Welcome to Hookht (Good Words) Chatroomlël×A yßh (ÈìÛ oDO¿Ê) Phßç ÁDNC éF
PìÎßòw×/¯ñCpz lÜÜÇì× MDµCp× éØç Co íO¡Noq PÆCrÛ Þ EkC -1 ÙìÜÆ PGe¤ ´ß¨ß× æoDF ok Þ é¤Ôh -2 kßz koCÞ í×DèNC Þ ælz ÝìçßN éÛßËaìç lëDGÛ £DizC éF -3 íO¡NoqyqoÞ Þ pÜç ,ÌÜçp¾ æoDF ok ÙìÜÆ í·v ,PvC íËÜçp¾ é·vßN D× ½lç ÚßZ -4 ÙìÜÆ PGe¤ pO¡ìF , PìSìdéF íÎDØOdC é×l¤ Þ MoDwh éÛßËaìç PìÎßòw× , ÝèìzC íËÜçp¾ ÚD×qDv -5 ÙìÃOw× oß®F PGe¤koß× ÁDNC ÝëC ok éÆ íñDèÛD×qDvÞkCp¾C oDÆ Þ HwÆ Þ é¾pd , ÖDÃ× P¾pÊlçCßiÛ ælè·F Co lÛpìËì× oCp ÙìÃOw× pìº Dë ÁkD¤ rìÛ æoDF ÝëC ok íOÛpOÜëC MD¬DGNoC éÛßËÜëC éF «ßFp× MCopÃ× Þ ¯ñCpz pëDv -6 .kßF lçCßh
.PvC ykßhoDO¿Ê Íßòw× íwÆ pç ,é¤Ôh
1. Please obey the Zarathushti manner 2. Be brief and to the point 3. Don't insult or accuse anybody 4. Our main goal is the promotion of our good Culture, so please talk more about Zarathushti Culture, Arts and Sport activities 5. O'Shihan Cultural Organization doesn't take any responsibility due to possible damage and insult to honor, social position, profession and businesses of people and organizations that could have been the direct/indirect subject of this chat room discussions 6. Other general rules and regulations for this sorts of Internet services will apply to this chat room service too "Everybody is responsible for himself/herself."
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