印 刷 文 獻

Public Services

1.  Health and Welfare

1.1   Vancouver Chinatown Gets New Home Care Centre // Chinatown News, 1976

1.2   A Welfare Conspiracy?, Oct, 1976

1.3   Welfare expert to review province’s children’s laws

1.4   Hospital Medical Care: Designed Exclusively for Visitors to Canada Coast to Coast, 1977

1.5   Basic Facts on Social Security Programs / Health and Welfare Canada, Jan, 1978

1.6   Medical Services Plan of British Columbia / Ministry of Health (no time)

1.7   Spouse’s Allowance: Who is Entitled to Spouse’s Allowance? / Health and Welfare Canada

1.8   Guaranteed Income Supplement Guide, 1978, 1979 / Health and Welfare Canada

1.9   Family Allowances / Health and Welfare Canada (no time)

1.10 Pharmacare: Now it’s Universal / Minister of Human Resources, June 1, 1977

1.11 Application for Family Allowances / Health and Welfare Canada

1.12 Pension Rates Change / Health and Welfare Canada

1.13 University Health and Accident plus Life: National Program Overseas & American Students / John Ingle, 1960

1.14 Metropolitan Health Service of Greater Vancouver, 1977

1.15 Pharmacare: The Government of British Columbia, 1974

1.16 V.D. / Health and Welfare Canada.—Authority of the Minister of National Health & Welfare (no time)

1.17 Services for the Handicapped in British Columbia, Mar, 1978

1.18 Living Independently for Equality, June, 1977

1.19 Ministry of Health Medical Services Plan Application (no time)

1.20 Three Special Projects for the Mentally Handicapped (no time)

1.21 Resources Available for the Physically and Mentally Disabled in Vancouver

1.22 Metropolitan Health Service of Greater Vancouver, 1977

1.23 Multi Purpose Adult Day Care Centre (no time)

1.24 Helping People Help Themselves, Fall/Winter Programs 1977/78

1.25 CNIB Services / The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (no time)

1.26 Health INFO Telephone Tape Library, 1978

1.27 Healthy Teeth Happy Smile / City of Vancouver Health Department (no time)

2.  Legal and Law

2.1   Libel and Slander Law-775 Words: this information is accurate as of September, 1980

2.2   Legal Aspects of Investigative Reporting / Michael Bolton, Nov 20, 1980

2.3   “The Law and the Legal System in China”: Aug 24th, 1979

2.4   Free Law Classes = 免費粵語法律講座 / People’s Law School Co-Sponsored by Chinese Cultural Centre

2.5   Free Law Classes = 免費粵語法律講座 / People’s Law School, Feb 9,10, 1981

2.6   Free Law Classes = 免費粵語法律講座 / People’s Law School, May (no time)

2.7   Vancouver People’s Law School (introduction to class), June 1, 1978

2.8   Wills & Estates: Vancouver People’s Law School Public Legal Education Series, Oct, 1977

2.9   Popular Guide to Legal Research / Legal Services Commission of British Columbia, Apr 1977

2.10 國語法律講座:經營生意須知 / Public Legal Education Society, July (no time)

2.11 Free Law Classes: Summer’78

2.12 強姦受害援助處 (no time)

2.13 Unemployment Insurance / Legal Services Commission Province of British Columbia, Feb, 1978

2.14 Help is at Hand Through Legal Aid / Legal Aid Society of B.C. (no time)

2.15 Legal Services Commission: Resource Centre / B.C. Legal Services Commission, 1977

2.16 Legal Resource Centre / B.C. Legal Services Commission, Feb, 1978

2.17 Living Common-Law: It’s Easier Than Getting Married or Is It? / Legal Services Commission, Feb 1978

2.18 Legal Services Commission Annual Report, 1976-1977

2.19 Legal Services Commission: Checklist of Commission—Sponsored Publications, Mar, 1978

2.20 Popular Guide to Legal Research / Legal Services Commission of British Columbia, 1977

2.21 How Do I Sue In Small Claims Court? (no time)

2.22 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: Appeals from small claims court, July, 1976

2.23 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: How to Apply for Substitutional Service, June, 1976

2.24 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: How to Apply for Service Ex Juris, Nov 1975

2.25 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: What to do if you receive a summons, Dec, 1976

2.26 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: What if the Plaintiff or defendant is a minor? Dec 1976

2.27 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: How to Set Aside a Default Judgment, June 1976

2.28 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: What to do if judgment is awarded in your favour, Dec 1976

2.29 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: Your Trial in Small Claims Court, Dec, 1976

