印 刷 文 獻

Ethnic Relations

1.  Ethnic Relations in Vancouver

1.1     Ethnic Conflict In Vancouver / R.A.H. Robson, Brad Breems. B.C. Civil Liberties Association, 1985

1.2     At First a Dream: one hundred years of race relations in Vancouver (no time)

1.3    Towards a Policy…: Race and Ethnic Relations in the Education System / Ontario Ministry of Labour, 1982

2.  Surrey of Downtown Latin American Street Population

2.1  Surrey of Downtown Latin American Street Population / ITA Simone Margalit, Sep 1991

3.  Racial Discrimination: Asian Immigrants in B.C.

3.1  Racial Discrimination: Asian Immigrants in B.C. / Rick Craig.—Legal Services Society of British Columbia,1982

4.  Race Relations and the Chinese Canadian Community

4.1  Race Relations and the Chinese Canadian Community: Some Approaches.— Suggestions on Organizing Seminars and Proceedings of Race Relations Seminars. Toronto, 1988

5.  Material about Racism

5.1   Racism in B.C. / British Columbia Teachers’ Federation, Mar 1, 1977

5.2   Racism in B.C.: A Slide/Tape Presentation by BCTF Task Force on Racism / British Columbia Teachers’ Federation, Mar 2, 1977

5.3   International Committee Against Racism = 國際反種族歧視聯會:加入“反新移民法案”的鬥爭 (no time)

5.4   Racial Minority Survey, Apr 18, 1977

5.5   Program for Meeting on “Racism and the Schools” / Dr. Pauline Weinstein (UBC), May 24, 1977

5.6   A C.O.P.E. Position Paper on Racism and the School / C.O.P.E., Apr 28, 1977

5.7   Our history of ethnic prejudice / Angus Gunn // Province, Nov 18,1975

5.8   Notes on the Fraser Valley (no time)

5.9   Racism VS. Social Credit: Report from the Legislature, Apr 30, 1981

5.10   Island of Shadows: D’Arcy Island Leper Colony: 1891-1924

6.  Ethnic Relations Material from Newspaper

6.1  Our history of ethnic prejudice / Angus Gunn // Province, Nov 18,1975

6.2  華籍留學生被毆 // 明報,Jan 15, 1977

6.3  Canada, in Their Eyes // Weekend Magazine, Sept 11,1976

6.4  Canadians not always tolerant people, SFU president tells inter-faith group // Vancouver Sun, Mar 9, 1976

6.5  Overtones of racism // Vancouver Sun, Oct 18, 1976

6.6  Chinese busted—now they’re equal // Vancouver Sun (no time)

6.7  Curbs on ethnic fetes seen after Greek Day incidents // Vancouver Sun, Sept 10, 1977

6.8  Indian immigrants advised to keep old ways with new // Vancouver Sun, Oct 3, 1977

6.9  East and West mingle to the tinkle of bells // Vancouver Sun, Jun 7, 1977

6.10 ‘Stay white’ view is cruel and conceited // Vancouver Sun, Sept 2, 1976

6.11 Sealed in ghetto / Alan Morley (a retired Vancouver Sun writer) (no time)