印 刷 文 獻


1.  燒臘風波 = B.B.Q. Battle

1.1  B.B.Q. Battle is On = 燒臘風波 // Mirror, Feb 27, 1978

1.2  Chinese Merchants Dig in for fight with health officer // The Vancouver Sun, Aug 28, 1975

2.  西瑪賀指控事件

2.1 多倫多太陽報向文化中心道歉承認西瑪賀指控毫無根據:新聞稿(no time

2.2  An apology // Sunday Sun, Feb 19,1978

3.  全加華裔對抗W-5

3.1   National Meeting of AD HOC Committees of Chinese Canadians Against W-5 = 全加華裔對抗w-5行動委員會,Apr 18, 1980

3.2   W-5: Parody (note: a handwritten script)

3.3   Statement by w5 on March 16, 1980

3.4   Joint Statement by CTV and AD HOC Committee of the Council of Chinese Canadians in Ontario Against W5, Apr 16, 1980

3.5   Position Paper of the AD HOC Committee of CCCO Against W5 Programme, Sept 30, 1979

3.6   Transcript W-5: aired Sept 30 (no year)

3.7   抗議CTV-W5校園大平賣和平遊行大會特輯 // 北美日報,Jan 26, 1980

3.8   1, 500 march to protest CTV program //北美日報,Jan 26, 1980

3.9   全加華裔對抗W-5行動委員會籌劃大會宴會,Apr 26, 1980

3.10 “Point to Point”: rebuttal of the September 30 segment of W-5

3.11 The Foreign Threat that Never Was: W-5 and the Media Racism / Cheuk Kwan

3.12 A Statement Issued Today, Apr 16, 1980 / Murray H. Chercover (President and Managing Director of CTV Television Network Ltd.)

3.13 W5 Apologises…: Excerpt of the Statement issued by Murray Chercover, President and Managing Director of CTV Television Network Ltd. On Apr 16, 1980

4.  Head Tax Record for C.I.5

4.1  Head Tax Record for C.I.5 (note: all the earlier Chinese Canadian records for refunding the head tax from the government)

5.  “Head Tax” in Chinese Newspaper

5.1  數百華人爭相登記急欲追回人頭稅 // 星島日報,Mar 5, 1984

5.2  聯邦司法部長麥佳根建議退還早期中國移民人頭稅,全加華人協進會表示熱烈支援 // 星島日報,Mar 3, 1984

5.3  溫哥華市數百華人爭相登記盼渥京賠償人頭稅 // 星島日報,Mar 7, 1984

5.4  新民主黨國會議員競選宴會米曹夫人稱對人頭稅允討公道 // Chinese Time, May 9, 1984

5.5  當年向華人徵收人頭稅,政府道義上應給予賠償 // 大漢公報,Mar 31, 1984

5.6  要求補回人頭稅 // 多倫多商報,Feb 25, 1964

5.7  人頭稅與移民淚 // 新民國報,Feb 7, 1984

5.8  雲一名華商移民要求討回當年繳付人頭稅 // 大漢公報,Feb 7, 1984

5.9  對華人移民繳納人頭稅,政府道義上應賠償道歉 // 世界日報,Apr 11, 1984

5.10 堅盛頓華人耆英會將成立中樂粵語組 // 新民國報,Apr 2, 1984

5.11 溫哥華一名老華人要渥京償還人頭稅,Jul 2, 1984

6.  “Head Tax” in English Material

6.1   Immigration: Head Tax Imposed on Chinese Immigration // House of Commons, Feb 24, 1984

6.2   A debt to repay // Vancouver Sun (no time)

6.3   “Head Tax” refund asked // Province, Feb 7, 1984

6.4   Chinese Canadian Wants Ottawa to Repay Head Tax—with Interest // Toronto (no time)

6.5   No title article about head tax // Chinese Canadian National Council, Mar 26, 1984

6.6   Man wants 1919 tax on Chinese repaid // Toronto Star, Feb 6, 1984

6.7   Head Tax Issue // Chinese Canadian National Council, Mar 26, 1984

6.8   Aging Vancouver man seeks head-tax rebate // The Globe and Mail, Feb 6, 1984

6.9   CBA supports head tax fight // Globe & Mail, May 10, 1984

6.10 Head tax policy will be debated // Globe & Mail, May 8, 1984

6.11 No title article about head tax // Vancouver Sun, Feb 10, 1984

6.12 Chinese Deserve Apology // East Ender, Feb 9, 1984

6.13 NDP and Tories Condemn Chinese Head Tax (no time)

6.14 Head Tax Fight Continues // The Vancouver Courier, May 16, 1984

6.15 Immigration—Head Tax Imposed on Chinese Immigrants // House of Commons Debates, Mar 13, 1984

6.16 No title article about government attitude (no time)

6.17 Letters of House of Commons, May 6, 1984

6.18 Head tax among relics of the Chinese community’s past // Province, Dec. 30, 1976

7.  Nine letters about “Head Tax” of CCNC