Stream integrity
and fish habitat protection, growth management, economic opportunity,
and recreational values are among the issues requiring attention for sustainability
planning and design. The Stream Protection Regulations (SPR) of the Fish
Protection Act introduced recently are intended to help guide decision-making
regarding streamside-related issues. Nonetheless, questions and concerns
have been raised regarding the SPR's role, effectiveness and/or impact
on sustainability planning, especially in the urban context.
To explore questions
and related issues, EDRS hosted a focused workshop on November 22, 2001
involving members of the following constituencies:
- The developer/development
- The design community
(architects, engineers, landscape architects, planners)
- Municipal government
(and other levels of government as may be interested)
- Academic and general
Knowledgeable, open-minded,
sustainability-oriented participants interested in cooperatively exploring
the SPR met together with a view to identify:
- Strengths of the
SPR and supported elements;
- Issues and questions
of concern regarding implementation particularly in the urban context;
- Suggestions for
solutions (design, decision-making) and next steps.
Workshop stages are
described and highlights of full group discussion are provided in "Whole
Group Report Outs." Scribe reports from each of the small working groups
are also provided.
Group Report Outs
Positive Aspects
of the SPR
The need for attention
to stream/fish habitat protection was taken (and declared) as a given
and the starting point for identifying 'common ground.' Participants were
asked to explore the SPR for those elements they collectively considered
to be strengths or enablers. Some short-hand highlights of the group report-outs
are presented below.
NB: Although
there appeared to be general agreement with elements during the report
out, some comments, along with later explorations, suggest that uncertainty
and a number of questions still remain almost all of these points. Due
to time constraints, it was not possible to 'unpack' each element or issue
in detail. For the most part, therefore, the positive aspects identified
here should be considered loosely and as possibilities or potentials rather
than as a reflection of consensus or absolutes.
- it’s short
- first legislation
of this kind in BC
- design response
- options exist to
go above and below the standards - flexibility/variety of approaches
- setbacks - precautions
are ‘on’ (exactness of the science?)
- high comfort in
defensibility of science, especially re: riparian role
- may result in increasing
greenspace (social value)
- an opportunity
to decrease long-term risks around streams
- potential to stimulate
increased enhancement - potential riparian areas
- potential to promote
sustainability in a number of ways
- potential to promote
consistency in protection
- may protect streams
from drainage storm water - water quality
- includes definitions
for increased clarity
- potential to enhance
property values
- may enable streamlining
in a number of cases - attention/energy might be devoted to challenging
- potential for increased
funding for streams (compensation, improvements)
- potential for long-term
economic benefits
1 Small Groups Details: East || South
|| West || North
Interests, Issues
and Concerns
MWLAP prepared an
"interests" paper based on discussions at their October 10, 2001 multistakeholder
meeting. Participants used this one
pager as a starting point to explore interests and issues. Their task
was to clarify and/or expand interests and identify additional issues
or questions of concern. Once again, time did not permit as full an identification
or exploration of issues as may be desired. The following provides highlights
of the issues/concerns identified during the second whole group report
- need for risk management
by local and provincial government for issues such as flood erosion
and property damage
- the offset in the
scientific literature doesn’t match the setback in the regulation (confusion
of high water & top of bank?)
- need government
staffing support; at local, provincial and federal levels
- interest in watershed
perspective/approach, to focus on ecosystem health, including wildlife
- public education
and education re: ecosystem & services
- clarification of
local government responsibility and authority
- need for harmonization
with other programs, e.g., GVRD stormwater program
- need to put upfront
in land use planning & OCP
- need to recognize
that urban setting is only one part; should include all environments
- fish and wildlife habitat
- need a clearer
process to reduce uncertainties & ambiguities, e.g., ephemeral streams;
potential vegetation
- need local government
& private property guidance & appeal mechanisms re: approvals
- issue of cross-boundary
decision-making; e.g., watershed management perspective could cross
several municipalities
2 Small Groups Details: East || South
|| West || North
Participants were
provided with four different sites/maps to initiate discussion and consideration
of the ways in which the prescriptive and flexible approaches in the SPR
might translate on a specific site. A number of participants were familiar
with one or more of the sites offered for consideration and this enabled
deeper understanding of context and issues.
