印 刷 文 獻

Construction and Urban Plans

1.  Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden = 中山公園

1.1     Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden: Unique in North America, Your City…Your Garden, Becoming a Member of the Gardens = 中山公園: 北美唯一的, 你的城市你的公園,請參加爲公園的會員 (1983)

1.2     Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden: in the Heart of Vancouver’s Chinatown, the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden is Beginning to Take Form = 中山公園: 在雲高華華埠的中心,中山公園的工程正在進展著 (no time)

1.3     Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park: A Classical Chinese Garden = 中山公園 / 中山公園委員會 (no time)

1.4     Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden Newsletter, Winter 1990/1991

1.5     Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden = 中山公園﹕Refreshment for the heart = 心曠神怡

1.6     Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden NewsletterWinter 1990/1991

2.  Chinatown

2.1   Chinatown Community Residence Proposed Development: Birmingham & Wood Architects & Planners / Chinese Freemasons, July 1970

2.2   Chinatown Planning Newsletter = 雲高華華埠計劃報道!.—the City Planning Department, Nov 1976

2.3   For Lease: Golden Gate Centre 629-645 Main Street.-- Vancouver: Commercial Real Estate Services (no time)

2.4   Chinatown: A Walking Tour Through History / The City of Vancouver Planning Department and the Vancouver Museum (no time)

2.5   Chinatown Streetscape Improvements, Jan 1977

2.6   Chinese Cultural Centre = 中華文化中心(籌建計劃)(no time)

2.7   籌建華僑福利協會大廈全圖內設華僑學校(no time)

2.8   ‘Winning Design Selected’: Local Architects Win Competition.—Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Mar 1978

2.9   Chinatown Vancouver B.C.: Design Proposal for Improvement.—Vancouver: City Planning Department, Feb 1964

2.10 False Creek Park Plan = 假溪建新公園 // Mirror, Aug 1977

2.11 New Group Plans Chinatown Centre (no time)

2.12 Chinatown Streetscape Improvement Project = 華埠街市改善 / City Planning Department, Feb 1977

2.13 Chinatown History Area Planning Committee = 溫哥華華埠歷史計劃委員會:Minutes of the Twenty-Fourth Regular Meeting of the CHAC, Oct 19, 1977

2.14 Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee, Nov 1977

2.15 A Partial History of the Site Bounded by Pender, Keefer, Dunlevy & Jackson, May 1968

2.16 Chinatown Redevelopment Project = 華埠重建計劃 / Winnipeg Chinatown Development Corp.( 溫城華埠發展協會) , 1981

2.17 Historic Chinatown: So much to see = 溫哥華華埠

3.  Strathcona = 士達孔拿區

3.1  士達孔拿區歷史簡介,1977

3.2  Strathcona: a Walking Tour Though History / The City of Vancouver Planning Department, The Vancouver Museum (no time)

3.3  業主與主客:修訂法案 / 劉成佑摘譯,卑詩省議會在一九七0年四月三日通過.—士達孔拿區業主與主客協會印發(no time)

3.4  Strathcona Rehabilitation Program: Existing Development (no time)

3.5  士達孔拿社區中心會議,Aug 17, 1977

3.6  An Overview of the Strathoona Experience with Urban Renewal / Shirley Y. Chan.—“Action Research” Secretary of State Department, Mar 31, 1971

3.7  A Brief Summary of Strathcona and Urban Renewal: Background notes for Workshop #3, Chinese Community-Chinatown (no time)

3.8  Strathcona Local Area Traffic Plan = 士達孔拿地區交通計劃 / Strathcona Local Area Traffic Plan / Strathcona Citizens’ Planning Committee and The City Engineering Department Vancouver, B.C.

