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Gibby’s Field
Cedar Cottage, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

7 December 2000: Minutes: Kensington–Cedar Cottage (KCC) CityPlan Committee meeting

Kensington-Cedar Cottage - CityPlan Meeting Minutes

Minutes from December 7, 2000 Meeting

Meeting Notes of the Kensington-Cedar Cottage Steering Committee

Thursday, December 7, 2000

GIBBY’S FIELD -1460 East 18th Avenue

In Attendance:  Jennifer McClean, Paul Calderhead, Sharole Tylor, Alena Ebelung Schuld, D. Craig Sibley, Uli Rasehorn, David Walton, Mavis Dixon, Rob Millar, Louise Cameron, Ken Baker, Heather Imrie, Ann Roberts, B. Kim Stansfield

Also in Attendance: Cathy Buckham, City Staff

Mavis Dixon, from Evergreen, gave a brief history of Gibby’s Field. Gibby’s Field offers a rare opportunity to preserve a piece of exposed creek with historical significance. It is the last remnant of the historical China Creek river system. Currently, there is a lightly trod path through the property, however the City has installed “No Trespassing” signs. The surrounding neighbours have been vigilant in enforcing the no trespassing edict imposed by the City, however, they are supportive of a community vision for the property. The City owns the property and the site is being prepared to be filled and sold as three (3) individual lots by the Real Estate Department for approximately $240,000 per lot. The Gibby’s Field Group has a consensus forming around a community vision for the property. The vision of the property is that it could:

1. Mark the history of the neighbourhood;

2. Restore and create bird and butterfly habitat through the use of low maintenance, native plants;

3. Create some water habitat and riparian edge habitat by restoring some of the creek flow, within the confines of neighbourhood safety concerns.

The Gibby’s Field Group is seeking a moratorium on further residential development of the property. They are preparing to approach the City and Parks Board to have the property removed from the Property Endowment Fund.

The question was raised as to whether or not the Parks Board would be interested in acquiring Gibby’s Field. Paul Calderhead responded that he had spoken to the Board and they feel the area is not park material and therefore does not require a quick response. Gibby’s Field does not fit within the Parks Board requirements for green space. It was suggested by Parks Board staff that an issue like this has to go political. Cathy Buckham said she would check the protocol first.

The Gibby’s Field group is asking KCC Steering Committee to support the above moratorium. Ann Roberts said she would write a letter to the City on behalf of the Steering Committee in support of a moratorium on further residential development of the property.

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