The primary task for
the next stage of the workshop was to consider possible design principles
or implementation guidelines that may help more adequately or effectively
address various interests and issues. (Scribes were directed to capture
any new issues and questions raised during discussion generally and as
a result of specific site explorations.) The following suggestions/issues
were reported out to the whole group.
- watershed planning
- long term strategic planning; full resource data sets and interest
- fairness for property
value (explicit)
- local government
clarity re. variances
- make sure variances
can work - opportunities for tradeoff
- allow for creativity
- onsite visits (context)
- as a requirement prior to decision-making + use of multiple data sources
- integrated programs
(not just setbacks) e.g. link to stormwater management
- stream classifications
- not all streams are equal (fish focus vs existing land use)
- consistent and
applicable inventory
- in-stream (habitat)
enhancement - possible exchange re. setbacks
- appeal and dispute
resolution procedures
- add to environmental
conservation interests: quality of life services
- speak about property
value vs. property values
- accounting for
& accommodating changes in the long term (e.g., impacts of future regulations
or regulatory change on long term development plans in process; changes
in understanding of ecosystem functioning, fish habitat needs, etc.)
- caveat: fish and
other system functions (re. classifications) - problem of relative values
3 Small Groups Details: East || South
|| West || North
Return to Top
Group Members:
Andrew Appleton |
Catherine Berris |
Fin Donelly |
Wilma Leung |
Jim Mattson |
Ian Theaker |
Susan Wilkins |
Scribe: Raenelle Wood, Student
PART 1 - Good Points
of SPR & Common Ground East
- Legislated
- Has generous setbacks
- Protects all watercourses
into creek
- Has some flexibility
- Looks at potentials
for areas to become riparian (restoration) - will stimulate more enhancement
- Increase green
spaces and vegetation
- Will enhance property
values nearby
tributaries to the
stream also have to be conserved (logging and riparian areas)
no proper protection
for runoff from logging areas (siltation)
potential vegetation
(this includes roads) which is good
growing vegetation
decreases siltation, but in summer will dry up
removal of leaf litter
that holds water is constantly occurring now
streamside regulation
is dealing with protecting riparian zones - doesn’t protect base flow
(water quality), although just having riparian zones helps
GVRD land use planning
people don’t realize
that wetlands (for eg.) are good
is leaving decision
of 30m zone in hands of municipalities good?
many municipalities
are not equipped to determine the equivalent (to 30m) of protection e.g.
Quesnel or Sunshine Coast (where they have fewer staff members)
there are many grey
areas where public interest take over
need a medium and
something that is workable
no compensation for
those that have fish-bearing stream (what if 30m happens to be in the
middle of a road?)
regulation only applies
to land that is to be redeveloped
many property owners
bought properties before these laws (e.g. DFO laws) were established,
with the intention of developing
land speculation
is just that …. land speculation - you should not be entitled to developing
at higher level because that was the land speculation at the time
green strips increase
value for people who live nearby
when developing,
leave clumps of trees (not individual growing trees) as green spaces -
large trees no longer protected by other trees subject to wind storms
that damage the trees and the property (houses)
projects now involve
arborists who would rather be safe than sorry because they hold the liability
- therefore they usually cut the trees
if property becomes
unuseable, then it should be rebuilt
need adequate baseline
to protect watershed
this legislation
is a good move
width depends on
existing streamside vegetation
roadside ditches
that were built for drainage - but if they lead into a fish-bearing stream,
then these ditches need to be protected (this is a questionable?)
this has huge implications
eliminate ditches
and increase water infiltration - do you really need to take up all that
land in a setback?
we need to have a
hard line
developers look at
value without looking at resources on property
currently planning
is done and the creek is changed according to plans - instead of looking
at the creek and planning around the creek
[Part 1 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North ]
PART 2 - Additional
Issues/Interests East
Municipal Government
bringing together
3 levels of government and would be a good way to deal with issues e.g.
minutes of ERC written up and signed by people present
harmonization is
occurring (in EIA for e.g.)
need more overlap
between different levels of government
need a regulation
for specific circumstances
federal government
doesn’t have any specific concerns with watershed management
resources are an
issue - do we have funding?
