| |
Books, Newsletters, Publications
PMES members can have,
for free, access to and may borrow, on short term loan, items in the lab
library, including:
colour 35 mm slides;
colour photographs;
reference manuals;
microscope slides;
reference texts;
RLS Comments are by Rick Simpson
 | FINAL ISSUE of: "Streamline", Watershed Restoration Technical Bulletin, Volume 6, Number 4, Spring 2002 (March 2002),
Editor: Donna Underhill; e-mail: [email protected], Published by:
Ministry of Forests & Watershed Restoration Program, Corporate
Services; Ministries of Sustainable Resource Management & Water, Land and Air Protection, 22 pages.
Compliments of: Donna Underhill, editor "Streamline", 'we' are now in possession of a copy of:
Watershed Restoration Technical Bulletin, Volume 6, Number 4, Spring 2002 (March
 | RLS COMMENT: Regrettably, after five years, this is the final issue of "Streamline", due to BC Liberal provincial government
mandated cut-backs.
NOTE: All "Streamline" issues are available free (at the moment) [as Of 20:28:44, Wednesday, March 6, 2002 ] on line at:
Thanks for your interest, Donna
Donna Underhill
Editor Streamline Watershed Restoration Technical Bulletin
Phone: 604-224-6080
Fax: 604-224-6880
E-mail: [email protected]
NOTE: "Streamline", Watershed Restoration Technical Bulletin, Volume 6, Number 4, Spring 2002 (March 2002) , Pages 20 & 21,
are a "Streamline" Index, from Spring 1997 - spring 2002.
Two feature articles are well worth the read - actually most of the "Streamline" bulletins for the past five years have been well worth
the read. Sorry to see this practical and useful publication disappear into the blizzard of possibly over-zealous spread-sheet driven
management initiatives by the government of the day:
"The Legacy of the Watershed Restoration Program", by Donna J. Underhill, pages 8 - 16.
~ Note the role and participation of stewardship groups, like PMES, throughout.
~ Lessons learned are grouped by Ms. Underhill under the following titles:
* An introduction and review of the WRP;
Approach Restoration in a Whole Watershed Context;
Strong Project Management;
Information Management/Monitoring of Projects;
Program Coordination and Financial Management;
Technical Expertise;
Spend Restoration Money Where There Is the Technical/Physical Ability to Fix the Problems;
Hillslope Restoration;
Channel Structuring Elements;
Riparian Restoration;
Culvert replacement;
Off-Channel Projects;
Concluding Remarks.
"Evaluating the Performance of Channel and Fish Habitat Restoration Projects in British Columbia's Watershed Restoration
by Andrew Wilson, Pat Slaney and Heather Deal, pages 3 - 7.
~ A total of 53 in-stream, 32 off-channel and 18 fish access rehabilitation projects over 2000 and 2001 evaluated.
~ Interesting to apply the lessons learned and documented by Slaney et al:
To the work by PMES volunteers under the direction of Eric Olsen and Co., for their main-stem in-stream work (re-contouring
stream bed) by-hand in Noons Creek and their off-channel creation work by-hand on the Noons Creek site over the past five
years; |
To the work done by Ross Davies and the E-Team for their off-channel habitat creation and fish access work (chain-link fence
removal) in Suter Brook and their access rehabilitation work (culvert back-watering and coffer dam diversion) in Noons Creek; |
To the work done by Mike Landiak (DFO) and other partners in the main-stem of Noons Creek for the creation of an in-stream
chum spawning channel. " |
 | "Washington State Wetland Mitigation Evaluation Study: Phase 2: Evaluating
Compliments of: Andy McMillan and Gordon White, Program Manager, Shorelands and Environment Assistance Program, State of
Washington, Department of Ecology, 'we' are now in possession of a copy of:
"Washington State Wetland Mitigation Evaluation
Study: Phase 2: Evaluating Success", by Patricia Johnson, Dana Mock, Andy McMillan, Lauren Driscoll and Tom Hruby, Washington
State Department of Ecology, Shorelands & Environmental Assistance Program, Lacey, WA, February 2002, Publication No. 02 - 06 -009, 146 pages.
 | RLS COMMENT: Perhaps, the success criteria from:
"Washington State Wetland Mitigation Evaluation Study: Phase 2: Evaluating
Success", should be applied to the dysfunctional man-made wetland
(bio-remediation or 'polish' marsh) upstream from Panorama Drive that flows into Noons Creek and that has little or no impact on the effluent entering it and then discharging into Noons Creek.
NOTE: The ineffectiveness of the Panorama Drive/Noons Creek dysfunctional "polish" marsh has been thoroughly documented by PMES
water quality lab volunteers, for the past seven years and their results (data) repeatedly shared with all relevant provincial and
federal government agencies, the municipality of Coquitlam, Wesbild (the developers) and their
environmental contractors.
