印 刷 文 獻

Organizations and Their Activities


Organization—C.B.A.-Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver


1.  加拿大域多利中華會館成立七十五周年華僑學校成立六十周年紀念特刊,1959

2.  全加中華總會館概況,1969

3.  Material about Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver

3.1   溫哥華中華會館簡介

3.2   中華會館緊急呼籲書,May 24, 1984

3.3   Societies Act Annual Report: The Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver, Apr 1977

3.4   By – Laws of Chinese Benevolent Association, 1978

3.5   Ownership of the Chinese Benevolent Association (no time)

3.6   李亮輝律師代表雲哥華中華會館緊急啓事,Mar 22, 1978

4.  Material about CBA Election

4.1   Vote CDCBA, Oct 29 (no year)

4.2   Five letters between The Supreme Court of British Columbia and CBA

4.3   To Those Who Try to Fool the People by Telling Lies (no time)

5.  Material about CBA Election in Newspaper

5.1  The Struggle for Control: Chinese Benevolent Association // The Province, Sept 18, 1978

5.2  Chinatown Group Ordered to Elect New Officers Slate // Vancouver Sun , Mar 8, 1978

5.3  Chinese Society Accounting Sought in Supreme Court // The Vancouver Sun, Mar 4, 1978

5.4  Chinese Faction Clash again over Peace Rejection // The Vancouver Sun, Feb 3, 1978

5.5  Chinese Association Bosses Served with Petitions at Meal // The Vancouver Sun, Feb 13, 1978

5.6  No move slated to oust Kuomintang man, organization says // Province, Dec 9, 1977

5.7  Chinatown Laughs at ‘Garbage Gang’ but it has serious side // Province, Dec 13, 1977

5.8  Struggle for power in Chinatown // The Vancouver Sun, Sept 10, 1977

5.9  Power Struggle in Chinatown Linked Directly to Taiwanese // Province, Dec 8, 1977

5.10 Rightists Clipped in Chinatown Race // The Vancouver Sun, Oct 11, 1978

5.11 CBA bank accounts emptied, claim angry new directors // Express, Nov 29, 1978

5.12 Chinese Group Seeks More Time // The Vancouver Sun, May 5, 1978

5.13 Court orders CBA to hold new election of officers // The Vancouver Sun, Mar 9, 1978

5.14 MP rapped by Chinese as dissenter // The Vancouver Sun, Feb 20, 1978

5.15 Chinatown Group’s Leadership Challenged // The Vancouver Sun, Aug 22, 1977

5.16 Chinatown race altered // The Province, Oct 11, 1978

5.17 Toronto Chinese Freemasons Issue Declaration on the Question of Return the CBA to Community // Chinese Times, Feb 13, 1978

5.18 CBA Returns to Community: CDCBA Overwhelming Favourites in CBA Election // Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Dec, 1978

5.19 Return the CBA to The Chinese Community, Aug 14, 1978

5.20 Rightists Clipped in Chinatown Race // The Vancouver Sun, Oct 11, 1978

5.21 CBA Officers Unwilling to Hold Democratic Election // CBA Issue, Jan, 1978

5.22 “Join the CBA” // Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Sept, 1978