Conservation and
look at whole watershed
more integrated management
want to look at more
aspects of protecting the stream
set priorities
development of watershed
plan in each municipality (but this costs money)
protection is just
one tool - other tools include enhancement, restoration and stock management
Private Property
Use and Development:
in urban areas we
have to expect/accept growth
in some areas we
will accept damage to ecosystem- other areas we won’t
we do not help to
set these priorities in SPR
mapping and classifying
watersheds - we need a stratified suite of tools and levels of approach
DFO Watershed-Based
Fish Sustainability Planning is a tool
but can the municipalities
all use this?
need to integrate
it into land-use plans as soon as possible (developers would also like
at an implementation
level, definitions such as ephemeral streams and potential vegetation
are ambiguous
municipalities are
responsible for enforcing SPR - this is something that SPR has got right
no relationship between
SPR and Fisheries Act
salmon are a good
indicator species for the health of the watershed
[Part 2 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
PART 3 - Improvements/Solutions:
- clarify where
is the top of the bank? (do we use high water mark or the top of the
bank, because this differs in specific cases?)
- need a standardized
classification system across municipalities that includes all creek,
waterways etc.
- need a comprehensive
inventory - this will show us what we have, but also shows areas needing
- allow for more
creativity (flexibility) in management of riparian zones other than
setbacks (e.g. this may tie in to stormwater management) - performance
based as opposed to prescriptive regulation of approaches
SPR needs to provide
classification of watercourses (e.g. SHIM)
there are lower standards
for watersheds in developed areas (but in developed areas, streams may
be more valuable?)
we should manage
based on value of the stream
tie into stormwater
usually developers
want to know what zone it is that they are working in so that they can
build around it (plan accordingly)
this forces them
to talk to people with GIS and engineer for example - facilitates a more
integrated approach
what are you measuring
and what can you get from it?
performance standard
at site level not yet possible
what are we going
to learn from this?
adaptive management
at the watershed level is okay, but difficult to do it at a site level
integrated municipal
approval process
flexibility clause
- needs to be a lot more classification of what is flexible and what is
very little detail
in clause about exactly what the approach should be
with SPR it details
the last approach
a magic number of
setbacks is difficult to work with - this will vary for different streams
but municipal staff
who make these decisions may not be aware of alternatives and may make
decisions based on tax benefits
if developer wants
to pay enough money for being able to build closer to the stream at one
area, this money can go towards “engineering” woody debris in the stream
for example
need watershed plans
in the different municipalities
what is being done
by the provincial government to restore the massive salmon bearing streams
in the province where we are losing wild salmon runs?
[Part 3 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
to Top
Group Members:
Sheldon Albert |
Rider Cooley |
Lisa Hewitt |
Steve Litke |
Danielle Lukovich |
Pamela Zevit |
Scribe: Alec Fernandes |
PART 1 - Strengths
of the SPR South
- The descriptions
are excellent for bank stability; it is not ambiguous
- The legislature
is based on good science that is very accountable
- There is general
accessibility for the public
[Part 1 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
PART 2 - Additional
Issues South
- Protection should
include wildlife as well as fish
- Protect all environments
for its own sake
- Must increase
awareness and education (through publicity)
- There should
be a linkage between the different BMPs that can be applied to the
problem at hand
- Elaborate on
“the quality of life”
- Further explanation
of “life services” that are provided by healthy streams
- Protect property
value (singular as there is only value associated with property -
- Better explanation
and elaboration regarding “owner’s rights”
[Part 2 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
PART 3 - Improvements/Solutions
We should work with
the streams and not against them to prevent many future problems, ie.
