Part 1: Confirmation From Bride and Groom

Part 2: Give Advice to the Bride and Groom

Part 3: Ask the Couple One More Time

Part 4: Bless the Couple

Prayers for Part 1: Confirmation from Bride and Groom

Bename Izade Bakshayande Bakshayashgare Mehraban 

Emruz, ke Anjomane, pay-vande zanashui,

Be raveshe, deene, vahe, Mazdyasni, dar inja

Barps-ast, man, ke mobed (Mobed’’s name) hastam,

Be gavahiye, Dadar Ourmazda,


Be gavahiye, Amsha-span-dane Piruzgar,

Be gavahiye, Mehr-o-Soroosh, o-Rash-ne rast,

Be gavahiye, Fra-vahare Ashoo Zartooshte Espentaman

Be khoshnudie Pedar-o-Madare Aroos-0 Damad,

Be gavahiye, vahane in Bazm


(Face Bride) Az shoma (bride) dokhte,

(name Bride’s mother and father) mi-porsam,

ke (Groom’s name)-ra, Poore,

(Name of Groom’s Parents)-ra

be dad-o-aeene, deene, vahe, Mazdyasni,

be ham-tan-o, ham-ravani, be hamsariye khod,


(Face groom)

Az shoma (Groom) Poore,

(Name of Groom’s Parents) mi-porsam,

ke (Bride’s name), dokhte,

(name of Bride’s mother and father)-ra

be dad-o-aeene, deene, vahe, Mazdyasni,

be ham-tan-o, ham-ravani, be hamsariye khod,



Brief Translation:

Today, in the presence of Ahura Mazda and the witnesses of this Assembly, I Mobed ……….. ask you (name of groom), son of (name of groom’’s parents), Will you accept (name of bride) daughter of (name of Bride’’s father and mother) to be your beloved wife, to be physically and spiritually united, in accordance with the laws and customs of the Zarathusthi religion? 


Be kho-jas-tegi, va farkhom-degi

Man, va hame vahane in Anjoman,

As Ourmazde tavana, arzoo-mandeem,

Ke, be een payvande zana-shooi,

Pa-yandegi-o, ostovari-o, Mehr-o, khosi-o,

Shad-kami, ava, af-soo-niye, farzandane vah,

Va khaseteye fara-roon, va deer-ziveshni,

Va sar-anjame neek, ar-zani be-darad.


We pray to Ahura Mazda, that this marriage be Blessed with love and happiness. We ask

Ahura Mazda to guide you both on the path of Asha, Which is the path of righteousness and Peace. 


Prayers for part Two: Give Advice to the Bride & Groom

Eenak, chand andarze, bayasteye deeni ast,

Beshnaveed, va dar zendeganiye kheesh, be kar

Bandeed, ta sha-veye, khoshnou-diye, Ahura Mazda

Va neek-bakhti bashad.


Now I would like to give you both advice which is based on The teachings of our Prophet Asho Zarathurshtra 


Na-khost, setayesh, va niyayeshe Dadar Ourmazd hast Chera ke ma, adjad, va dah-shane kheesh

As har goone arzani dashte ast

Ahura Mazda ra dadare harvesp-agah daneed

Va be ayeene, deene vah, ba paras-tesh eesteed


First, pray to and praise Ahura Mazda our knowing-God. He has blessed us with all GOOD things. 

Dovom be payam-barie, Ashoo Zartooshte Espenteman, avi-gaman beed,

Va be deene, vahe Mazdyasni, ostovar ma-need,

Har ayine, be ashooi, va rasti, gara-eed Va be andishe-o, goftar-o, kerdare neek dar jahan zeveed 


Second accept Asho Zararthushtra as our prophet and have a firm belief in our Zarathushtrian religion.

Follow the path of Truth and Righteousness  Lead your life following the principles of Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds. 