5.23 呼籲僑胞踴躍出席推薦賢能競選職員行使權力先盡義務群策群力共商大事 // 華報,July 20, 1978

5.24 中華會館選舉期延至九月底投票 // 新民國報,May 30, 1978

5.25 李仁答復李亮輝公開信的公開信 // 僑聲日報,Oct 28, 1978

5.26 雲埠中華會館選舉專號,June, 1978

5.27 Court asked to declare CBA election invalid // The Vancouver Sun, Feb 11, 1978

5.28 中華中心函請李亮輝解釋兩疑點 // 僑聲日報,Oct 20, 1978

5.29 會館選舉揭曉促委會獲全勝 // The Chinese Times, Oct 30, 1978

5.30 Chinatown Reformers Wipe out ‘Taiwan Link’ in CBA election victory // The Vancouver Sun, Oct 30, 1978

5.31 林西屏鍾耀華黃孔維馬磐基劉經元聯合聲明啓事 // 大衆報 中華會館事件增版,Mar 11, 1978

6.  Five Letters about CBA

7.  促進中華會館歸還全僑委員會特刊5

8.  C.B.A. Activities

8.1  Cinese Benevolent Association: National Headquarters = 全加中華總會館春節聯歡大會特刊,Oct 18, 1977


Organization—C.C.C.-Chinese Culture Centre


1.  General Information about CCC

1.1   Chinese Culture Centre: Introduction (no time)

1.2   Chinese Culture Centre: Introduction (no time)

1.3   Chinese Cultural Centre Multi Purpose Hall = 中華文化中心多用途大堂 (no time)

1.4   中華文化中心籌建委員會通知,附中華文化中心候選人履歷表 (no time)

1.5   CCC Delegation Meets with Minister of Recreation (no time)

1.6   “Societies Act” Constitution of Chinese Cultural Centre (no time)

1.7   Introducing the Chinese Cultural Centre

1.8   Chinese Cultural Centre = 中華文化中心 (no time)

1.9   Mayor Affirms Council’s Support of CCC / Jack Volrich (no time)

1.10 Application for Membership Chinese Cultural Centre = 中華文化中心入會申請表

1.11 Application for Membership & Renewal Chinese Cultural Centre = 入會申請或重新繳付會員年費填報表 (no time)

1.12 Chinese Cultural Centre 15th Anniversary = 1973-1988 中華文化中心成立十五周年特刊

1.13 Chairman’s Report // Special Issue Chinese Cultural Centre Bulletin, Apr 29, 1984

1.14 一九八六年九月二十一日中華文化中心大堂落成開幕 // 中華文化中心, Nov 14, 1986

1.15 保持光榮傳統文化爲華人事業打好基礎:著名人士林思齊先生伉儷慨捐文化中心二十五萬元 // 中華文化中心,Apr 11, 1987

1.16 New CCC Board Elected for 1991 // 中華文化中心會訊,July 4, 1991

1.17 多用途大堂落成開幕典禮 // 中華文化中心, Sep 1986

1.18   Chinese Cultural Centre 25th Anniversary = 中華文化中心成立二十五周年紀念﹐1998

1.19   Chinese Cultural Centre Special Issue on AGM & Election = 中華文化中心會員年會暨選舉理事特刊﹐Apr 12, 1997

1.20   保持僑社參與文化中心委員會特刊﹐一九九三年三月三日出版

1.21  來臨的中華文化中心選舉 // 中華文化中心會訊﹐Mar 30, 1993

2.  CCC Activities

2.1   In Honour of Mr. David See-Chai Lam on His Being Conferred the Honourary Degree of Doctor of Laws by the University of British Columbia and in Celebration of the Official Naming of the David See-Chai Lam Auditorium = 慶賀林思齊先生榮獲卑詩大學名譽法學博士暨溫哥華中華文化中心林思齊禮堂命名典禮,May 30, 1987

2.2   Art Ensemble 86: Chinese Canadian Artists = 創作八六,July 26-Aug 31, 1986

2.3   Chinese Cultural Centre Education Program & Activities = 溫哥華中華文化中心一九八三年秋季學習課程及日常活動表,Sept-Dec, 1983

2.4   Chinese Cultural Centre Education Program & Activities = 溫哥華中華文化中心一九八三年一月至三月份學習課程及日常活動表,Jan-Mar, 1983

2.5   If Buildings Could Speak…: China in Chinatown / Chinese Cultural Centre, 1981

2.6   Beyond Chop-Suey: China in Chinatown / Chinese Cultural Centre, 1981

2.7   Sounds Chinese: China in Chinatown / Chinese Cultural Centre, 1981

2.8   Join Us in Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Chinese Cultural Centre! = 中華文化中心成立十周年慶會 (no time)

2.9   C.C.C. 1984 Program Schedule (July-Aug) = 中華文化中心一九八四年夏季(七月至八月)課程表

2.10 C.C.C. 1985 Program Schedule (Jan-Mar): 中華文化中心冬季課程表

2.11 British Columbia Young Artists 1983: Third Biennial Exhibition

2.12 Young People’s Art from Shanghai at the CCC!!! // Chinese Cultural Centre Newsletter, July, 1982

2.13 Community Slide Show & Forums / Chinese Cultural Centre (no time)

2.14“龍的心 展鵬程”電視/電臺熱線電話籌款,Aug 28, 2001

2.15中華文化中心展出全省青少年藝術作品展覽 (no time)