bank stability and flooding.This would also reduce liability associated
with the above problems
There has to be flexibility
to allow for agreements between all levels of government, land developers,
architects, etc. This idea could be a much greater problem to accomplish
in practice
High density could
be a solution to many of the above problems except that everyone wants
“their backyard with white picket fences” However high density could be
accomplished with larger natural spaces for everyone to share
To implement a similar
plan would require a great deal of time to get permits and through red
tape (a long transition phase)
A standard set of
guidelines and permits will reduce the time required to complete the process
(from design to construction)
There should be compensation
for ecogifts of land to adjoining park land
[Part 3 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
to Top
Group Members:
Paul Berlinguette |
Jodi Dong |
Chris Johnson |
Ricardo Mercado |
Ward Prystay |
Val Schaefer |
Scribe: Donovan Campbell, Student
(Civl Eng) |
PART 1 - Good
Points of SPR & Common Ground West
- Clarified setback
requirements for stream types
- Flexibility with
respect to method of implementation
The GVRD will be
studying every watershed for the next 12 years. There will be no secondary
treatment for some areas because there is no visible economic benefit.
The North Shore desperately needs secondary treatment
The GVRD is focusing
on storm water and will be pooling resources there. $100/residence (approx.
$1 billion) will be spent to study and another $1 billion spent to implement
an infrastructure. New York has $8 billion for a treatment plant after
establishing bylaws to address storm water treatment. There is a magazine
in USA that is available to all NGO’s, GO’s, …called “Storm Drain Management”
which focuses on such issues and advances
SPR has become a
little bit of science with some government ‘teeth’ therefore people think
it is important. However, the implementation is falling apart. There are
too many arguments (silly and easily dealt with) for why there should
be no change. The SPR is too interdependent between the government levels,
no one is acting because there is no clarity on what is to be done, or
how best to do it
Many people have
wanted the implementation method changed, but there is lots of flexibility
with the current regulation
Negotiation must
get out of provincial/federal hands. Who best to do it? The City. Municipality
control will have better ways to deal with problems that are at their
level, and the decisions must be FINAL (no meddling by provincial/federal
Municipality does
not want that responsibility. Municipality just does not want to get into
It cannot go back
to the ERC 3, 4, 5 times
The compensation
process is somewhat confusing. Look at stream damage…
The money has to
remain within each watershed. It cannot be traded across watersheds. Yet,
all watersheds in the lower mainland have development projects and will
need some form of compensation (Question: A lot of work you do
is enhancement. Can you reduce setbacks by enhancing streams with fish
ladders and such?…Ans:so far, yes)
Storm water issues
are most important because they are being fed directly into the streams
without treatment
The best picture:
watershed is measured and compared to what proposed development there
is…what density is desired. Then a long term plan must be established
If you have a single-family
residence lot, you will have to buy more lots to develop more due to setbacks.
You can appropriate funds within watersheds to do the purchasing
The way SPR is being
read, asphalt is riparian, concrete is riparian. The way BC environment
is looking at it in the field: 30m setbacks for fish bearing streams and
15m setbacks for intermittent streams. PERIOD
There should be room
for negotiation but in reality, in the field it is not like that
If there are no consequences
(of setback violation), SPR must have a means to back itself up
[Part 1 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
PART 2 - Additional
Issues West
- Responsibility
should be focused into the municipality. Federal and Provincial levels
should recognize and support municipal regulation, implementation,
and enforcement. (Perhaps through regular auditing).
- Storm water management
needs to be addressed because storm drains are still being directed
into the streams without comprehensive regulation.
- Implementation
of the SPR should perhaps undertake the specific requirements of each
watershed instead of having a general regulation for all watersheds.
- Responsibility
cannot be downloaded without the power to make decisions
[Issues of control]:
The provincial and
federal governments are trying to use the same legislation. Why harmonize?
Why not individualize? It would seem that one must take control
The province is responsible
for inland water, whereas the fed’s are responsible for fisheries. There
would be overlap and therefore they would have to harmonize
The DFO and the province
are each taking separate regions, but the province has to defer to the
DFO. The SPR gives a common ground for both to follow so that there is
less conflict
But why do you need
both? Give the power into one hand to make more effective management
The province is setting
and enforcing…the municipalities pick up the download
The NGO’s need better
and proper funding otherwise the stress becomes too much and there is
‘burn out’ and they give up after a couple of years. There is a very high
level of friction working with the DFO…too much paper work and processing,
and they (DFO) are very heavy-handed
The SPR is differently
run in different regions
People don’t want
to work directly with the DFO.