Sevom be ravan-shadiye, gozash-the-gan, Va dastgeerie niyaz-mandan, dar yashtane

Gahanbar, kootahi makoonid. Andar panjeh va Farvardin-gan ke rooze vee-je, hame

Ravanan hast, as daroon, va myazd-o, afareen-gan, Onche dast-ras bashad, beja areed, ta hama

Ravanan khosh-nood band, va dorood feres-tand 


Third, during Gahambars and at all times, help the needy. Hold memorial services for, and always rememberthose who have passed away.


Chaharom aeene rooze, va sale Gozashteh-gan, va khish-vandan-ra, anjam daheed,

Va az dastgiri-ye, bee-nava-yan, onche dast-ras Bashad, be-koo-sheed, che ke Khoshnu-diye meinu-an, Andar kar-o, kerfa, geeti-tan ast. 


Fourth, remember to pray to the souls of your departed Family members. Also help the poor and needy regularly to the extent you can afford. 


Panjom gami, bee-Sedreh-oKoshti, ma-naheed, Va farzandan-ra, Sedreh pooshaneed, va koshti bandeed, Ta andar ham-agah, be dade, deene, vah, be setayeshne Dadar Ourmazd, esteed. 

Fifth, live by the meaning of the Sedreh and the Koshti. Teach your children its message and remind them to wear it always. Make them follow the Zarathushtrian religion and believe in our God Ahura Mazda.


Sishom, as pedaro, madaro, ostad, sepasdar beed, Va gerami-shan dared, che ke-khoshnu-diye

Ourmazd, khoshnu-diye, een she tan ast.


Sixth, respect your parents and your teachings and be  appreciative of their good teachings. 


Haftom, az Mehr Izad, Verahram Izad, ya Ashtad Izad, Yeki ra, bar gozee-need, va andar on rooz, be setayeshe Ourmazd Va be, dad-o-dadesh parda-zeed,  Ta on Izad, negah-bane-tan bashad Va az har vanah-okaji, avaj darad


Seventh, pick a day from the three Zarathusti days Mehr Izad, Verahram Izad or Ashtad Izad. On that day of each month, make sure you help some needy person. 


Hashtom, dar zende-gani, bayad rahne-maye danayi, bar gozineed, Ta dar hame kar, az ou dastoor khaheed Che ke danesh, parakande ast, Va kar bi-rahna-mouniye dana, nik farjam na-bashas 


Eight, in times of trouble in your life, you should have One person who will guide you and show you the way Out of your troubles. Please select and name that person that Both of you can count on to resolve your differences. (wait for the name) 

Nohom, Ourmazde Har-vesp-tavan, ke mardom-ra Be niruye danayi, va gu-yai, az har da-heshe gity,

Bartar afareed, dadash, mardom doosti ast. Pas mardom-ra, may azareed, na be manesh, na be govesh, Na be konesh, Beegane, ke fara-rasad, jayi va khorakesh dahid, va on-ra,

Az goros-negi, va teshnegi, va sarma, nigah-darid. Ava zeer-dastan va  Ketaran mehraban beed, salaran va meh-taran-ra, gerami darid.Va be dad-o-ayeene, am-shas-pan-dan, ke foru-ze-gane,

Ourmazda, pak-and, rah poo-eed, ta Dadar-Ourmazd, as shoma, khoshnud bashad. 


Ninth, and final advice. Ahura Mazda gave mankind speech, the Good Mind, and a conscience. Use your Good Mind to be kind to all of Ahura Mazda’s creations. Use your conscience to prevent harm to people.   

(Advice to live by the qualities of Amsha-spandans)  

Dad-o-ayeene Bahman amshas-pand ashti-o neek andishi-eest.

Keenevarz-o razm-kam mabasheed neek-kha-o-vahmanesh beed, Badi manokid, va piramoone badkaran magardeed danesh andoozeed Va kheradmandi peeshe konid farhang goshtareed

Va dojmaneshni barandazeed ava doshmanan be dad koosheed  Ava doostan neeki varzeed charpayane sood-mandra khoob Negahdari koneed va kar aptadmaneshan mafarmaeed 

Dad-o-ayeene Ardibehest amshas-pand rasti-o paki hast.