2.16 Chinese Cultural Centre Newsletter = 中華文化中心通訊,July 1981

2.17 中華文化中心主辦聯合國人類居住會議慶會 (no time)

2.18 覓﹕加拿大華裔現代文化探索展 = Cultural Identity & Chinese-Canadian Artists in Vancouver, November 2-30, 1991.— Vancouver: The Chinese Cultural Centre

2.19 Chinese Cultural Centre of Vancouver 24th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner = 溫哥華中華文化中心第二十四屆籌款晚會﹐Nov. 18, 1997

2.20 大溫哥華中華文化中心開放日﹐March 18, 2000

2.21 Night of Shanghai: 28th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner Gala =上海之夜﹕二十八週年籌款晚宴 / 大溫哥華中華文化中心﹐Oct 26, 2001

2.22  Chinese Culture Centre of Greater Vancouver Chinese School 20th Anniversary and Graduation Ceremony = 中華文化中心中文學校廿週年校慶暨畢業典禮特刊, 2000

3.  Chinese Cultural Centre Reports

3.1   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.2, No.2, May 1977

3.2   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.2, No.5, Aug 1977

3.3   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.2, No.6, Sep 1977

3.4   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.2, No.7, Dec 1977

3.5   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.2, No.8, Dec 1977

3.6   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.3, No.2, Mar 1978

3.7   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.3, No.3, Apr-May 1978

3.8   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.3, No.4, July-Aug 1978

3.9   Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.4, No.1, Mar 1979

3.10 Chinese Cultural Centre Reports, Vol.4, No.2, May 1979


Organization—CCFA: Canada—China Friendship Associations


1.  CCFA General Document

1.1   List of Friendship Societies/Associations, 1978

1.2   List of delegates/Observers present at the Montreal conference

1.3   Draft Only (an introduction to CCFA) (no time)

1.4   Construction (no time)

1.5   Introduction to the CCFA Constitution (no time)

1.6   Canada-China Friendship Association Presidents Report (no time)

1.7   Conseil d’Aministration: 1978-79

1.8   Proposed Constitution, Apr 1975

1.9   CCFC Journal Cost Sheet

1.10 The Aims and Principles of Canada-China Friendship Work, July 1978

1.11 The Aims, Principles, and Priorities of Canada-China Friendship Organizations

1.12 National and Regional Organization and Cooperation.—2nd Draft, Aug 11, 1978

1.13 Canada-China Friendship Society of Saskatchewan (no time)

1.14 Canada-China Friendship Association-Halifax: Aims, Principles, and Priorities of Friendship Work, Mar 9, 1978

1.15 Canada-China Friendship Association: Financial Statement, 1978

1.16 Elections (1978)

1.17 National and Regional Organization and Cooperation, July 9, 1978

1.18 Constitution or By-Laws of the Canada-Wide Federation of China Friendship

1.19 Canada-China Friendship Association Newsletter, March 1979

1.20 Canada-China Friendship Association, March 1978

1.21 Speakers List, Jan 1, 1979

1.22 Canadian China Society Newsletter, Apr 1979

1.23 The Aims, Principles and Priorities of Friendship Work / Canada-China Society, Montreal, Oct,1977

1.24 National and Regional Organization and Cooperation: Draft only

1.25 Halifax Canada-China Friendship Association Newsletter, Mar 1978

1.26 National and Regional Organization and Cooperation.—3rd Draft, July 9, 1978

1.27 An All-Canada China Friendship Association, Oct 1977

1.28 Canada-China Friendship Association: Financial Statement, 1979

1.29 Introducing the Canada-China Friendship Association: Founded 1964 (no time)

2.  CCFA Meeting

2.1  Official Notice: Annual Meeting of the Canada-China Society, 1977, 1978

2.2  C.C.F.A. Executive Meeting Documents 1977

2.3  Summary of the Proceedings and Resolutions of the Canada-China Friendship Associations/Societies Conference, Nov 11-12, 1978

