Annual Report Spring 1999:
1. Information kiosk near Kerr St. Parking lot (trail map, info, nature theme)
2. Avalon Pond restoration activities (signage, habitat improvement, boardwalk)
3. Community plantings of native vegetation in critical areas (near pond, in tarpit)
4. Grade 5 Curriculum Unit development (with BC Environmental Network) (*)
5. Education Centre concept - exploring possibilities/models (*)
6. Coyote Club partnership; “nature walk” program
7. Summer Solstice event planning (community awareness building)
8. Liaison with Capilano College Environmental Sciences (*)
9. Trail maintenance; Lookout points
10. Placement of benches and garbage cans
11. General liaison with the Parks Board
12. Special event permitting - Mountain Bikes
13. Website and “Urban Ecology” network`
14. Trail map reprints; History booklet sales
15. Invasive Species Control (with Park Board)
16. New Member recruitment
Please Note: (*) indicates there is or may be a funding proposal under development in the current fiscal year. These proposals will be copied to the board of the CHCA when they have been prepared in a final form.