印 刷 文 獻


1.  Art Lee

1.1  A Report to the People of Vancouver East.—House of Commons, Nov 1976

1.2  The Lee Report / Art Lee MP, Mar 1978

1.3  The Lee Report / Art Lee MP, Apr 1978

1.4  A Report to the People of Vancouver East / Art Lee MP.—House of Commons (no time)

1.5  The Lee Report / Art Lee MP, July 1977

1.6  A Report to the People of Vancouver East / Art Lee MP (no time)

1.7  Art Lee Announces Allocations Under Phase II: Canada Works Program 1977/78.—House of Commons

1.8  Art Lee Announces 1978 Young Canada Works Program Allocations.—House of Commons

1.9  The Lee Report / Art Lee MP, Apr 1976

2.  Volrich for Vancouver

2.1   Volrich for Vancouver Team ’76: on Nov 17 elect a Mayor who cares about his city…and his fellow citizens

2.2   Mike Harcourt’s Mayoralty Nomination Speech Team Nomination Convention—September 17, 1976

2.3   The Team Record: People top Priority of TEAM candidates, Oct 1976

3.  Material about election in newspaper

3.1 Canada’s Chinese Election: two Members to be chosen for China Parliament // Vancouver Sun, Feb 9, 1936

4.  COPE: Committee of Progressive Electors,

4.1   Weekly Commentary by President of COPE Committee of Progressive Electors, COPE,

Oct 10, Oct 23, Oct 30, Nov 6, Nov 20, Nov 27, Dec 11, Dec 22, 1978

4.2   Weekly Commentary by President of COPE Committee of Progressive Electors, COPE,

Jan 8, Feb 19, Apr 2, Jun 11, Jul 16, Jul 30, Aug 27, Sept 4, Sept 10, Oct 1, Oct 9, Oct 15, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 17, 1979

4.3   Weekly Commentary by President of COPE Committee of Progressive Electors, COPE,

Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28, Feb 18, Feb 25, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, 1980

4.4   1976 C.O.P.E. Parks Board Election Platform

4.5   Committee of Progressive Electors (C.O.P.E.): School Board Platform (Working Draft), May 1978

4.6   Committee of Progressive Electors: School Board “Education Platform” (no time)

4.7   Forward with COPE: Vote Yorke for Mayor (no time)

4.8   COPE: Committee of Progressive Electors, Jan 23, 1980

4.9   Vote for COPE = 十一月十七日市選請投進步選民委員會一票 (no year)

4.10 Yorke get COPE nod for mayor // Vancouver Sun, Oct 2, 1978

5.  Dear Vancouver Civic Election Candidates and Parties

5.1   Dear Vancouver Civic Election Candidates and Parties: Answers to Questionaire Concerning Vancouver Civic Election, 1976

6.     華人支援新民主黨競選專號

6.1 關慧貞與溫哥華快樂山選區新民主黨籌款委員會 (籌款晚會信函) July, 2000

7.     Don Lee 李松

7.1  Vancouver Gateway to Asia Pacific = 溫哥華--亞太之大門 / 李松 (關於中加經貿交流﹐代表團來訪等報摘資料匯編﹐內容涵蓋1997-2002)

7.2   市政民生 第二集﹕市議員的心聲 / 李松 (李松的政論之報摘匯編﹐內容涵蓋時間為20002002)