Daroon-o-boroone khod ra payvaste pak dared az kaji

Va napakee pahrikhtar beed ashoi setayeed va be dade asha

Ras pooyeed che ke rah dar jahan yeki ast va an ashooi-ist

Be maneshne neek maneed goveshne neek goyeed

Be koneshne neek varzeed

Ava ham digar yek del-o-yek zaban beed

Az doroog va sogand va jadooi gorizlan beed

Atash ke andar geeti mehr-o-ashoira nemayande hast

Gerami dared va be nesa-o-palashti may-a-layeed 

Dad-o-ayeene Shahrivar amshas-pand

Nirumnadi-o-khish-dari ast

Andar rahe sarvari va tavangari koosha beed

Shahryaran-o-sarvarane dadgar ra farman bareed

Va gerami dared as fara rooni-o-dorostkari

Khaste andoozid Hootaksha-o-khish-kare beed

Az beekari va gedayi doori gozineed

Bar khasteye kesan dast mayazeed rash ma bareed

Zar-o-seem-o-mes-o rooye ahan arzeez-o berenj pak

Negah-dareed ta zang na zanad va be kar ayad 

Dad-o-ayeene Spendaramazd amshas-pand

Foroutani va Mehrabani ast

Andar giti air-manesh va foroutan beed

Ava ham-deegar doostaro mehraban beed

Tarmaneshni va khodpasandi makoneed

Hu-cheshmbeed kheeshvandane mostamad-ra nang

Madaneed va az khasteye kheesh yarishan daheed

Amoozeshgah-o bimarestan va deegar bonyadhaye

Neek naheed va chon zameen ra pak-o-abadan dared

Dad-o-ayeene Khordad amshas-pand

Khorrami va abadani ast

Dele khodra khorram va tane lhod-ra pak dared

Che pakiye tan ashooiye ravan ast

Nasepaasi makoneed va andoohgeen mabasheed

Gity be cheshme neek beeneed

Va be dade Hormazd khorsand-o-sepasdar beed

Abadi sazeed va shadee afzayeed ab ke shaveye

Khoorami va abadani ast har ayeen pak dared

Pareedi-o-nasa andar ab may-afghaneed tan-o-jame

Dar abe ravan mashooyeed kareez

Kaneed-o-zameene khosk ra boroumand sazeed  

Dad-o-ayeene Amordad amshas-pand

Tan-dorosti va deer zeveshni ast.

Tane khod-ra dorost-o-tavana dared

As doroj-o-paleedi doori koneed

Khane-o zame-ra pak va bi-alayesh dared

Ab armisht va istade khosk-kaneed

Va jayash keshtzar koneed dar-o-derakht afzayeed

Darakhte javan maboreed, bar-o-meeve na-raside

Ma cheenid, daroo-o-darman be arzaneeyan daheed

Va dard-mandan va oftadegan-ra parastar beed.



Prayers For Part Three: Ask Couple One More Time  

Shoma ke (Bride) aya (Groom)-o be

Dad-o ayeene deene vahe Mazdayasni

Be khoshnoudi ba ham-tani va ham-ravani pazirotfd?

(wait for a yes answer) 

Shoma ke (Groom) aya (Bride)-o be dad-o-ayeene deene vahe

Mazdayasni Be khoshnoudi ba ham-tani va ham-ravani pazirotfd?

(wait for a yes answer) 


We pray once again to Ahura Mazda to give you both the strength

And love to take care of each other and always be happy and smiling  In your life. I Mobed ………..    hereby pronounce you husband and wife.

Khashaothra Ahura Mazdao-Ashem Vohu (1) 

Prayers For Part Four: Bless the Bride and Groom

Recite Doa-Tandorosti