David Lefler's Family Pictures

Welcome to my family's page. I come regularly to the Lion's Den to work on Genealogy research on the computers here. Below are some pictures taken in the neighbourhood and one of me now. 

These are some terrific sites for Genealogy Research:

David Lefler.

The photo above was taken in Grandview Park in 1940 in the fall. The clown head was a temporary structure for an event. It is of the Lefler family. With mom on right, Aunt Dora on the left holding Delores and David in the centre. This is me in 2002 at the Lion's Den.
This is also Grandview Park in 1940. Where the water park is now was a wading pool and you can see it in the background. These trees are still there. (Just a little larger now...)David and his new baby sister Delores are in the foreground. She is about 6 months old and he is 5.