from Dr. Chilion  Tzur, Consul-General of China, Ottawa, June 5, 1922

2.38  A letter from M. William, Baq., Vice-consul, Dept of Immigration and Colonization, Ottawa. Ottawa. Oct 16, 1922

2.39  5 letter between chief Controller, Department of Mines and Resources (Ottawa) and Controller of Chinese Immigration (Vancouver). Dec 22, 1942; Jan 6, 1943

2.40  A letter: Personal.  Mar 14, 1923

2.41  A letter from Dr. Chilion Tzur, Consul-General of China, Dept of Immigration and Colonization. Ottawa. Feb 19, 1923

2.42  A telegram from Dept of Immigration and Colonization. Ottawa. Feb 19, 1923

2.43  A letter from Toronto. July 12, 1895

3.   copy of the book—‘An analysis of the Significant Factors on the Patterns of Toronto Chinese Family Life as a Result of the Recent Changes in the Immigration Law which Permitted the Wives of Canadian Citizens to Enter Canada’

3.1      An analysis of the Significant Factors on the Patterns of Toronto Chinese Family Life as a Result of the Recent Changes in the Immigration Law which Permitted the Wives of Canadian Citizens to Enter Canada (note: difficult to read the author and time)

4.   copy of the book –‘Immigration of Orientals into Canada with special Reference to Chinese’

4.1    Immigration of Orientals into Canada with Special Reference to Chinese.P.119—186, P.206—227

5.   copies of relative potion of books

5.1    The road to Enfranchisement: Chinese and Japanese in British Columbia / Carolf, Lee// BC Studies  No. 30  Summer 76.—P.44—76

5.2    The Chinese Exclusion Law of 1923 // Oriental Immigration in Canada.—P.90—104

5.3    Living Conditions of the Orientals // Oriental Immigration in Canada.—P.197—198, P.205—206, P. 217—218, P.223—224, P. 259—262, P. 273—280

5.4    The Orientals in British Columbia // Canada and the Orient.—P.124—125

5.5    Japanese Immigration to Canada (1929--1940) // Canada and Orient

5.6    Chinese and Japanese Population of British Columbia Classified by Age Groups, 1931 // Canada and the Orient

5.7    Chinese Immigration Act, 1923 // Canada and the Otient

5.8    Canadian Chinatowns Demographic Structure // Candadian Ethnic Studies.—P.50—61

5.9    The Second Period of Chinese Restriction, 1904—1922 // Oriental Immigration in Canada.—P. 87—88

5.10  The demographic Structure of a Canadian Chinatown in the Mid-Twentieth Century / Chuen- Yan David Lai // Canada Ethic Studies, vol.VX, No. 2, 1979

5.11  The Budget—Mr. Neill // Commons. –P.1381—1382

5.12  Growing up Chinese in Old Vancouver / Sing Lim // Vancouver Sun. Dec 6, 1979 (note: a hand written copy)

6.   hand written materials about the research of  Chinese women immigration to Canada

6.1    hand written materials about the research of  Chinese women immigration to Canada 1983 / Tamava Adilma

7.   hand written notes about the Research of Chinese women immigration to Canada

7.1    Cards

7.2    Note book

8.   book list about Chinese women immigrants in Canada

8.1    book list about Chinese women immigrants in Canada/ Tamara Adilaman (note: a handwritten copy)

9.   Portion of Canadian Restrictive: Immigration Policy 1905

9.1    Oriental Immigration / Ruth Cameron // Canadian Restrictive, Immigration Policy 1905—1911, 1976.—P.141—162 (note: a part of MA thesis)

10.      Interview Sketch (1)

10.1 Interview between Mary Chan and Shirley Chan   Dec 23, 1977

11.      Interview Sketch (2)

11.1  Grace Lo  (Downtown Eastside Women’s Center): An Ordinary Life--Life History of Women in the Urban Core / Interviewer: Norma Jean McCallan  Summer 1979

11.2  Lee Ng (Downtown Eastside Women’s Center): An Ordinary Life--Life History of Women in the Urban Core / Interviewer: Helen Yeung  Summer 1979

11.3  Nellie Chu(Downtown Eastside Women’s Center): An Ordinary Life--Life History of Women in the Urban Core / Interviewer: Norma Jean McCallan  Summer 1979

12.      The Japanese Canadians

12.1  The Japanese Canadians / Charles H. Young; Helen R. Y. Reid.—Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1938

