

1.  The Immigrant Women in Canada

1.1    The Immigrant Women in Canada: A Right to Recognition Part 1: Report of the Proceedings of the Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Mar 20—22, 1981

2.  The Needs of Women in the Hasting-Sunrise Area

2.1  The Needs of Women in the Hasting-Sunrise Area: A report related to the needs and interests of the women in the Hastings-Sunrise area and to the possibilities for developing programs to meet these needs / Alice W.C. Chan; Rosamaria Pieramela, Vancouver, 1977 (note: A project made possible through a grant from the Secretary of State Department)

3.  A Preliminary Sketch of Chinese Women and Work in British Columbia 1858—1950

3.1  A Preliminary Sketch of Chinese Women and Work in British Columbia 1858—1950: The Reality of Short Supply and High Demand / Tamara Adilman, May, 1984

4.  Materials about Women

4.1   Who We Are and What We Do / Secretary of State, Canada, 1981

4.2   婦女與工作 = Women & Work: Chinese-Canadian Women & Work Conference, Mar 7, 1987

4.3   Employment Handbook for Women / Assisting Women’s Awareness Regarding Employment, Mar, 1978

4.4   Women’s History in British Columbia Conference Apr 27-28: Young Building Camosun College, Victoria

4.5   Women is Training / Canada Employment and Immigration Commission and the British Columbia Ministry of Education 1978—1979

4.6   Concerning Women and You / Department of Manpower and Immigration of Pacific Region (no time)

4.7   Do You Want to Talk about…/ A Woman’s Place of Multilingual Services (no time)

4.8   女青年會婦女職業訓練班課程 no time

4.9   Resume of Research: Women in Non-Traditional Occupations in British Columbia / Kate Braid.—Prepared for: B.C. Human Rights Commission Conference, December 7-9, 1979

5. Violence Against Immigrant Women and Children

5.1 Violence Against Immigrant Women and Children: An Overview for Community Workers / Kathy Wiebe.—Vancouver: Women Against Violence Against Women / Rape Crisis Centre, 1958

6.     Under the willow tree

6.1 Under the willow tree: Pioneer Chinese Women in Canada / National Film Board of Canada, 1997 (video)