印 刷 文 獻


1.  Materials of Public Library

1.1        Public Library Effectiveness Study: Final Report / Thomas Childers, Aug, 1989

1.2        書香四溢 / 水禾田﹐1996

2.  Documents of Chinese Community Library

2.1   “Societies Act”: Constitution of Chinese Community Library Services Association, Aug 12, 1977

2.2   Library Performance Survey for the Chinese Section of the Vancouver Public Library / Anthony Cheung & Jessicca Lui of the Chinese Community Library Services Association

2.3   Subject Headings for Vertical Files.—2nd, 1971

2.4   Library Performance Survey for the Chinese Community Library Services Association, 1991 / Anthony Cheung, Jessicca Lui

2.5   華埠中文閱覽室社區訓練服務中心 = Community Workshop & Library Services CenterStaff & Agency Evaluation & Development Workshop, Aug 26, 1977

2.6   The Chinese Library = 華埠中文閱覽室:通訊報創刊號,Aug,1978

2.7   溫哥華中文圖書館啟事:歡迎閣下加入本會 no time

2.8   The Chinese Community Library Services Association (note: an introduction)

2.9   Children Story Collection = 兒童故事選集.-- 華埠中文閱覽室出版﹐1979

2.10   溫哥華中文圖書館線裝古籍藏目 (no time)

2.11   CBS Library System for Chinese Collections: OPAC Cataloguing Acquisition / Eleanor Yuen & Associates, 1994

2.12   Chinese Traditional Custom on Wedding / 溫哥華中文圖書館 ( no time)

2.13   Chinese Community Library Newsletter = 溫哥華中文圖書館會員通訊季刊, Winter 1992

2.14   中國傳統婚姻之禮儀與風俗 / 中文圖書館 (草稿)

3.  Material about the Chinese Community Library Activities

3.1  溫哥華中文圖書館1000本新書義賣,July 6 ~ 7 (no year)

3.2  The Chinese Community Library Services Association Community Programmes & Perspective = 華埠中文閱覽室的活動與概觀

3.4  一張關於華埠中文圖書館徵收會員的宣傳幻燈片 no time

3.5  中文閱覽室、中華文化中心、士達孔拿社區中心聯合舉辦演講會: 侯仁之主講北京的歷史地理和發展,Apr 26, 1980

3.6  華埠中文閱覽室舉辦中國樂器與象棋訓練班,May (no year)

3.7  華埠中文閱覽室夏日旅遊,July, 1 (no time)

3.8  華埠中文閱覽室與士達孔拿社區中心聯合舉辦西方傳統交際舞蹈班 no time

3.10 華埠中文閱覽室免費代填報稅 Mar 22—Apr 27 (no year)

3.11 溫哥華中文圖書館二十五周年文藝之夜,Oct 18, 1997

3.12 華埠中文閱覽室舉辦夏令杯七人足球賽 Summer, 1978

3.13 士達孔拿區房屋修葺服務中心及中文閱覽室開放日:貴賓留名冊,Mar 18, 1973

3.14士達孔拿區房屋修葺服務中心及中文閱覽室開放日:貴賓留名冊,Mar 16, 1975

3.15士達孔拿區房屋修葺服務中心及中文閱覽室開放日:貴賓留名冊,Apr 7, 1974

3.16 The North American Premiere of Allen Fong’s “Dancing Bull”: A Fundraising Film Appreciation Event = 方育平導演之“舞牛” 北美洲首映禮﹕電影欣賞及籌款 / Sponsored by The Chinese Community Library Services Association and the Vancouver International Film Festival = 主辦機構﹕溫哥華中文圖書館及溫哥華國際電影節﹐September 30, 1990(兩冊)

3.17 Chinese Community Library Services Association 20th Anniversary Commemorative Special Publication = 溫哥華中文圖書館廿週年紀念特刊﹕1972—1992

3.18 A Taste of Culture = 文娛之夜 / 溫哥華中文圖書館.-- 富大海鮮酒家﹐Oct 24, 1998

3.19 Unforgettable… = 懷舊之夜 / 溫哥華中文圖書館.-- 富大海鮮酒家﹐Oct 30, 1999

3.20 A Taste of Chinese Culture = 文化之夜 / 溫哥華中文圖書館.-- 富大海鮮酒家﹐Oct 19, 1996

3.21 A Touch of Magic =百變之夜 /溫哥華中文圖書館

3.22 Chinese Community Library Services Association 20th Anniversary Commemorative Special Publication = 溫哥華中文圖書館廿週年紀念特刊﹐1972-1992

3.23 Children Story Collection = 兒童故事選集 / 華埠中文閱覽室出版﹐1979

3.24 A Taste of Chinese Culture = 文藝之夜﹕溫哥華中文圖書館二十五週年﹐Oct.18, 1997

3.25 Grow with the Community – CCLSA 30th Anniversary = 服務社區三十年﹕溫哥華中文圖書館籌款晚宴﹐Oct. 19, 2002

3.26 迎接2000年的postcards二張

4.  關於華埠中文閱覽室舉辦各種活動報導的報章剪輯 86