13.      Potions of  ‘A History of Overseas Chinese in Canada’

13.1  Gambling, Cantonese Opera and Chinese Prostitutes // A History Overseas Chinese in Canada.—P.91—93

13.2  Anti-Chinese Movement, Restrictions on Chinese Immigration and their Cancellation // A History of Overseas Chinese in Canada.—P.213-241

14.      Reports of Chinese Girls’ Rescue Home Reports of Oriental Home

14.1  Report of the Work of the Oriental Home  Feb 9, 1934

14.2  A report upon ‘The Home’ for rescued Chinese girls in Victoria, B.C.: The Origin / J. E. Starr     Sept 8, 18

14.3  87

14.4  Report of Chinese Girls’s Home // the India Work.—P.22—23

14.5  Report of the Advisory Committee of the Chinese Rescue Home, Victoria, B.C., 1896-97 // The Chinese work.—P.lxvii—lxix

14.6  Report of Chinese Girls’ Home, Victoria, B.C., 1897-97 // The Chinese Work.—P.lxxix

14.7  Report of Chinese Girls’ Home, Victoria, B.C.: for Year Ending August 31, 1899 // The Chinese Work.—P.lxxxvii—xcvii

14.8  Report of the Chinese Girls’ Home, Victoria, B.C., 1900-1901 // The Chinese Work.—P.vcv

14.9  Evangelistic and School Work: 1902—1903 // Chinese Work, British Columbia (no page numer)

14.10              Chinese Girls’ Rescue Home: 1930 // Work Among Chinese and Japanese in British Columbia.—P.lxxxv

14.11              Chinese Girls’ Rescue Home // Chinese Work, British Columbia.—P.lxxvi

14.12              Evangelistic Work in Victoria, B.C. // The Chinese Work in British Columbia.—P. lxxvii

14.13              Chinese Girls’ Home, Victoria: 1908—1909 // Chinese and Japanese Work in Victoria, B.C..—P.lxxvii

14.14              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, British Columbia // Oriental Work.—P. lxxxviii

14.15              Finacial Report of the Oriental Home and School: For Year Ending August 31, 1912.—P.lxxxix

14.16              Oriental Home and School, Victoria: 1912—1913 // Work among Orientals in British Columbia.—P.xcix

14.17              Kingdergarten and Evangelistic Work: 1912—1913 // Oriental Work in British Columbia (page number is not clear)

14.18              Oriental Home, Victoria, B.C.: 1913-1914 // Work Among Orientals in British Columbia.—P.xcvii

14.19              Kindergarten and Evangelistic Work, Victoria: 1913—1914 // Oriental Work in British Columbia.—P.xcix

14.20              Report of the Oriental Home and School, Victoria, for the Year Ending June 30, 1915 // Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia

14.21              Report of Kindergarten and Evangelistic Work, Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1914—1915 // Work Among Orientals in British Columbia.—P. xci—xciii

14.22              Oriental Home, Victoria, B.C.: 1915-1916 // Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P.cii--ciii

14.23              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1918—1919, 1919—1920 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. cviii

14.24              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1924—19250 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P.cliii—cliv

14.25              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1925—1926 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P.188—189

14.26              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1926—1927 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. 328—331

14.27              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1927—1928 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. 234-235

14.28              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1931—1932 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. 1931—1932

14.29              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1935—1936 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. 384—385

14.30              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1936—1937 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. 414—415

14.31              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1940—1941 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. 118—119

14.32              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1941—1942 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P. 114—115

14.33              Oriental Home and School, Victoria, B.C.: 1942—1943 //Work Among the Orientals in British Columbia.—P.122-123

15.      Census of Canada   1931, 1951, 1981

15.1  Table 20: Numerical distribution of the immigration population by birthplace, sex and year of arrival in Canada, for provinces, 1931—con.

15.2  Table 21: Per cent distribution of the immigrant population by birthplace, sex, and year of arrival in Canada, for provinces, 1931—con.

15.3  Table 23: Immigrant population classified by birthplace, sex and year of arrival in Canada, for cities of 30,000 and over, 1931—con.

15.4  Table 54: Immigrant population by birthplace, period of immigration and sex, for provinces and territories, 1951—con.

15.5  Table 55: Immigrant population by birthplace, period of immigration and sex, for cities of 30,000 and over, 1951—con.

