印 刷 文 獻

History Literature

1.  Our Chose Land 也是故鄉

1.1     Our Chose Land 也是故鄉: 加拿大華人史 / Daisy Chang, Helen, Cheung, Randy Wong, 1984

2.  士達孔拿區的故事

2.1  The Strathcona Story =士達孔拿區的故事 / 韋業慶,Jun 1, 1976

3.  Winnipeg Chinatown

3.1   Winnipeg Chinatown: A Proposal by the Winnipeg Chinese Development Corporation Ltd (no time)

4.  Chinese Canadian History = 金山

4.1  Chinese Canadian History = 金山 / Joyce Gee (Resource Developer of Chinese Interpreter & Information Services).—This Project is financially assisted by Wintario Program of Ministry of Culture and Recreation, Ontario, 1982

5.  Chinese Canadian Family =

5.1  Chinese Canadian Family = / Joyce Gee (Resource Developer of Chinese Interpreter & Information Services).— This Project is financially assisted by Wintario Program of Ministry of Culture and Recreation, Ontario, 1982

6.  Opening Doors: Vancouver’s East End

6.1   Opening Doors: Vancouver’s East End // Sound Heritage Vol. VIII, No.1 & 2.—Published Quarterly by the Aural History Program, 1979

7.  Gum San Gold Mountain

7.1  Gum San Gold Mountain = 金山:Images of Gold Mountain 1886-1947 = 照片展覽,March 30 to June16, 1985, Vancouver Art Gallery 溫哥華美術館

8.  East Meets West

8.1   East Meets West: A source book for the study of Chinese immigrants and their descendants in Canada.—Canadian Culture Series – Number 5.—Vancouver: Tantalus Research Limited

9.  Manitoba Chinese Directory

9.1  Manitoba Chinese Directory = 緬省華人通鑒 / Manitoba Chinese Fellowship, 1977

10.  An Overview of the Strathoona Experience with Urban Renewal by a Participant

10.1 An Overview of the Strathoona Experience with Urban Renewal by a Participant / Shirley Y. Chan, Mar, 1971.—“Action Research” Secretary of State Department, Vancouver, B.C.

11.         The Chinese of America 1785-1980

11.1 The Chinese of America 1785-1980 : An illustrated history and catalog of the exhibition = 甘苦滄桑兩百年﹕美國華人歷史文物展覽 / Him Mark Lai, Joe Huang, Don Wong.—San Francisco: Chinese Culture Foundation, 1980

12.    I AM YELLOW (curious)

12.1 I AM YELLOW (curious): Selected Term Projects / Dave Mar.—Asian American Research Project.—University of California, 1969

13.    Emerging

13.1 Emerging: A Collection of Writings by the Berkeley High School, Asian Student Union.—Asian Writer’s Project, California: Berkeley Unified School District, June 1976

14.    HomeGrown

14.1 HomeGrown: Asian American Experiences from the Pacific Northwest / Collected by the Asian Students Association, UW Seattle, 1980

15.    An Illustrated History of the Chinese in America

15.1 An Illustrated History of the Chinese in America / Ruthanne Lum Mccunn.—San Francisco: Design Enterprises of San Francisco, 1979

16.    An Illustrated History of the Chinese in America

16.1 Outlines History of the Chinese in America / H. Mark Lai; Philip P. Choy.—Chinese-American Studies Planning Group, San Francisco Chinatown, 1973

17.    Inalienable Rice

17.1 Inalienable Rice: A Chinese & Japanese Canadian Anthology.—Vancouver: Powell Street Revue and the Chinese Canadian Writers Workshop, 1979

18.    溫城文選

18.1 溫城文選 / 陳愛光.-- 溫哥華﹕新民國報社﹐1976