2.4  C.C.F.A. Executive Meeting Documents, 1979

2.5  CCFA Special Membership Meeting Documents, 1979

2.6  Annual General Meeting, Feb 9, 1979

2.7  Report of the AD-HOC Committee for A Canada-Wide Canada-China Friendship Organization, Nov 1977

2.8  C.C.F.A. Executive Meeting Documents 1978

2.9  Agenda Proposals for November 1978 meetings

2.10 Minutes of the Regional Meeting of the Canada-China Friendship Association, Oct, 1977

2.11 Summary of Conference of Canada-China Friendship Organizations, Nov 1977

2.12 Minutes of Meeting with Representatives of CCFS-Saskatchewan, 1976

2.13 CCFA Annual General Meeting, Feb 1980

3.  Relative Letters from / to CCFA

3.1  CCFA letters, 1975

3.2  CCFA letters, 1978

3.3  CCFA letters, 1979

3.4  CCFA letters, 1977

4.  Canada-China Friendship Activities

4.1  Ambassador’s Visit to British Columbia: Schedule and letters, 1973

4.2  Visit of His Excellency Chang Wen-Chin Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Canada / B.C. Hydro Officials in Attendance, May 23, 1974

4.3  Chinese Ambassador Visit B.C. / Jan W. Walls // Western Voice, May 29-June 11, 1974

4.4  Chinese Ambassador to visit (no time)

4.5  Chinese Ambassador Here, May 22, 1974

4.6  “Youxie” Friendship Association Delegation Visit, Sept 4, 1979

4.7  Hosting A Chinese Friendship Delegation: Cost Estimate (no time)

4.8  Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Aug 30, 1979

4.9  Reception in Honhour of Delegation From, Sept 24, 1979

4.10 Delegation of the Chinese People’s Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Sept 24, 1979

4.11 Tentative List of Activities for Chinese Delegation in Vanc., Sept 7, 1979

4.12 A letter from Wang Bingnan, The President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, to the National Coordinating Committee of Canada-China Friendship Associations and CCFA in Various Places, Oct 13, 1979

4.13 王炳南談中美關係:中國對外友協代表團訪本市 // 時代報,Aug 29, 1979

4.14 Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries: Delegation of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Sept 24-26, 1979

4.15 You are invited to the Sixth National Convention of the US-China Peoples Friendship Association: New Horizons after Normalization!, 1979

4.16 王炳南書信一封,照片一張,Oct 22, 1979

5.  Peking Opera: Canada-China Friendship Association, Nov 11, 1979

6.  Canada-China Friendship: Canada-China Society Bulletin

6.1    Canada-China Friendship: Canada-China Society Bulletin = 加中友誼, 1978

6.2    Canada-China Friendship: Canada-China Society Bulletin = 加中友誼, 1979

6.3    Canada-China Friendship: Canada-China Society Bulletin = 加中友誼, 1980


Organization—S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 中僑互助會


1S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report

1.1   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1978~1979

1.2   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1979~1980

1.3   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 1980~1981

1.4   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1981~1982

1.5   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1982~1983

1.6   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1993~1994

1.7   第八屆周年大會80-81Annual Report

1.8   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1994-1995

1.9   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1995-1996

1.10  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1989

1.11  Mission Possible Celebrating 25 Years of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. =萬眾齊心共創理想﹕中僑互助會二十五週年紀念﹐1983—1998

1.12  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1992

1.13  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 2000-2001

1.14  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Annual Report, 1996-1997

