印 刷 文 獻


1.  Immigrant Services

1.1        Review of Immigrant and Ethnic Services / Submitted by Renate Shearer, Dec 23, 1987

1.2        Newcomers’ Guide to Resources and Services in British Columbia: Chinese Version = 新移民指南﹕介紹卑詩省的資源及服務 / Multiculturalism BC.—Province of British Columbia, Feb. 1995

1.3        加拿大移民手冊 / 熊德章編譯﹐加拿大泰來移民諮詢公司﹐June 1989

1.4        加拿大生活情報﹕加西版 第七期 = Canadian Living Guide No.7.—111 Marketing Ltd.1995

1.5        加拿大國情簡介﹕移民參考手冊 /人力及移民部 (no time)

1.6        加拿大生活指南 / 加拿大匯豐銀行﹐Nov, 1996

2.  The Chinese and their Voluntary Associations in British Columbia: A Political Machine Interpretation

2.1  The Chinese and their Voluntary Associations in British Columbia: A Political Machine Interpretation / Hayne Yip Wai (note: A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Political Studies in Conformity with the Requirements for the degree of Master of Arts)

3.  Canada’s Post-War Immigration Policy and Pressure

3.1  Canada’s Post-War Immigration Policy and Pressure (note: a portion of a book, no time, no book title)

4.  Immigrant Benefits Policy and Form

4.1  出生證明書﹐親屬關係證明書, 1971. 10.12

4.2  Application for Canadian Citizenship (no time)

4.3  Court of Canadian Citizenship (no time)

4.4  Application for a Certificate of Citizenship or Certificate of Renunciation.  1976

4.5        Application for Canadian Citizenship on Behalf of a Minor Child (no time)

4.6        Application for Canadian Citizenship on Behalf of a Minor Child: include form 1976

4.7        Declaration of Support of Non-Resident’ Dependants 1972

5.  Canada = 加拿大: 1867—1967

5.1  Canada = 加拿大: 1867—1967 /簡建平﹐林介山譯著﹐1967

6. Canada & You = 加拿大與你

6.1  Canada & You = 加拿大與你 /達民電器公司敬贈﹔華僑之聲﹐何桐相館ほ贊助﹐May, 1973 (常用英語及加拿大概況)

7. 加拿大移民法例

7.1  Canadian Immigration Policy 1966

7.2        The House of Commons of Canada 1962

7.3        The Immigration Act and Regulations.  Sept 15, 1953

7.4        Revised Sections of the Immigration Regulations: Part I

7.5        Office of the Minster of Manpower and Immigration Pour Publication for Release.  Sept 12, 1967

7.6        加拿大頒佈移民新條例 ( ~ ) // 大漢公報. 1967, 9. 18~28

7.7        Instruction for Completing Application for Passport, 1969

7.8        Who Can Come to Canada? : How to Apply / Department of Manpower and Immigration (no time)

7.9        Retail Commodity Survey, 1968

7.10    Secretary of the Treasury Board, Sept 25, 1975

7.11    Immigration’ 73

7.12    If you were born in 1902 you should Apply now for your old age security person / Issued by the Hon. John C. Munrac, Minister (no time)

7.13    給簡建平先生的信

7.14    New Directions: a look at Canada’s Immigration Act and Regulations / Employment and Immigration Canada, Apr 1978

7.15    Handbook for Chinese in Canada = 加拿大華僑須知.—Chinese Information Booklet, Aug 1975

7.16    An Act respecting immigration to Canada / The House of Commons of Canada Bill C-24, July 25, 1977

7.17    All about Canada’s New Immigration Law / Employment and Immigration Canada, 1976

7.18    Immigration: Procedures, May 1975

7.19    The Immigrant’s Experience: Cultural Variety and the “Melting Pot” (no time)

7.20    Highlights of the Green Paper on Immigration / Manpower and Immigration, Jan 1975

7.21    Some Observations on the Report of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Immigration / Art Lee, M.P., Nov 7, 1975

7.22    Immigration: Its Impact on British Columbia (no time)

8.  加拿大移民法

8.1  加拿大移民法例及細則.—北美日報編輯發行 1979

8.2  加拿大新移民法 / 林岳 (no time)

9.  Guide to Canadian Citizenship

9.1  Guide to Canadian Citizenship = 歸化加拿大公民須知 / H. Con., 簡建平編印 (no time)

9.2  Citizenship Hearing = 公民入籍 / Lam Foundation編,朱潔英譯,May 25, 1977

9.3  The Canadian Citizen: Instructions to Applicants for Canadian Citizenship (no time)

9.4  Application for a Certificate of Citizenship or Certificate of Renunciation /Secretary of State, Dec 1976

9.5  Application for Canadian Citizenship / Secretary of State (no time)

9.6  Application for Canadian Citizenship / Department of the Secretary of State (no time)

9.7  Application for Canadian Citizenship: General Information, Apr 1, 1977

10.  移民問題報摘彙編

10.1  Immigration: 移民問題報摘彙編 (英文報章影印件彙編成冊)

10.2  Canada May Admit More Immigrants / Mary Janigan (no time)

10.3  華人移民統計分析 // Chinese Times, Jan 19, 1977

10.4  香港學生在加工作受審後將不獲居留 // The Chinese Voice, May 1977

10.5  美國新移民法配額近貌 // 星島日報 (no time)

