印 刷 文 獻

Human Rights

1.  Human Rights Code of British Columbia

1.1    Human Right Code of British Columbia: consolidated for convenience only, Jan 20, 1978

1.2    Human Right Code of British Columbia: consolidated for convenience only, Dec 13, 1974

2.  The Conference on Human Rights for British Columbians

2.1  The Conference on Human Rights for British Columbians / The Human Rights Commission of British Columbia, Dec 7~9, 1979

3.  British Columbian Fiction: Attitudes Towards Chinese

3.1   British Columbian Fiction: Attitudes Towards Chinese / Kathleen Swee Yin Chen, Jul, 1984 (Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in the Department of English)

4.  Issues in Mandatory Retirement

4.1  Mandatory Retirement: a progress report prepared for the Human Rights Commission of British Columbia / John Herzog, 1979

5.  “Keeping British Columbia White”

5.1   “Keeping British Columbia White”: Anti-Orientalism in the West, 1858--1949 / Stephen M. Beckow // Canada’s Visual History, Series 1, Vol.14, 1974

6.  Minority Groups in the British Columbia Press: a focus on representation and portrayal

6.1   Minority Groups in the British Columbia Press: a focus on representation and portrayal / Carol Robinson, 1979 (note: research done for the British Columbia Human Rights Commission)

7.  Chronology of Anti-Chinese Legislation

7.1  Chronology of Anti-Chinese Legislation (include: The Effects of the Anti-Chinese Measures, How the Issue Arose in 1984 and Proposals to Redress the Mistake)

8.  Media Cited for Championing Human Rights

8.1   Media Cited for Championing Human Rights: League for human rights of B’NAI B’RITH, Canada, Oct 8, 1980

9.  Presentation of Major Award, Radio Station CFRO in Vancouver

9.1  Presentation of Major Award, Radio Station CFRO in Vancouver: 6th Annual Media Human Rights Awards, Oct 7, 1980

10.  The Chinese Experience at Angel Island

10.1 天使島滄桑史:西部的愛麗斯島 / 麥禮謙 // 東西報,Feb 11, 1976

10.2 天使島拘留所審訊華人詳情:在拘留所的生活/ 麥禮謙 // 東西報,Feb 18, 1976

10.3 天使島中詩詞訴盡移民艱苦 / 麥禮謙 // 東西報,Feb 25, 1976

10.4 Angel Island: An Exhibition of the Chinese experience at the immigration Station = 神仙島:華人來美國被囚禁在神仙島情形展覽 / 積臣街美術館主辦,Feb 18 – Apr 18 (no time)

10.5 Exhibit Portrays Chinese Experience at Angel Is., Jan 21, 1976

11.  Keeping the Chinese Out

11.1 Keeping the Chinese Out: A history of racial exclusion / Homen Smith // The International Examiner, July, 1978

12.  Your Rights

12.1 Your Rights: A summary of the minimum rights guaranteed to employees under British Columbia labour legislation / the B.C. Federation of Labour, July 1, 1976

12.2 Your Rights: Guaranteed by Law / Human Rights Branch Department of Labour (no time)

12.3 Human Rights Working for You  / Human Rights Branch Department of Labour (no time)