2.  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. General Document

2.1   A Presentation on S.U.C.C.E.S.S.: United Chinese Community Enrichment Service Society / Lilian To (no time)

2.2   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 96 Dream Lottery

2.3   What is S.U.C.C.E.S.S.? = 中僑互助會 (no time)

2.4   An Open Appeal to the Leaders and Professionals of Chinese Origin in Vancouver (no time)

2.5   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. News Calendar, Sept 1986

2.6   S.U.C.C.E.S.S. News Calendar, Oct 1986

2.7   中僑互助會公開呼籲書 (no time)

3.  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Activities

3.1  中僑互助會活動一覽,Nov 1978

3.2  中僑互助會活動一覽,May & June, 1985

3.3  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Summer Youth Program Orientation Day 1985

3.4  SUCCESS MEMBERSHIP DAY = 中僑互助會‘會員日’之中秋節追月晚會, Sept 1986

3.5  中僑互助會端午節旅行大會,June 10, 1978

3.6  保護環境,善用資源:支援中僑互助會童軍一一六旅,May 26 (no year)

3.7  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Programmes and Activities, Jan 1978

3.8  中僑互助會再度推行𤔡僑胞入籍登記(no time)

3.9  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Dinner Dance // Mirror, Dec 1, 1977

4.  S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Newsletter

4.1    中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Feb 1977

4.2  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Oct 1977

4.3  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Feb 1978

4.4  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, May 1978

4.5  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Nov 1978

4.6  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, July 1980

4.7  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, May 1981

4.8  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Sept 1981

4.9  中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Nov 1981

4.10 中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Dec 1982

4.11 中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Dec 1986

4.12 中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Summer 1995

4.13 中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Winter 1994

4.14 中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Summer 1977

4.15 中僑通訊:中僑互助會Newsletter, Winter 1977


Other Organization


1.  List of Chinese Organization

1.1   List of Chinese Organization (1)

1.2   List of Chinese Organization (2)

1.3   List of Chinese Organization (3)

1.4   List of Chinese Organization (4)

2.  CAA—Chinese for Affirmative Action = 華人就業協進會

2.1   CAA Annual Report 1977 = 華人就業協進會一九七七年工作報告

2.2   CAA Newsletter, Aug 1977, Sept 1977, Jan 1978

2.3   Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) Community Affirmative Action Statement, June, 1973

2.4   CAA: Videotape Library

3.  CCNC—Chinese Canadian National Council = 全加華人協進會 (平權會)

3.1   CCNC Introduction

3.2   CCNC: Some Background Information

4.  The Chinese Freemasons Headquarters of Canada

4.1   A Brief on the Green Paper on Immigration to the Honourable Robert Andras, P. C.M.P. Minister of Manpower and Immigration from the Chinese Freemasons Headquarters of Canada, May 9, 1975

4.2   支援簡建平先生競選委員會

4.3   加拿大雲高華大漢公報一九吉三年第卅四期一九吉四年第卅五期征信錄

4.4   1888-1988溫哥華洪門民治黨百年三慶紀念特刊

4.5   The Three Mottos of the Chinese Freemason Society, Sept 14, 1975

5.  Chung-HWA Cultural Study Society

5.1   Societies Act: Chung-HWA Culture Study Society Constitution, July 1974

5.2   會訊 // 中華文化,No. 5, 1980

5.3   照片剪輯 // 中華文化創刊號,No.4, No.5

6.  Vancouver Chinese Canadian Activity Centre Society = 加拿大華裔活動中心

6.1  加拿大華裔活動中心,May 1983

6.2  歡樂老年,1982

6.3  Come Celebrate the Chinese Moon Festival and to Honor the Year of the Child, Sept 30, 1979

6.4  The Chor Fung Ming Opera, Aug 1978

6.5  華裔通訊,Nov. 1982

7.  Chinatown Lions Club

7.1   The Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club presents The Fourth Annual Miss Vancouver Chinatown Lions Pageant and Chinese New Year Celebrations, Mar 1, 1980

7.2   華埠獅子會主辦𤔡興建牌樓籌款春節綜合遊藝大會,1982

7.3   Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club: General Meeting, Apr 13, 1978