The DFO wanted higher
setbacks, and see the SPR as weak
The whole section
of 6-5 in the SPR allows for section sizes of private properties
But there are no
provisions for ‘useable’ land area. What happens if the setbacks restrict
your development right up to your proposed front and back door?
6-5 addresses that
issue. There cannot be blanket rules applied without flexibility
But 6-5 says with
accordance with section 2. The wording indicates no flexibility
Allowances are currently
being made on a site by site basis
With the downloading,
the municipalities must be recognized as the decision makers and the DOF/Province
must lay off
Then the province
must do audits on the municipalities to ensure that it works. As a minimum,
they must do it once/year (provincial audits)
The problem with
urban streams is that we stop erosion by gravel dumping, which becomes
eroded and needs more gravel dumping
Site by site evaluation
cannot work effectively. We must become more macro in scope. ISSUE: responsibility
cannot be downloaded without the power to make decisions
The environmental
consultants are not ‘in’ enough on decision-making
But if we include
the private sector, accountability must be shared by them
The SPR is not supposed
to be a HOW-TO guide…it is a framework
[Part 2 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
PART 3 - Improvements/Solutions
- SPR must be given
stronger credibility and power to enforce its regulations.
- Individual watershed
consideration should be written into the SPR.
- Consequences
and liabilities must be more explicit in the SPR.
- Some form of
time limit should be placed upon retro-active implementation and upon
the length of time the SPR, as written, is effective.
- Some form of
mechanism should be installed to measure the effectiveness of the
SPR over time.
- Average setbacks
might be a consideration instead of rigidly fixing them at 15m or
30m depending upon stream type.
The SPR has to be
a bulletproof legislation or deal with situations on a watershed basis.
Otherwise, the SPR will be taken to court and bogged down in individual
disputes until someone squeezes through a hole. There has to be sufficient
knowledge about all the watersheds to handle an audit (a comparable watershed
to have a guideline)
It should be based
upon existing watersheds to measure positive or negative impact/change
Will the DFO will
give the municipality the power under the Fisheries Act to make decisions
on fish bearing streams?
The liabilities are
too ambiguous in the SPR
It seems that DFO
wants an absolutely clear plan of any new development
The SPR should be
fully prescriptive in implementation. But standards are changing, negotiations
will always be dependent upon the DFO’s position Then there should be
a time limit imposed on development approval to allow for these changes
in standards
Maybe we should concentrate
densities and relieve them in other areas, then the setbacks could be
more easily achieved
The compensation
for properties affected by the new zoning/setbacks needs to be properly
valued. Grand-fathered properties is a sensitive issue
Developments will
have to evaluate possible grandfathers into their plans to allow for the
required setbacks
There is no mechanism
to measure if the SPR is working for or improving streams over time
It (SPR) is only
a guide to address disputes…it helps interpret the regulations
There is no enforcement
or monitoring
The province already
protects the green space around streams, but there is a huge need for
storm water management…it is an imbalance in the regulation. (True) the
setbacks will be achieved but the storm drains will still drain directly
into the streams. The DFO should be addressing that issue
The DFO will not
okay any long-term plan where planned developments will be affected by
30m or 15m setbacks But dependent upon the proposal stage, setbacks may
not affect it because the SPR cannot retroactively change development
plans The setbacks run by classification of the stream type
The SPR should take
a hard-line with respect to developments IF the stream is a fulltime fish-bearing
stream. Allowances should be made for streams that are not fish bearing,
or do not run all year (less than the 6 months)
Perhaps an average
setback could be implemented to allow for contour of the land…there are
many options that should be addressed
The variance procedures
have to be explicitly clear. Developers should not be the ones that have
to interpret the SP
What about long-term
development plans/investments which were originally properly zoned until
the SPR changes…there are a loss of expected revenue…how is compensation
to evaluate those losses? There needs to be a mechanism to deal with older
issues…the new issues have to SPR to comply with
The SPR has to account
for long-term development plans…a watershed overview could better address
[Part 3 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
to Top
Group Members:
Bob Cox |
Geoff Croll |
Erik Lees |
Zo Ann Morten |
Peter Reese |
Fiona Wright |
Scribe: Robin Parker, student
(Civl Eng) |
PART 1 - Good
Points of SPR & Common Ground North
Flexibility: Stream
Widths, Fish Bearing or not
Problem: The specifics
have not been sold to the public properly/well, for example many people
are afraid of losing their houses because they are unaware of the “grandfather”
Question: Could
a Developer go within the boundary and do other means of achieving stream
Strength: Under 6(5)
SPR provides an opportunity to go below or about the standard.