NOTE: Visible corrective action taken to date by any responsible agency and/or party:
Zero. Rationale for inaction: Unknown.
NOTE: Response to date from any responsible agency and/or party:
Zero. Rationale for Unresponsiveness: Unknown.
Highlights from: "Washington State Wetland Mitigation Evaluation Study: Phase 2:
Evaluating Success" :
* 46% of mitigation projects were judged to be fully or moderately successful.
* 54% of projects were minimally successful or not successful.
* Only 11% of enhancement (1) projects adequately compensated for the impact, while 78% of enhancement projects did not adequately compensate.
* 60% of created wetlands were moderately or fully successful.
* There was a net loss of 24.2 acres for the 24 projects evaluated.
* Agency follow-up is an important factor in ensuring mitigation project success. |
 | Restoring Streams in Cities: A Guide for Planners, Policy Makers, and
Citizens", by Ann. L. Riley, Island Press, 1998, 423 pages.
 | RLS COMMENT: A fact packed reference text. Includes Glossary.
Ann Riley is the executive director of the Waterways Restoration Institute in Berkeley, CA and a hydrologist, actually a fluvial
geomorphologist, by trade. In spite of that, she is a good communicator in lay-persons language and the text is fairly easy to read.
Well illustrated - Excellent graphics, include: sketches and before, during and after photos.
Allow about 18 - 22 hours to read, absorb and savour.
Each chapter has a wealth of notes and/or classic references - well researched.
Chapter 9 " A Survey of Urban Watershed and Stream Restoration Methods" - includes a very useful section, for around here:
'The Steps to Designing a Restoration Project for a Degraded Urban
Ross Davies and Nancy Aichberger have used several of these techniques in the South Schoolhouse Creek watershed, behind Port Moody Senior Secondary School, in Miller Park Ravine, with the Environment Club students, to stabilize a rapidly eroding stream bank, as part of the PMES Fisheries Reaching Youth (FRY) program.
The restoration methods Ross and Nancy used, are also illustrated in other manuals and texts, such as 'Watershed Restoration', 'Streamlines' and 'The Streamkeepers Manual', among others, also found in the PMES lab library.
Chapter 3 "The Environmental Professionals" - includes a very useful Table 3.2, page 95, titled
'The Two "Cultures of Multi-Objective Planning'.
In view of the ongoing/routine field experiences that several PMES volunteers have in their work life, monitoring construction projects, for example, this table should be helpful.
The Table lists engineers self-perceptions and environmental professionals perceptions of engineers...and also...environmental professionals self-perceptions and engineers perceptions of environmental professionals.
For example: Engineers see themselves as being 'managers', environmental professionals see the same attribute as 'narrow'.
Environmental professionals see themselves as 'progressive', engineers see this attribute as 'academic'.
Sort of makes for many possible, 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus', project communications snafus on-site and elsewhere, where environmental professionals and engineers must somehow work together and peacefully co-exist for the duration of the task.
"Restoring Streams in Cities: A Guide for Planners, Policy Makers, and
Citizens" is a good review of several other similarly focused reference texts in the PMES lab library.
This is a good addition to our lab library, given the huge surge in interest and on-the-ground watershed restoration work actually done and documented, since its publication date, four years ago. The basics covered in:
"Restoring Streams in Cities: A Guide for Planners, Policy Makers, and
Citizens", never seem to change.
All in all, well worth the read.
"The Determination of Cover Use Importance by Juvenile Coho Salmon [Oncorhynchus kisutch] in Freshwater Habitats by
Identifying Predation Risk, Foraging and Other Various Behaviours: A Library Based Research Project " by
C. L. Williamson, Simon Fraser University, Department of Biology/ Ecology, December 2001, 15 pages. Grade awarded: A- .
 | RLS COMMENT: Interesting report. Easy to read. Allow about 20 - 30 minutes.
I learned some new and helpful things about fish habitat. Ms. Williamson (Carrie) used materials from the PMES library, from among other sources.
Among these was: "Influence of Physical Habitat on the Seasonal Movement, Growth and Habitat Association of the Individual Coastal Cutthroat
Trout" , by Michelle Roberge, a masters thesis submitted to the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, 2000.
