Poems by Greta Kilpatrick (c) 2003

Family | Family 2


Write something about family.

I certainly come from a large family.
Three sisters and 3 brothers.
I had a large family 4 girls and 2 boys.

The problem was I had them very young.

Which was fine when I was young and active.

Now I am old - my family is old - oldest 73, youngest 64. They are scattered in the states and lower mainland.

I sure made a big mistake having them young. If I had
waited fifteen years I would have a lot of support in my old age.

Well we can’t have everything.
I am proud of my vigorous, healthy family.
6 children, 10 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and 4 great, great grandchildren.

Though I deeply believe the world is overpopulated
I don’t blame myself for adding to it.

Remember I had no access to birth control.

It’s not my fault.

                                                            by Greta Kilpatrick

Family 2

Now I come to the leading question in today’s lesson,

“which group of people in your life
do you most consider to be your family?”

As I am quite old – nearly all my family have scattered, my intimate friends have all passed on.

So I consider my family is my acquaintances, the people I do things with.

The swimming group
The bridge group – or any cards –
The scrabble group

It is getting very hard to find anyone to do anything –

like discussing political issues or things in the news.
My physical capabilities have gone.


I would love to find someone to play card games or scrabble with or go to a movie with or have a good gossip.

How about you?


                                                    by Greta Kilpatrick