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V5B 2R5 602.899.4578.1304 Whitewater Lane, Mississague , ON L5V 1L8 905.542.9885 416.745.6499"38 Brome, Kirkland, Quebec H9J 2N3 514.630.6065 514.939.2233!9509 Casanes Ave, Downey CA 90240 562.861.3209.2227 Paseo Saucedal, La Costa Valley, CA 92009 760.944.0441 760.603.8396leefood@sdiclub.com9Federation of Zoroastrian Assoc of North America (FEZANA) 732.855.7847 732.636.5957#9 South Circle Woodbridge NJ 07095 NJpresident@fezana.orgwww.fezana.org(Zoroastrian Association of Alberta (ZAA)6Zoroastrian Association of Greater Boston Area (ZAGBA)MA$15 Joseph Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 508.842.7425pdubash@aol.com1Traditional Mazdayasni Zoroastrian Anjuman (TMZA)#3371 Skyview Lane, Corona, CA 91720 909.279.1529 JalNB@aol.com0Zarthoshti Anjuman of Northern California (ZANC)(4296 Mountcastle Way, San Jose, CA 95136 408.264.4395 408.267.8391bomip@yahoo.com OrganizationAnjuman7Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitian Chicago (ZAMC)IL#200 Bonnie Brae, Elmhurst, IL 60126 630.833.6923HosiMehta@aol.com(Zoroastrian Association of Houston (ZAH)TX'5607 Penninsula Park, Houston, TX 77401 713.856.9359 713.856.9369 m3zs@aol.com(Zoroastrian Association of Kansas (ZAK)KS.12701 W. 121st Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 913.897.2171 913.685.1298adib@iname.com3Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York (ZAGNY)NY-29 Swarthmore Lane, Dix Hills, New York 11746 516.462.0763gevnentin@aol.com"156 Hartman Road, Newton, MA 02159 617.527.2956.Zoroastrian Association of Pennsylavnia (ZAPA)PA$2301 Colony Ct. Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412.367.2946 412.367.7521hfmc31@aol.com%Iranian Zoroastrian Association (IZA)>Zoroastrian Association of Pennsylavnia & New Jersey (ZAPANJ)018 Copper Beach Drive, Laffayette Hill, PA 19444 610.825.5396 215.707.64430Zoroastrian Association of Rocky Mountain (ZARM)CO19795 S. Ashleigh Place, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303.470.1196 303.470.5379 yoroh@aol.comBNAmaria@aol.com-Zoroastrian Association of North Texas (ZANT)$5304 Pampas Ct., Arlington, TX 76018 817.467.9003 817.469.7324zaxon@eaze.net$Zoroastrian Association of Manitoba MT(5 Raber Road, Winnipeg, Maintoba R2R 1G4 204.694.1142*Zoroastrian Association of Atlantic CanadaNS+118 Riverview Crescent, Bedford, NS B4A 2X4 902.835.5221@Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitian Washington State (ZSWS)WA-15223 SE 59th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006-5353 425.644.2261 425.821.3228 zswsl.aol.com(Zoroastrian Association of Florida (ZAF)FL54801 Sancastle Circle, Saint Augustine, FL 32095-0175 904.808.0460 904.461.5402unperry@aol.comAtlanta Zoroastrian AnjumanGA&2846 Greenbrook Way, Atlanta, GA 30345 404.325.3300 404.325.1227farrokh.mistree@megatech.edu CommunityCleveland Zoroastrian CommunityOH 5552 Reef Road, Mentor, OH 44060 440.943.2910Detroit Zoroastrian CommunityMI,6018 Winterset Drive, Lansing, MI 48911-4820 517.393.1021jrudvadia@voyager.netMinnesota Zoroastrian CommunityMN+15631 Highview Lane, Apple Valley, MN 55124 612.332.8905Group$Nebraska Zoroastrian Ineterest GroupNE#2730 Katy Circle, Lincoln, NE 68506!New Orleans Zoroastrian CommunityLA'2139 Holiday Dr., New Orleans, LA 70114 504.393.8242San Diego Zoroastrian Community(5054 Maynard Street, San Diego, CA 92122 619.450.0190 402.483.4717St. Louis Zoroastrian CommunityMO(156 Camfield Square, St. Louis, MO 63141 314.569.1828ZAKOIKY$805 Exmoor Ave, Lpuisville, KY 40223 502.244.4806ronnykash@aol.comCentre"Zoroastrian Center of Asutin Texas+2205 Cliffedge Drive, Austin, TX 78733-0013 512.263.3131O'Shihan Cultural Organization+2092 Gordon Ave, West Vancouver, BC V7V 1V7 604.926.9891 208.474.0293oshihan@oshihan.orgwww.oshihan.org Association%Central Florida Zoroastrian Communitymezbirdie@aol.com)Zoroastrian Association of Kentucky-Ohio FAncient Iranian Cultural and Religious Research and Development Centerwww.AncientIran.comancientiran@hotmail.com7703 Donegal Place, North Vancouver, BC V7V 2X6, Canada 604.986.2077 604.986.5081assembly@zartoshti.orgAssembly AssocitaionThe Zarathushtrian Assembly#1814 Bayless St, Anaheim, CA 92802 714.520.9577 714.520.9620%www.zoroastrian.org www.zartoshti.org4Persian Zoroastrian Organization (PZO) of California'10468 Crothers Road, San Jose, CA 95127 408-272-1678 www.pzo.infokdinyari@portal.com XJ [ Mm _2 $ ~pE7    ug K= r<.m_:, I@ 3q17  dMbP?_*+%MHP LaserJet 5L PCL@g,, @MSUD7HP LaserJet 5L PCL%d "d,,??U} $ } I&} $} m } } $ } } } m} $ 3  w  h  h h  h    h          h      h   h h                 #    G                   8   "        % & '      ( ) *   x y  z {   | }  ~       ! $        + ,        - . / 0   1 5  4 2 3 6 7  9 :  ; < < =  H >   ? @ A H B   C D E F G       !  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