Every photo on a page is labeled in hand writing with a no. the first digits (from 1 to 21) indicates the roll and the second digit (0 to 24) stands for the frame no. within that roll. e.g. 1-8 stands for the frame (photo) 8 of roll 1. All you have to do, just write down the photo label, e.g.. 1-8 in your order. There is no roll 10. Few frames start with 0 instead of 1.
The quality of your photos are/and would be better than what you see on your web. Because of lack of space they have been set in a packed mode, don't worry, IT WOULD BE MORE BRIGHT as a normal print and most probably, your hands and feet would not be cut in the final print!!
Every print of 4" X 6" size
for residents of Canada: CD 1.00
for residents of USA: USD 0.70
other countries, equivalent of CD 1.00 in their currencies
Shipping and Handling; (per address)
for residents of USA: USD 3.00
for residents of Canada: CD 3.00
for other countries, equivalent of CD 4.50 in their currency
Payments are acceptable ONLY through CHECKS, please don't send cash or money order. Orders without proper check would be discarded.
Please make the checks payable to ZSC (for LA Games Photos)
Select your photos by noting their id and specify the quantities of each for print, write them down on a piece of paper with your name, full address and telephone no., Email address (if you have) and mail it to the address below WITH YOUR CHECK ENCLOSED.
Feraydoon Demehri
2092 Gordon Ave
West Vancouver
BC V7V 1V7
email: [email protected]
Please don't contact other ZSC members for ordering your photos, they can not help you out in this regard.
You shall receive your photos, at the address specified by you in your order, through normal air mail. It would not be a registered mail and ZSC shall not take any responsibility in case of loss or damage of your photos.
We shall wait for all the orders to arrive within the announced time frame and start to process them in once.
The deadline for your orders to get to us would be end of March, 2000.
Please let those who don't have access to Internet to share your facilities to browse through this sample album and make the order.
For fun, if you interested, you can take part in following competitions and win some additional photos free-of -charge. Those who are not ordering any photo can not take part.
Browsing through the photo album, please specify the ID of the funniest photo according to your point of view. Please select one only. If your choice is the one who got the most votes from all, you and those voters are all the winners but only maximum of 5 persons, by draw, shall get the free prints (album size) of the whole roll of their choice. The rolls are numbered from 1 to 24 (10 is missing).
Please specify its ID, one only. For the winner prizes, the same rules as for funniest photo shall apply.
In empty spots of some pages, you will notice some Farsi words/letters. They are broken and re-arranged parts of a famous one-line Farsi poem regarding sport. We have combined the letters of the poem to different words, many of them meaningless. The order of letters in each word is the same as the original poem but their order on each page is not necessarily the same. An example in English; If the phrase was: 'boys like girls', it can be scrambled to 'boy slikeg irls' or 'irls slikerg boy' or 'b oysl ikegi rls'.
5 persons who wrote us the original Farsi poem, shall receive the prints as mentioned above.
In empty spaces of some pages, you will find some words (not scrambled), make a meaningful sentence. 5 right answers shall receive the prizes as mentioned above.
Photo ID | No. | US$ |
2-20 | 2 | 1.40 (2 x 0.70) |
11-5 | 1 | 0.70 (1 x 0.70) |
17-17 | 4 | 2.80 (4 x 0.70) |
shipping and handling | 3.00 | |
Total |
7.90 |
Photo ID | No. | CD$ |
2-20 | 2 | 2.00 (2 x 1.00) |
11-5 | 1 | 1.00 (1 x 1.00) |
17-17 | 4 | 4.00 (4 x1.00) |
shipping and handling | 3.00 | |
Total |
10.00 |
See the Album?