印 刷 文 獻

History Material

1.  History Material (1)

1.1    Chinatown Map & Historical Guide: A New York Chinatown History Project Production.—Center for Community Studies, Inc, 1988

1.2    The Chinese in British Columbia’s Salmon Canning Industry / Paul Yee (no time)

1.3    Early Casualties: How to lose out to the history books: The Chinese in B.C., July 14-20, 1975

1.4    A Brief Chronology of Asians in America / Asian & Pacific American Federal Employee Council, Washington, D.C. (no time)

1.5    Reservations about China: I had thought that the hatred of the female wad no deeper than politics, economics, tradition… / Maxine Hong Kingston, Oct, 1978

1.6    “The beardless children of China” (no time)

1.7    The Chinese Times (no time)

1.8    Our Family / Quan Lim (freelance journalist from Hong Kong) (no time)

1.9    History of The Chinese Freemasons / Quan Lim (no time)

1.10  10,000 Years Calculated on Chinese Perpetual Calendar / Ernest Walter // The Vancouver Province, Vancouver, British Columbia

2.  History Material (2)

2.1   Asian American Studies, May, 1975

2.2   唐人街見聞 // Mirror, Dec 1, 1977

2.3   感恩節利甘招待耆英 // Mirror, Sept 29, 1977

2.4   Ray Cam Co-op = 利甘合作社改選 // Mirror, Oct 27, 1977

2.5   加拿大華僑滄桑史 / 林嶽?// 華僑天地,第二期 no time

2.6   勿忘華人築路功臣 // East West, 1976

2.7   The Chinese in B.C. / Rodger Touchie // West World, Jan-Feb, 1975

2.8   The Long Trek to the Gold Mountains: The Chinese Businessman in B.C. // B.C. Business, Dec, 1976, Vol. 4, No.12

2.9   Chinese in Canada: An Inassimilable People / Eugene JP // U. Vic. CSA Annual, 1975—1976

2.10 History of Chinese in Canada // Vancouver Chinese Directory.—P.9~13

2.11 So non-whites didn’t help build nation?: Chinese work gang on the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1881-84, Feb 5, 1977

2.12 Chinese Faced Rough Times (no time)

2.13 Racism: Chinese Workers // Gun San Po, Vol.2, No.1, Feb-Mar (no year)

2.14 History 135: Nativism (It is not advantageous to the country that the Chinese should come and settle in Canada, producing a mongrel race)

2.15 The History and Life of a Canadian Minority Group: The Chinese Canadians.: for Soci 361 / Chan, Chi-tung

2.16 Post-War Conditions in the Chinese Community / Gloria Soon, Jun 11, 1977

2.17 Chinese-Canadian Participation in W.W.II

2.18 The Asian American Experience: History of Chinese Laundry Workers; Internment of Japanese Americans during WW II; Interviews with Chris Choy, David Chen // TWC Bulletin, Issue no.4, December 1983

2.19 New York Chinatown History Project: 佈告版/紐約華埠歷史研究社, Summer 84

2.20 New York Chinatown History Project: 佈告版/紐約華埠歷史研究社, Summer 85

2.21 The Chinese Minority in Canada, 1858-1992: A Quest For Equality / Peter S. Li // Chinese Canadians Voices From a Community.---P. 264—273

2.22 Exploring a past long locked in myth and mystery/ J. Tevere MacFadyen (no time)

2.23 Lord Lansdowne was so angered by discrimination against the Chinese that he cried out: ‘Confound those British Columbians!’//The Vancouver Sun, Agu. 29, 1974

2.24 Chinatowns in British Columbia // Towns within Cities in Canadian / David C. Lai.—UBC Press, 1988

2.25 Chinatown // History News, June 1984

2.26 Chinatown Revitalization We’re All in it Together = 振興溫哥華華埠, Sep. 2001

2.27 Feng Shui: Some Chinese won’t buy a house without it / Susan Balcom // Vancouver Sun, May 14, 1988

2.28 Chinese Puzzle: BC group hopes to solve riddle of Asian mariners / Terry Glavin // The Vancouver Sun, May 26,1988

2.29 Torah Case One of Last Remnants of Vanished China Jews / Donald Grant // Chinatown News, Apr.3, 1984

3.  Approaches to the Study of the Chinese in British Columbia

3.1  Approaches to the Study of the Chinese in British Columbia / W. E. Willmott // BC Studies, no.4, Spring 1970

4.  Farewell Party for the Hon. And Mrs. Jack Nicholson, May 18, 1968

5.  Japanese Canadian

5.1   Japanese Canadian Centennial 1877-1977: A Special Centennial Issue to Commemorate the Arrival of the Fist Japanese Immigrant to Canada 100 years ago, Aug 9, 1977

5.2   Tora: Tora is a Japanese Forum of the Asian Community, Vol.1, No.5

5.3   Alberta Japanese-Canadian Youth Conference Committee, Oct 28th to Oct 30th, 1977

5.4   “Inalienable Rice: A Chinese and Japanese Canadian Perspective”, May 22, 1978

5.5   Song and Dance from “Lady Hollyhock”: A Japanese No. Play, Aug 4, 1978

5.6   Prisoners of Prejudice: Japanese Canadians tell the story of their shameful treatment during World War II by Barry Broadfoot

5.7   A Chronology of Japanese Canadian History (no time)

5.8   Who Do We Identify with: John Wayne or the Cooks? / Sean Gunn

6. 加華文獻聚珍

6.1 Historical Chinese Language Materials in British Columbia: An electronic inventoryAsian Library, UBC, Centre for Chinese Research, IAR, UBC, David See-Chai Lam Centre for International Communication, SFU, 2003