7.4   Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club, Vol. 24, No.10, Feb 16, 1978

7.5   Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club, Vol. 24, No.12, Mar 1, 1978

7.6   Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club, Vol. 24, No.16, May 3, 1978

7.7   Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club, Vol. 24, No.17, Mar 17, 1978

7.8   Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club, Vol. 24, No.1, Sept 1, 1977

8.  National Chinese Welfare Council = 全美華人福利總會

8.1  全美華人福利總會第八屆代表大會,紀念特刊,1975

8.2  西南區支會成立開幕全美華人福利總會美紀念冊

9.  Green Pine Mutual Aid Group = 青松互助會

9.1  青松互助會組織規程(no time)

9.2  長青互助會組織規程(no time)

9.3  青松互助會活動專案一覽表(no time)

9.4  新水平基金申請建議(no time)

10. 教師聯合會

10.1 The Association of Chinese Teachers = 華裔教師聯會 (3 materials)

10.2 British Columbia Teachers’ Federation: Racism in B.C. (8 materials)

11. 同學會

11.1 破曉 / 卡大中國同學會

11.2 校友通訊 / The Chinese University Alumni Association of Vancouver, Canada, No.6, June 1987

11.3 中國學生會 Special Information Edition, Feb 1986

11.4 The Chinese Students’ Association of U.B.C. = 卑詩大學中國同學會 materials 9

11.5 National Information Center for Chinese Students = 全加華人學生聯絡中心

11.6 Three letters between the President of Chinese Students’ Association, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. and other people, Mar 31, 1976

11.7 The Journal / Chinese Students’ Club of Columbia University, Nov. 71

11.8 暨南之聲 第五期 = CHI-NAN ALUMNI FORUM  No.5: 國立暨南大學美國南加州校友會成立二十周年紀念特刊19781998 

11.9 溫哥華培英校友會二十周年特刊﹕1966~1986 / Pui Ying Alumni Association

12. Vancouver Committee for China Natural Disaster Relief Fund = 溫哥華支援中國抗災委員會

12.1    Dance-A-Thon / Vancouver Committee for China Natural Disaster Relief Fund, Dec 19, 1981

13. VRB—Vancouver Resource Board

13.1 溫哥華社會資源局入息援助(福利金)簡介, July 1, 1977

13.2 Vancouver Resources Board Contacts

13.3 A Report to the Vancouver Resources Board, June, 1977

13.4 Vancouver Resources Board Community Relations Service: Memo, July 12, 1977

13.5 Phone Listings / Vancouver Resources Board, June, 1977

13.6 The Vancouver Resources Board: Authority and Responsibility of the Board (no time)

13.7 Community Resources Boards Amendment Act / Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, 1977

13.8 Community Resources Boards Act, 1974

13.9 Some Questions and Answers Regarding the Development of Community Resources Boards (no time)

13.10 Three letters from Minster of Human Resources to The Community Resources Board

13.11 Income Assistance / Vancouver Resources Board, July 1, 1977

13.12 Vancouver Resources Board: Community Resources Areas, May 1977

13.13 Community Resources Board—What’s that? / Vancouver Resources Board Community Relations Service, 1975

13.14 Save the Vancouver Resources Board: Kill Bill 65 (no time)

13.15 materials about VRB in the newspaper

14. Chinese Canadian Historical Society

14.1 Chinese Canadian Historical Society Constitution

14.2 Letter of Chinese-Canadian Historical Society, July 9, 1977

15. 同鄉會

15.1 加拿大東莞同鄉會創會特刊 /加拿大東莞同鄉會﹐19921994

15.2溫哥華市安懷堂集訊﹐January 1997

15.3 旅加北京聯誼總會會刊﹐第1期﹐20011月創刊

16. 中加文化交流協會

16.1  中加文化交流協會會刊:C.C.I.A. Progress Report, 1980

16.2  中加文化交流協會會刊:C.C.I.A. Progress Report, 1990

17. 商會

17.1 Hong Kong Merchants’ Association of Vancouver 30th Anniversary 1968-1998 = 溫哥華香港僑商會三十週年紀念特刊

17.2 Canadian Chinese Business Development Association: Yearly Journal 1991 = 加拿大華人商業發展會1991年報

17.3 Fly RAPBA: 7th Annual Gala Dinner = 亞太展翅耀金龍: Richmond Asia Pacific Business Association 2000 Year Book / 列治文亞太商會

17.2 Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association Tenth Anniversary Celebration Commemorative Issue = 溫哥華華埠商會十周年紀念特刊﹐1991