3.9  Strathcona Planning Initiatives = 士達孔拿計劃行動 / T.H. Fletcher, June 1992

3.10 Strathcona / Kiwassa RT-3 Guidelines Adopted by City Council = 士達孔拿/奇華沙RT-3指引市參事會通過,May 15, 1992

3.11 The Strathcona Rehabilitation Project Documentation and Analysis / Larr I. Bell.—Social Policy and Research United Way of Greater Vancouver, December, 1975

3.12 新春聯歡暨第二期房屋落成典禮, Feb 14, 1976

3.13 士達孔拿區業主住客協會一九七七年首次公眾大會議程, July 10, 1977

3.14 Two letters about Strathcona Property Owners and Tenants Association

3.15 Five SPOTA Newsletter

4.  Urban Plans

4.1   Quarterly Review: a look at current trends and their implications for Vancouver.—Vancouver: the City Planning Department, July 1975

4.2   Downtown Eastside Recreation Project / the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation—September Schedule (no time)

4.3   Restoration Report: A Case for Renewed Life in the Old City (no time)

4.4   Inside Hastings Sunrise / Hastings Sunrise Action Council (no time)

4.5   Grandview Woodland: an information handbook, Spring of 1976

4.6   British Columbia Place: a bold, imaginative plan for downtown British Columbia, 1981

4.7   Eastside Group Faced Fund Cutoff // The Chinese Vancouver Sun, Jan 24, 1976

4.8   Gastown Renovations Completed (no time)

4.9   C.O.P.E.—Vote Yes for Five Year Plan (no time)

4.10 英屬哥倫比亞中心居民大會:請你參加出席參加你所在社區之居民大會以討論英屬哥倫比亞中心計劃 (no time)

4.11 Freeway Planning and Protests in Vancouver 1954-1972 / Ken Mackenzie B.A..—Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of master in the Department of History Simon Fraser University (no time)

4.12 Parks and Recreation Annual Report, 1888-1976, Vancouver, Canada

4.13 Vancouver City Plan = 城市計劃﹕溫哥華的昨天、今天、明天 / Selected City Plan Tool Kit Papers in Chinese (no time)

4.14 Downtown Eastside Community Monitoring Report: Includes Chinatown, Gastown, Strathcona, and Victory Square / City of Vancouver, Spring, 1997

4.15 “溫哥華的絲綢之路開放日: June 28, 2000

 5.  Housing Project

5.1   Royal City Legion Housing Society, Feb 1978

5.2   Senior Citizen’s Housing Projects in Greater Vancouver (no time)

5.3   Senior Citizens Application Form: Central Housing Registry / B.C. Housing Foundation, 1976

5.4   British Columbia Housing Management Commission: Development for Senior Citizens (no time)

5.5   Affordable Housing (no time)

5.6   Low Cost Housing Alternatives: Co-op Housing Union Street = 廉屋任君選擇:合作建屋計劃之一,於仁街樓宇 // Mirror, July 1977

5.7   Condensation = 漏!漏!//  Mirror, July 1977

5.8   Y.M.C.A. Housing Registry: Landlords… Tenants… (no time)

5.9   Application for Rental Accommodation / British Columbia Housing Management Commission (no time)

5.10 Home Security: working together to prevent crime / The Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada, 1978

5.11 Development for Families (no time)

5.12 Helping to house families, senior citizens and disabled persons / British Columbia Housing Management Commission (no time)

5.13 業主與住客須知

5.14 Information Circular—Leasuhold Mortgage: Leasehold & Conversion Mortgage Loan Act, Aug 1975

5.15 A Guide to Landlord-Tenant Relationships under the Residential Tenancy Act of British Columbia / Office of the Rentalsman Province of British Columbia (no time)

5.16 RT-3 District Schedule: City of Vancouver Zoning and Development By-Law, June 1992

5.17 住宅整修援助計劃 / CMHC (no time)

5.18 Listing of Potential Heritage Buildings.— Prepared for the City of Vancouver Commonwealth Historic Resource Management Ltd. and the Eikos Group Inc. with Funding from the B.C. Heritage Trust and the City of Vancouver, March 1985

5.19 Vancouver Heritage Resource Inventory: Phase I: Technical Report.—Prepared for the City of Vancouver Commonwealth Historic Resource Management Ltd. And the Eikos Group Inc. with Funding from the B.C. Heritage Trust and the City of Vancouver, March 1985

5.20 Vancouver Heritage Resource Inventory, March, 1995