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O'Shihan Cultural Organization - A Proud Supporter of ZSC

11th Zoroastrian Games

July 2-July 6, 2008 ,  San Diego, University of San Diego, California

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 Registration     OpeningCeremony    Day1     Beach     Day2     Disco    

Banquet       Day4     ClosingCeremony    Medals   AtCamp       O'Shihan      ZSC site    Children   GrandParents

5 July - part 2

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10th Games, Los Angeles

9th Games, Vancouver   بازيهاى نهم ونكوور

8th Games - LA بازيهاى هشتم، لوس آنجلس

7th Games, Texas بازيهاى هفتم- تگزاس


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