印 刷 文 獻

Conference and Meeting


1.  The National Meeting of CCNC

1.1   Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Chinese Canadian National Council 1983

1.2   Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Chinese Canadian National Council 1984

1.3   Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Chinese Canadian National Council 1985

1.4   Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Chinese Canadian National Council 1986

1.5   Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Chinese Canadian National Council 1980

1.6   Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Chinese Canadian National Council 1982

2.  Proceedings Asian Canadian Symposium V

2.1  Asian Canadians Regional Perspectives: Selections from the Proceedings Asian Canadian Symposium V.  May 23 to 26, 1981

3.  Asian Film Workshop Newsletter

3.1   First Meeting of the Asian Film Workshop. Mar. 6, 1980 // Asian Film Workshop Newsletter

4.  Other conference and meeting (1)

4.1  人頭稅公開座談會 Oct.11 (no year)

4.2  加拿大華人商業發展會 1989 ~ 1990

4.3  公園局及市議會候選人公聽會 Dec. 29 (no year)

4.4  移民與土生存在的隔膜 = “Between US - Chinese”:A Chinese-Canadian Youth Conference. Feb. 21, 1976

5.  Other conference and meeting (2)

5.1   1980 National Conference on Chinese American Studies

5.2    Chinese Canadian Youth Conference’75

5.3    National Meeting of ad Hoc Committees of Chinese Canadians Against w-5, Apr.18-20, 1980

5.4    1st Annual Banana Conference. July 16 (no year)

6.  Proceeding of the Fourth Regional Communication Conference

6.1  Proceeding of the Fourth Regional Communication Conference / hosted by Vocations for Social Change.—Cascadian Regional Library, May 28-31, 1976

7.  British Columbia Chinese Canadian Youth Conference

7.1   Report on the British Columbia Chinese Canadian Youth Conference / UBC, May 16 ~ 18, 1975

8.  Policy Meeting

8.1   Team Housing Policy 1976: Policy paper approved at Policy Meeting, May 5, 1976

8.2   Team Civic Justice Policy 1976: Policy paper approved at Policy Meeting, Jun 16, 1976

8.3   Team Education Policy 1976: Policy paper approved at Policy Meeting, Jun 16, 1976

9.  Vancouver City Council: Committee & Public Meeting

9.1   Vancouver City Council: Committee & Public Meeting 1977—1980