印 刷 文 獻

History Room

1.  The Chinese History Room Document

1.1   The Chinese History Room = 華人歷史資料室

1.2   The Local History Vertical File

1.3   Archives Project: The Local History Verticle File

1.4   List of Available Topic In Files

1.5   Pender Guy Taping Project, June 23, 1983

1.6   General Guidelines for Audio-Tape Storage, Jun 23, 1983

1.7   The Chinese Community History Room

1.8   General Office Files

1.9   華人歷史資料室通訊(四)

1.10 History Room Projects (pre - 1991)

1.11 The Chinese Community History Room = 華人歷史資料室

1.12 Chinese Community History Room

2.  Oral History Project

2.1   Oral History Questions

2.2   Canadian Oral History Association Newsletter, Number 1, Fall 1985

2.3   Canadian Oral History Association Newsletter, Number 2, Summer 1986

2.4   Voices: A Guide to Oral History / Derek Reimer.—Ministry of Provincial Secretary and Government Services Provincial Archives Sound and Moving Image Division, 1984

2.5   The Use of Oral History in Studying Elderly Chinese-Canadians

2.6   Oral History Project—Accession Sheet = 歷史口述研究計劃程式編排表

2.7   Your Intrepid Author on his Way to Record Some Location Sound

2.8   Interviewing // The Tape-Recorded Interview, 1980

2.9   Oral Testimony and Ethnic Studies / Robert F. Harney

2.10 Subject Headings for Interview Data Sheets

2.11 Suquamish Tribal Oral History Project Use of Tape-Recording Equipment

2.12 Research Questionnaire I: The Life of Chinese Canadians in Alberta Prior to 1942

2.13 Topic for Discussion and Taping on Immigration and Ethnicity

2.14 Life in China Before Arrival // Recollections of C-C Pioneers, 1986

2.15 Interview Plan

2.16 Oral History and the Chinese Canadian Community = 細說金山夢 / Shelley Wong 黃豔珊

2.17 Reference Material on the Oral History Project, 1985

2.18 Oral History Interviewees Sheet, May 1985

3.  Historical Photographs Project

3.1   Progress Report: Chinese Canadian Picture Project, Sept 8, 1972 to Nov 1, 1972

3.2   Progress Report #2, Nov 1, 1972 to Jan 20, 1973

3.3   Progress Report #3, Jan 21, 1973—July 25, 1973

3.4   Ad Hoc Committee for Cataloguing 20 years of Pictorial History of the Chinese Canadian Committee

3.5   Twenty Seven Letters about Ad Hoc Committee Chinese Canadian Picture Project

3.6   加拿大華裔歷史照片收集委員會通告

4.  Material about The History Room in newspaper

4.1  卑大生組會集照片編輯華僑歷史書籍 // Chinese Times, Nov 22, Nov 23, 1972

4.2  卑大學生組會收集加國華人歷史相片 // The New Republic, Nov 23, 1972

4.3  華裔歷史相片收集會感謝各社團僑胞支援 // The New Republic, Dec 11, 1972

4.4  徵集僑社照片感謝各方支援 // Chinese Voice, December 7, 1972

4.5  搜集僑社歷史照片準備編輯目錄備覽 // Chinese Voice, Nov 22, 1972