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1.  An Investigation Into Organized Crime in Canada: Part one. Jun. 12 (no year)

1.1        Definition

1.2        The Montreal-New York Connection

1.3        The October Crisis Connection

1.4        The Loan shark Connection

1.5        The Toronto-Buffalo Connection

1.6        Portrait of a Mobster

1.7        The Union Connection

1.8        The Chemical Drug Connection

1.9        The Family Connection

2.  An Investigation Into Organized Crime in Canada: Part one. Jun. 13 (no year)

2.1   The Financial Connection

2.2   The French Connection

2.3   The French Canadian Connection

2.4   The Political Connections

2.5   Some Other Connections

2.6   The Hong Kong Connection

2.7   The Police Connection

3.  Asian gangs deal in extortion, murder, narcotics

3.1 Asian gangs deal in extortion, murder, narcotics: Bold new immigrants are nationwide problem / Kathy McCarthy Associated Press // The Seattle Times. Dec. 25, 1983

4.  Alcohol / Drug Education

4.1   Alcohol / Drug Education Needs Assessment: Four B.C. Ethnic Communities / Alcohol Drug Education Service, Jun.1, 1989.—This Project Funded by: Alcohol Drug Programs

4.2   Summary Report Alcohol / Drug Education Needs Assessment: Four B.C. Ethnic Communities / Alcohol Drug Education Service, Jun.1, 1989.—This Project Funded by: Alcohol Drug Programs

5.  防止罪案手冊

5.1  Chinese Crime Prevention Handbook = 防止罪案手冊 / 溫哥華警察局﹐華僑之聲基金會.—Multiculturalism and Citizenship, Canada