INTENSIVE FASTING OVER LONG PERIODS (Part Two) by Swami NadaBramananda |
This writer did some experiments on his own body and the need to wash the colon out. A decision was made to wash the colon out every time one felt tired and weak. The result was to feel much better within 5 minutes of cleaning the colon, as expected. Also, the colon needed to be washed out at least every two days and occasionally every day. I concluded that my body had become far more polluted than usual. It is true that I had moved into British Columbia three years before and this was the first real fast since then.
All went well, as usual, as the weeks went by, drinking only filtered water flavoured with a little lemon or orange juice. I do mean a little, about two tablespoons of fruit juice to two litres of water. Of course, the colon was washed out every time I felt a bit tired or lacking in energy. Then, at the end of 42 days or 6 weeks, after over-doing a long walk resulting in pain in the right foot, I ended the fast. The reasoning was straight forward: I felt I had probably torn a tendon or two in the foot and that I would need some protein for the healing to take place. Given the fact that it has taken weeks for the foot to return to normal functioning, I believe that the diagnosis was right and so was the decision to break the fast.
The fast was broken with citrus fruit in order to provide a final cleansing. My un-published goal had been to go to about 56 days, but that will have to wait for another time. I lost close to 46 pounds of body weight and my Yoga Asanas were really easy and pleasant towards the end of the fast, but the real benefit was the sharper mind and general feeling of health and energy which accompanied and followed the fast.
One must always be very conscious of what is going on in the body when fasting and not strain it too much after a few weeks of not eating, (although in my thirties and forties I used to go jogging every day during long fasts! ). Then for an experienced faster, fasting is definitely a good practice for our general health.
Good luck with yours. Feel free to contact us when you begin your fast, for encouragement and information.
Om Namah Sivaya!
Hari Om tat sat.
Swami NadaBramananda. Your spiritual friend.
[This article is part of a book in preparation and is protected by copyright]
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