
Situation of China

1.       Chinese Situation / Shuhsi Hsu, Ottawa, Jul, 1964

2.       Kuomintang: Key to China’s Future / Department of Overseas Affairs Central Committee, Kuomintang Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, Aug, 1976

3.       Twenty-five years of people’s China // The Canadian Forum, Sept, 1974

4.       After Mao: Time, Sept 20, 1976

5.       Chinese Show Wins Paris With Its Politics // The New York Times, Apr 18,1977

6.       Children ‘by community edict’ // Vancouver Sun, May 21, 1977

7.       Ballet, like politics, pirouettes on protocol // Province, May 31, 1977

8.       Chinese Admit Huge Quake Casualties, Paper says // Vancouver Sun, Jun 2, 1977

9.       Chinese reportedly received advance warnings of quake // Vancouver Sun, June 9, 1977

10.   Shanghai Ballet tour ends // Province, June 4, 1977

11.   A China Notebook: Muzak in the rice paddies, Mao, Mao, everywhere, and Confucius doesn’t say much any more / Pierre Berton // Weekend Magazine, Aug 28, 1976

12.   Turning from politics to production / Jay Mathews (a article from a newspaper, no time)

13.   Highlight of the Chinese History (handwritten)

14.   The New Chinese Women: No More ‘Flower Pots’ // Chinatown News, Aug 18, 1976

15.   Chinese city a desert of rubble // Province, Jun 16, 1977

16.   China visit of 2 1/2 Weeks is no test // Vancouver, Aug 4, 1977

17.   China’s 28th Anniversary Peking Takes a Holiday // Vancouver Sun, Oct 1, 1977

18.   China’s Huang visits Bethune birthplace // Vancouver Sun, Oct, 1977

19.   The Children of China / Joy Fielding // Weekend Magazine, Oct 1, 1977

20.   Tibet (no time)

21.   Going Back親愛的僑胞 / Marcia Jean Chan, 1973    

22.   1989北京學運 / 漢燕

23.   柴玲虎口逃生

24.   新階級﹕共產制度的分析

25.   中國民運原資料精選﹕大字報、小字報、傳單、民刊 (第二輯) Nov., 1989

26. China poised to gallop into world oil race / Jonathon Sharp // Province, August 2, 1974