10.6  加國移民新律維持人數平穩 // 星島日報,Nov 2, 1974

10.7  Immigration Overhaul: More of the Same / Doug Collins // The Vancouver Sun, Nov 27, 1976

10.8  白宮赦免非法移民方案,旅美華人亦將一視同仁 // The Chinese Voice, May 31, 1977

10.9  中國往加移民每月七八十人 // East West, May 12, 1976

10.10 ‘Paper’ Canadians // The Vancouver Sun, Nov 8, 1976

10.11 Canada Should Rediscover Benefit of European Immigrants / Edward Carrigan // The Vancouver Sun, Nov 27, 1976

10.12 Immigration Appeal Board ‘should be informal tribunal’

10.13 Immigrant Status Given under ‘Relaxed Rules’

10.14 Details of New Immigration Bill = 新移民法要點 // Mirror, Aug 12, 1977

10.15 Immigration Bill to Get Quick Final Approval // The Vancouver Sun, July 23, 1977

10.16 Bill C-24 Dangerous / Roneen Marcoux (no time)

10.17 Ottawa to Keep Immigration // Vancouver Sun, May 19, 1977

10.18 華裔眷屬團聚應爲談判要項 // East West, May 12, 1976

10.19 Putting the Immigration Issue on track (no time)

10.20 Steer Immigrants Away, B.C. Demands of Ottawa // The Vancouver Sun, Jan 30, 1975

10.21 Immigration Study to Give Options // The Vancouver Sun, Feb 1, 1975

10.22 Tougher Regulations Cut Immigrants to Canada // The Vancouver Sun, Apr 30, 1976

10.23 Final Say Sought on Immigration // Province, May 18

10.24 Immigrant Law Branded Reactionary, Oppressive // Vancouver Sun, May 16, 1977

10.25 140,000 Average Annual Immigration Limit Seen // Vancouver Sun, May 17 (no year)

11.  A Brief on the Green Paper on Immigration

11.1 A Brief on the Green Paper on Immigration to the Honorable Robert Andias, P.C.M.P., Minster of Manpower and Immigration from the Chinese Freemasons Headquarters of Canada / Harry Con (National President Vancouver, B.C.) May 9, 1975

12.  Who Comes Here?

12.1 Who Comes Here?: A Background Analysis of the Federal Green Paper on Immigration / The Community Review and Research Group; Social Planning Council of Metropolitan. Toronto. May, 1975

13.  Evidence to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on Immigration Policy

13.1  Evidence to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on Immigration Policy: Summary of Recommendations / Dr. Freda Hawkins (University of Toronto).  Sept 15, 1975 (add: a letter to Senator Maurice Riel and the Hon. Martin O’Connell, M.P., Joint Chairmen. Sept 15, 1975)

14.  Copies of Passport

14.1  Passport, date: Jan 22, 1919 (stamp)

14.2        Passport, date: Oct 16, 1920 (stamp)

14.3        Passport, date: ? 22, 1930 (stamp)

15.  Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants

15.1  Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants: Informal Notes Re Meeting of Committee to Deal with Immigrant Selection Criteria / John Jaskula, Oct 25, 1972

15.2        Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants: Informal Notes Re Meeting of Committee to Deal with Immigrant Selection Criteria / John Jaskula,  Nov 8, 1972

15.3        Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants: Informal Notes Re Meeting of Committee to Deal with Immigrant Selection Criteria / John Jaskula,  Dec 13 & 14, 1972

15.4        List of Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants

16.  簡建平向移民委員會陳辭要求改善移民例

16.1  簡建平向移民委員會陳辭要求改善移民例: 報章剪輯 (note: 文章多摘自«大漢公報»«華僑日報» 1972~1974)

17.       Materials about Immigration

17.1        Landed Immigrants by Country of Birth and City (CMA) of Intended Destination

17.2        關於移民仲介機構的資料

17.3        Immigrant Selection Criteria Schedule “B” / Submitted by: Harry Con.Jan 29, 1973

17.4        A Brief to the Honorable Otto Lang, P.C., M.P., the Minister of Immigration & Manpower from the Vancouver Chinese (no time)

17.5        A letter to Canada Manpower & Immigration CouncilNov 4,1972

17.6        A letter to Vern Taylor & Jake BrouwerDec 2, 1982

17.7       餘哲等人關於華人移民問題的一封信 (漢語)

18.  Conference about Immigration and Citizenship

18.1 Chinese Canadian National Conference on Immigration and Citizenship / Vancouver Chinese Canadian Immigration Policy Action Committee and Toronto Chinese Canadian Immigration Policy Study Committee, Aug 29- August 31, 1975

18.2 Special Joint Committee on Immigration Policy: Re Green Paper on Immigration / Andrew Joe.—(note: from the Immigration Policy Action Committee), Sept 12, 1975

18.3 Director of Immigration, Pacific Region / Jack McKingstrye (a speech)

18.4 The Cause for Unity: Between US Chinese / The Chinese-Canadian Youth Workshop, Feb 1976

18.5 Minutes of the Ethnic Conference on Immigration: Re the Green Paper.—Chinese Cultural Centre (no time)