The food…Ahh, the food. It was wonderful. The crepes were lovingly built by La Boheme's chef Bruno and served up by Paola. Nothing but the best and most wholesome ingredients are used in both sweet and savoury crepes. There was a bit of a line-up but the reward was worth the wait.

Of course, Mr. Tubesteak was offered. What would an outdoor event be without the sizzle and aroma of barbecued hot dogs and the wonderful condiments that go with them.

Mr. Cool offered fruit sherbets or an ice cream on a stick. What could be nicer to finish off an outdoor lunch.

Grant Crowley and the South Vancouver Lions' Club came to do their annual post-event park clean-up. Well done Lions! Thanks for your sponsorship and thanks for your labour.

The Earth Day brochure, the colorful banners and signs were designed and donated by Tucker Media. These maps fill a need we have had for years and will help newcomers find their way around the Park..

Volunteer photographers included Steve Weiss, Nick Lum, and Ron Tucker. Thanks to all of you. Photographs make memories more vivid and we will treasure them.