2.30 Province of British Columbia Small Claims Procedures: What if the Plaintiff or Defendant is a Minor?, Dec, 1976

2.31 It’s to Your Credit: A Guide to Managing Your Money / Westminster Community Legal Services Society (no time)

2.32 Free Legal Advice: Law Students Legal Advice Program (no time)

2.33 女性權利----聚焦《婚姻法》﹕摘要.---- --加婦女法項目 中華全國婦女聯合會 (no time)

3.  Materials about Workers’ Compensation Board

3.1   Industrial Health & Safety Regulations.--Workers’ Compensation Board, 1978

3.2   Back Talk.--Workers’ Compensation Board, 1976

3.3   Information on the Medical Review Panels of the Workers’ Compensation Act.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Oct, 1976

3.4   Finance & Statistics.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Dec, 1976

3.5   Sixtieth Annual Report for the Year Ended.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Dec, 1976

3.6   Back Talk Programme: A special service to employers and workers from the WCB.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Jan, 1976

3.7   Health and Safety Digest.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Spring 1978

3.8   Notice (about first aid) .--Workers’ Compensation Board, 1974

3.9   WCB News.—Workers’ Compensation Board, Mar-Apr, 1978

3.10 Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia: Hearing Branch.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Dec, 1976

3.11 Safety Instruction of Workers: the responsibilities of employers & supervisors.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Dec, 1975

3.12 Claims Information for Workers and Dependents.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Nov, 1976

3.13 To Employers Appealing a Claim that has Been Allowed.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Sept, 1976

3.14 Information on the Medical Review Panels of the Workers’ Compensation Act.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Oct, 1976

3.15 To Employers Appealing A Claim.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Feb, 1978

3.16 To Workers and Dependents Whose Claims Have not Been Allowed. --Workers’ Compensation Board, 1976

3.17 Notice to Workers.--Workers’ Compensation Board (no time)

3.18 Employers’ Reports of Injuries.--Workers’ Compensation Board, Jan, 1975

4. Consumer

4.1   Personal and Confidential: the British Columbia Personal Information Reporting Act / British Columbia Department of Consumer Services (no time)

4.2   An Introduction to the British Columbia Department of Consumer Services / British Columbia Department of Consumer Services, June, 1974

4.3   The Trade Practices Act and You / British Columbia Department of Consumer Services (no time)

4.4   Consumer Resource Centres / British Columbia Department of Consumer Services (no time)

4.5   Consumer Aware! / Minster of Supply and Services Canada, 1977

4.6   Who We Are and What We Do: Consumer and Corporate Affairs / Minister of Supply and Services, June, 1977

4.7   Debts?: We Can Help, 1977

5. Employment

5.1   Status Report on Employees / Employment and Immigration Canada (no time)

5.2   Apprenticeship Doorway to Opportunity: A Guide to Apprenticeship Training in British Columbia: Province of British Columbia Ministry of Labour.— Apprenticeship Training Programs Branch (no time)

5.3   Canada Manpower Information Sheet: Canada Manpower Mobility Program, Oct, 1976

5.4   Community Action for Employment: Providing Manpower Related Services to the Northeast Sector of Vancouver.. (no time)

5.5   Equal Employment Opportunity Program: E.E.O.P., Apr 18, 1977

5.6   Report to Council: Special Committee of Council Re Equal Employment Opportunity, Feb 4, 1977

5.7   Chinese Community Summer Student Job Search (no time)

5.8   Equal Employment Opportunity for Racial Minorities the Handicapped and Women (no time)

5.9   Youth Work Program Halts Further Plans / Sun Victoria Bureau // Vancouver Sun, June 22 1977

5.10 Community Action for Employment, Apr 18, 1978

5.11 Guide to Project Bookkeeping: Canada Works Program Young Canada Works Program.—Job Creation Branch

5.12 Equal Employment Opportunity (no time)

5.13 A New Way to Discover Suitable Careers: Index to Canadian Occupations / Employment and Immigration Canada (no time)

5.14 Something for Nothing? No.: But if you meet your obligations, you have a right to UI benefits / Employment and Immigration Canada (no time)

5.15 Have you worked long enough to get UI? – in BC: Here are the details on the new entrance requirements and the length and rate of UI benefits in this province / Employment and Immigration Canada (no time)

5.16 Your report card-it gets things moving: But make sure UI gets it. It’s the only way we can pay you, 1978

5.17 Application for Benefit: Unemployment Insurance (no time)

5.18 Your Job Bank… : Bringing Workers and Employers Together! / Manpower and Immigration

5.19 A Budget for Human Resources / Ministry of Finance Province of British Columbia (no time)

5.20 如何填寫失業保險申請表:在你失業期間與你合作 / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1975