Concern: If structure
footprint size must be reduced due to less useable land, will the property
value decrease.
Question: Have the
standards been raised up to make it harder for developers?
Answer: Yes, in some cases, no in others. To clarify this means that
in some cases it is actually easier for the developer (streamlined cases
so less red tape) and in other cases that take more care and attention
the standards are raised to ensure a protected stream. [B]
Strength: Proactive
instead of Reactive.
Concern: Municipality
faces charges by DFO if they create a variance - what is the incentive
for local government to create a variance.
Strength: DFO and
municipality work together to achieve the same goal
Strength: 80% of
situations are streamlined, while 20% of more difficult ones get more
effort/costs/energy. Streamlining is not just about the making it easy
for the land owner, but it also means making it more efficient for the
authority. [B]
Strength: There is
no allowance for storm drain and other water drainage systems to be dumped
into the stream.
Strength: Savings
in the long run to the developer ie PR, “Green Feather in cap” despite
increased immediate accounting costs.
Strength: Promotes
creative solutions.
Concern: Local trails
- why are the rolled in under the same classification as everything
Provides opportunity to limit long term problems caused by living too
close to a stream (streamside trail).
[Part 1 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
PART 2 - Additional
Issues North
Provincial Government:
Staffing support
for government (DFO, WALP)
Government level
Other management
issues, e.g. “A stream water management system” that could destroy the
stream even if legislation is successful, enforced, and followed. Harmonization
with other programs is essential.
Attempt to manage
at watershed level.
Local Government
Standardization of
variances between municipalities
Incentive for Municipality
to use a variance.
How do multistage
developments, approved before the act, fit into the act once it is passed?
Practical and Clear
process is needed.
Too many opportunities
for inconsistent interpretation.
Too many uncertainties.
Too much opportunity
for abuse of the system.
Question: Is it
an interest for developers to protect fish habitat?
Response: Protecting Fish habitat is an interest, and was one before
the legislation. The legislation is almost extra.
[Part 2 details, other groups: East || South
|| West || North]
PART 3 - Improvements/Solutions
At what point is
a non-conformity grandfathered
Some locations can
easily be rendered undevelopable
Some kind of guarantee
in the variance process
Developer’s biologist
versus SPR/DFO biologist
Given an opportunity
to do stream enhancement work, could the boundary be reduced?
Provide a variance
history registry so people can see what has passed before.
Scribe's additional
A map of a development currently underway was reviewed. Two boundaries
were indicated: boundary the biologist had concluded were safe for the
fish; boundaries that the new SPR regulations would require. It appears
that with the new SPR boundaries the site would be almost unusable for
development because of the unrealistic lot sizes and configurations
that would have to follow. For the most part everyone was determined
to show/find possible solutions to the problem. The "variance" concept
was promoted by one participant (this situation was one where a variance
was necessary, and would need to be applied for). While some opinions
were quite strong and steadfast re: setback requirements, these seemed
to shift once it became it was apparent that there was another side
to the story and that the issue wasn’t as cut and dried as might be
desired. In the end, although concerns remain re: "inefficient red tape",
a number of creative solutions were suggested and it became clear that
there are several ways to address issues given creative input and open
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Knowledge (perspective/issue) Key
Academia (A) and Public Interest |
Design Community (architects, landscape
architects, engineers, environmental consultants) |
Developers/Development Community |
Government |
Berris Associates Inc. -- Displays and case example
Douglas College Envt Studies & Urban Ecology
-- Display
Genstar Development Co. -- Case
MWALP -- Resource material and
case example
ORCAD Consulting Group Inc. -- Design
& facilitation; resource material
Pacific Streamkeepers -- Display
and case example
Pottinger Gaherty Ltd. -- Displays
UBC Engineering and Capilano College ENSC students
-- Scribing