17.3 加拿大華人商業發展學會,1986年刊

17.4 加拿大華人商業發展學會,1989—1990年刊

17.5 加拿大華人商業發展學會﹐1991年刊

17.6 Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association 1983 Bulletin = 溫哥華華埠商會一九八三年年刊

17.7 Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of North America Year Book 1997-1998 = 北美洲台灣商會聯合總會年鑑﹐1997-1998

17.8Chinese Entrepreneurs Society of Canada Millennium Year Book =加拿大中華總商會千禧年紀念特刊


17.10              Canadian Chinese Business Development Association Newsletter = 加拿大華人商業發展會會員通訊, No.7, July, 1991

17.11              Lower Mainland Independent Grocers Association Anniversary Celebration Commemorative Issue = 平原獨立雜貨同業商會1995 25th 銀禧紀念特刊

17.12              Canadian Chinese Business Development Association Newsletter = 加拿大華人商業發展會, no.4, Apr. 1991

17.13              Canadian Chinese Business Development Association Newsletter = 加拿大華人商業發展會, no.9, Sep. 1991


18. 基金會

18.1 The Chinese History & Culture Educational Foundation for Youth North America Chapter = 中華青少年歷史文化教育基金北美分會, 1998

18.2 The Chinese History & Culture Educational Foundation for Youth: Collection of Choice Pictures in Beijing = 中華青少年歷史文化教育基金﹕訪京集錦﹐June, 1998

19. 崇正會

19.1 加拿大溫哥華崇正會成立十週年紀念特刊﹐1983

19.2 溫哥華客屬崇正會200118期會詢

19.3 加拿大溫哥華客屬崇正會成立三十周年紀念特刊﹕1971-2000

19.4 崇正會訊﹐第9期﹐Feb, 1990

20. 菲立太極拳社

20.1 菲立太極拳社千禧紀念冊╱陳伯元.---- 菲立太極圖書館出版﹐Dec, 2000(附﹕現代太極拳之研究初探)

20.2 讓健康伴隨著您╱洪紹光.----(菲立太極拳社健康與長壽叢書).--- 菲立太極圖書館出版﹐Nov. 30, 2002

20.3 現代務式基本太極拳﹕學習講義.--- (菲立太極拳社健康與長壽叢書).--- 菲立太極圖書館出版﹐2001

20.4 健康長壽頌﹕慶祝菲立太極權社創社十八週年╱陳伯元.--- (菲立太極拳社健康與長壽叢書).--- 菲立太極圖書館出版﹐2001

20.5 現代吳式老架子太極拳﹕慶祝菲立太極權社創社十八週年╱陳伯元.--- (菲立太極拳社健康與長壽叢書).--- 菲立太極圖書館出版﹐2002

21. 全加華人聯會

21.1 The 3rd National Conference of the National Congress of Chinese Canadians =全加華人聯會第三屆代表大會紀念特刊﹐Montreal, 1998

22. 加拿大武術團體聯合總會

22.1 22nd Annual West Coast Can-Am Championships and Canadian National Sanshou Team Selection = 第二十二屆加美武術錦標賽暨加拿大國家散打隊選拔賽﹐June 2, 3, 2001

23. 滿城華人服務中心

23.1 A Selection of Chinese Folk Stories = 中國民間故事集 / Pui-Yuan Han.-- Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal = 滿城華人服務中心 (no time, 英、法、中三種文字對照)

24. 亞太文化協會

24.1 援助中國鄉村教育計劃 / 亞太文化協會 (Asia Pacific Accord of Canada)