5.21 退休 / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1976

5.22上訴程式:在你失業期間與你合作 / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1975

5.23 權利與義務:在你失業期間與你合作 / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1975

5.24 Illness: Working with you-between jobs / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1974

5.25 How to Complete Your Claimant’s Report/ Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1974

5.26 Appeal Procedure / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1974

5.27 Maternity / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1973

5.28 How to Complete Your Application for Benefit / Unemployment Insurance Canada, 1975

5.29 Looking for a Career as a Volunteer?: Someone needs you as a friend / Ministry of Human Resources Province of British Columbia (no time)

5.30 Services to People Mental Retardation / Ministry of Human Resources (no time)

5.31 Province of British Columbia Ministry of Human Resources Lower Mainland Regional Offices, Feb, 1978

5.32 Annual Report of the Ministry of Human Resources, 1976

5.33 Finding a Summer Job / Manpower and Immigration, Jan 1977

5.34 Running Your Own Summer Business / Manpower and Immigration, Jan 1977

5.35 Canada Manpower Training Program: Canada Manpower Information Sheet / Manpower and Immigration, Oct 1975

5.36 What You Must Know about the Record of Employment

6.  Immigrant Service

6.1  歡迎新到卑詩省雲哥華之移民:卑詩省移民服務社 (no time)

6.2  Multilingual Orientation Service Association Immigrant Communities (no time)

6.3  Immigrant Services Centre (no time)

6.4  Mosaic Center for Non-English Speaking Immigrants and Citizens: Multilingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities (no time)

6.1   A New Resource Project for Immigrants // ENCEE / the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia, Apr / May, 1977

7.  Senior Citizen Welfare Policy

7.1   A Guide to Senior Citizen Benefits = 老年公民福利指南 (no time)

7.2   A Senior Citizen’s Guide to Long Term Care in B.C. = 卑詩省長期照顧計劃年老公民指南 (no time)

7.3   Safer: Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters: A Programme of the Province of British Columbia.—Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 1978

7.4   Safer: Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters: Application Form and Guide Notes: A Programme of the Province of British Columbia.—Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (no time)

7.5   A Guide to Senior Citizen Benefits / John McCosh, Mike Berman.—Westminster Community Legal Services Society, May, 1978

7.6   Questions and Answers: the Amended Old Age Security Act / Health and Welfare Canada, 1977

7.7   耆英簡報 / 雲高華華人耆英會,May 19, 1978

7.8   Services for Senior Citizens in British Columbia, Mar, 1978

7.9   British Columbia New Long-term Care Program / Ministry of Health Province of British Columbia (no time)

8.  Family Services

8.1   Foster Parent Manual, August 1977

8.2   Planned Parenthood Association of B.C.: Information, Couselling and Clinic Facilities for Birth Planning // Planned Parenthood Association of B.C.

8.3   Groups Galore: Family Services of Greater Vancouver (no time)

8.4   Counselling for Individuals Couples Families / Family Services of Greater Vancouver (no time)

8.5   Protect a Child, Help a Family: Everyone’s Responsibility.—Child Abuse Team, Vancouver Resources Board (no time)

8.6   Family and Children’s Law: Family Relations Act: Children of Unmarried Parents Act / Vancouver Resources Board Court Services, Apr, 1975

8.7   Life is not Meant to be without others / Robert H. Rimmer, 1977

8.8   Room for One More?: Children of all ages need foster homes in Vancouver, 1977

8.9   Fact and Fancy about Birth Control Sex Education and Family Planning Directorate.—Authority of the Minster of National Health and Welfare (no time)

8.10 Family and Children’s Law: Family Relations Act, Children of Unmarried Parents Act, Apr, 1975

8.11 The Battered Child in British Columbia: The Facts / The Government of British Columbia, Department of Human Resources, 1972

8.12 “Cares”: The Planned Parenthood Association of B.C. (no time)

8.13 We Want a Child: Infertility and Artificial Insemination / Adimec Inc., 1975

8.14 Birth Control: that works / Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada (no time)

8.15 Information on Contraception = 避孕知識 / The Family Planning Federation of Canada (no time)

8.16 Important Things to Consider and Do about Family Planning (no time)

8.17 Birth Control (no time)

8.18 Voluntary Sterilization / Health and Welfare (no time)

8.19 National Planned Parenthood Week, May 29-June 3, 1978

8.20 What is the IPPF? / International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1977

8.21 Approaching Adolescence / Alberta Social Services and Community Health, 1976

9.  Other Public Service Information

9.1   Citizen’s Guide to the B.C. Government: Information on Decentralization, Funding & Services, Jan 1975

9.2   Vancouver Social Services Handbook = 雲埠社會服務手冊 / 華埠中文閱覽室,Sept, 1978

9.3   Social Services in Vancouver = 雲市社會服務 (no time)

9.4   New York Chinatown Social Service Guide = 紐約華埠服務指南 / 華埠工作室編印(no time)

9.5  Cards for Service Information (no time)