15.6  Table 1.2 Sex and age structure of the population; table 2.4 Elderly people in private households: by sex, age, and type of household, 1980-1981; table 2.13 Median age at marriage: by previous marital status; table 1.4 population changes and projections; char 1.7 Population changes and projections; table 7.1 Expectation of life: from birth and from specific ages; table 3.1 Trends in Population by Age Group

16.      Portions of history books

16.1  Chinese Rescue Home at Victoria, B.C. / H.C. Platt // The Story of the years: 1881—1906.—P.105—118

16.2  Missions in British Columbia / Ward, N.C. // Social System, 1925.—P.66-99

16.3  Living Condition of the Orientals: Economic Life, 1924 // Orientals in Trade.—P.196

17.      Slices of rescue home material

17.1  Some of the girls of the Oriental Home, Victoria, B.C.: May, 1900—New Year 1909

17.2  Rescue Home Doing a Remarkable Work: Local Institution’s Efforts Require Larger Premises – to Erect New Building

18.      A divorce agreement in 1928

18.1  A divorce agreement in 1928

19.      Chinese Rescue Home Record

19.1  Record Book & Register: 1886—1940 (note: Record about the Chinese Rescue Home, include: name, age, admitted)

20.      Articles from newspaper

20.1  Death Often Followed Where Moon Maidens Led: The Kidnapped Women Pleaded for Mercy… But the Hatchetman Was Unrelenting // Daily Colonist.  Apr 6, 1958

20.2  Abducted and Murdered: Tue Guay is stolen from her husband, taken to a lonely island, murdered and sunk in the sea // Daily Colonist.  Apr 5, 1887 (note: two articles talked one thing that a Chinese woman was murdered in 1887, the last one is from a letter)

20.3  In a Vancouver Chinese Home: How the Wives of Oriental Citizens Spend Their Time // Province. Feb 5, 1910

20.4  Number Two Wife / Rene Norcross // Macleans.  May 15, 1933

20.5  Mother-in-law Trouble Not Known in Chinese Families // Province. Feb 9, 1936

20.6  Beautiful Merchandise: Prostitution in China, 1860—1936 / Sue Gronewold // Issue #1 of Women in History.—Co-published by the Institute for Research in History and the Haworth Press, 1982

20.7  Hand written digests from Chinese Times.  Jan. 22, 1915—Apr 28, 1919

20.8  4 articles about Chinese woman flier –Yaching Lee // Vancouver Sun  Sept 5, 1939; Dec, 1939, Province Dec 5, 1939

21.      Portions of ‘Chinese Immigration’

21.1     Chinese Immigration.—P.2312—2337   Apr 30, 1923

21.2          Chinese Immigration.—P.2481—2489 May 4, 1923

21.3          Chinese Immigration (page and time are not sure)

21.4          An act respecting and restricting Chinese Immigration // Chinese Immigration. Chap. 95.—P.1735—17421906

21.5          An act to amend the Chinese Immigration Act: Assented to 20th July 1908 // Chinese Immigration. Chap. 14.—P.191—193

21.6          An act to amend the Chinese Immigration Act: Assented to 4th June 1921 // Chinese Immigration. Chap. 21.—P.79—80

21.7          An act to amend the Chinese Immigration Act: Assented to 25th July 1917 // Chinese Immigration Act.—P. 71—72

22.      Portion of Sedgewick

22.1  Sedgewick.—P.127—224 (note: a lot of tables about earlier Chinese Canadian People)

23.      Report on Oriental Activities within the Province

23.1   Report on Oriental Activities within the Province / Legislative Assembly, 1927

24.      In Re Wong Shee

24.1  In Re Wong Shee / Hunter, C.J.B.C., May 20, 1921 // British Columbia Reports (note: It is a case about a Chinese woman who come from U.S. was judged to be sent to China)

24.2  In Re Immigration Act and Wong Shee / Court of Appeal.  Apr 11, 1922 (note: It was appealed by the Crown from the decision of Hunter, C.J.B.C.)

25.      Statistics of Trade and Industries

25.1  Statistics of Trade and Industries // Report of the Deputy Minster, 1927

26.      Material about the Chinese Slaves Girls

26.1  A letter to Customs to claim someone would bring the girls to Canada.  Jan 2, 1908

26.2  A hand written letter about a slave girl from China.  Sept 5, 1916

27.       4 materials about earlier Chinese Canadian Women

27.1  A Story about a Chinese mother / Virginia Wong, Victoria (no time)

27.2  A letter in Jan 11, 1923

27.3  3 hand written related materials (no title, no name, and no time)

28.      A Preliminary Sketch of Chinese Women and Work in British Columbia 1860—1950

28.1  A Preliminary Sketch of Chinese Women and Work in British Columbia 1860—1950: the Reality of Short Supply and High Demand / Tamara Adilman. Apr, 1984