Ms Roberge (Michelle), now working full-time with Aquatic Resources Ltd. in Vanderhoof
, BC, reviewed her research work as a guest speaker in 2001 at a PMES Monthly General Meeting.
 | The grade awarded Ms. Williamson (Carrie) for "The Determination of Cover Use Importance by Juvenile Coho
Salmon [Oncorhynchus kisutch] in Freshwater Habitats by Identifying Predation Risk, Foraging and Other Various Behaviours: A
Library Based Research Project", says it all.
 | "Jones Creek Spawning Channel: Post-Failure Analysis and Management Recommendations "
prepared for: Habitat & Enhancement Branch, Fraser River Action Plan, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, by
G.F. Hartmann - Fisheries Research & Education Services, Fisheries & Oceans Canada and M.Miles - M.Miles & Associates Ltd., February 1997, 62 pages. FREE.
Courtesy of Joanne Day, Fisheries & Oceans Canada (two copies of).
Includes: 25 'Figures' [including Figure 9.2.2 - a 3D Stereo anaglyph showing land use activities in 1972 & Figure 9.2.4 - a 3D
Stereo anaglyph showing land use activities in 1995] - to be viewed with 3D coloured glasses
provided, 6 'Tables', 24 'Plates', 9 'Appendices', 79 'Sources of Information'.
 | RLS COMMENTS: Thorough. Information dense. Graphics are the best quality I've seen in a technical report in a long time and are
understandable. History of watershed from pre-1940' to 1996 - illuminating and saddening. 'We' have, hopefully, learned a great
deal, since the 1940's and applied that new knowledge and information. An excellent case study for fish habitat and watershed
restoration and enhancement students, practitioners and professionals and a few volunteer watershed stewardship community
groups with technical and volunteer lay-people, doing fish habitat restoration & enhancement work, like
PMES. In spite of the subject matter and the intended audiences, the 62 report pages are clear, easy to read and understand. The message is well
presented. Allow about 45 minutes to 1 hour to read the text, but about 2 - 3 hours to read, study and comprehend all the
appendices, figures, tables and plates. The graphics selected and their quality make the report. |
 | "Landscape Planning: Environmental Applications, Third Edition "
by William Marsh, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998, 434 pages.
 | "Best Management Practices For Stormwater "
Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District, October 1999, about
 | "Best Management Practices Guide for Stormwater: Appendix H, Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Guide "
Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District, October 1999, about 200+pages.
 | "Volunteers & The Law: A Guide for Volunteers, Organizations and Boards - 2000
Edition "
Courtesy of: The People's Law Society and Volunteer Vancouver.
Funded by: the Law Foundation of British Columbia, Volunteer Vancouver and The People's Law School, 72 pages, FREE.
NOTE: Full copies of this book can be downloaded FREE of charge from the People's Law School web site:
<www.publiclegaled.bc.ca>, and Volunteer Vancouver web site: <www.vancouver.volunteer.ca>.
NOTE: John Andrew, myself, Elaine Golds and many other community volunteers were at the "Volunteers and the Law" workshop,
Saturday, November 24, 2001 at Coquitlam City Hall, Council Chambers, the speaker for which was Ms. Sherrey Collier, lawyer, Davis
& Company, at which "Volunteers & The Law: A Guide for Volunteers, Organizations and Boards - 2000
edition", was handed
out and used as a reference.
 | RLS COMMENT: I would strongly urge PMES volunteers, friends and supporters, to thoroughly read
"Volunteers & The Law: A Guide for Volunteers,
Organizations and Boards - 2000 edition", and to become familiar with its current information, in order to make informed decisions
in your volunteer life.
Of particular interest in "Volunteers & The Law: A Guide for Volunteers,
Organizations and Boards - 2000 edition", are three checklists covering the following topics:
Pages 31 & 32: "Prevention Checklists for Volunteers"; Topics:
Know Your Job; Anticipate And Prevent Accidents; Protect Confidentiality; Caring for Children; Providing Services to Seniors and People with Disabilities; Giving Advice; Outdoor and Adventure
Recreation; Driving; Print Matters; Special Events and Fundraisers; Safe Spaces; Check your Insurance Coverage.
Pages 42, 43 & 44: "Prevention Checklists for Organizations and
Staff"; Topics:
Know Your Legal Duties; Make Sure You Know Your Responsibilities as Staff; Make Sure Volunteers Know Their
Responsibilities; Properly Screen and Train Volunteers; Anticipate and Prevent Accidents Before They Occur; Act Without Discrimination; Keep Records Confidential; Check Organizational
Responsibilities with the Board; Check Insurance Coverage.
Pages 55 & 56: "Prevention Checklists for Boards and
Directors"; Topics:
Before You Become a Director; Know Your Legal Liability and Duties; Be an Active Participant; Take Care When Voting; Be Loyal to the Organization; Act Prudently; Protect the
Organization's Legal Status; Meet Duties as an Employer; Act Within Your Scope of Authority; Check Insurance Coverage.
 | "The Friendly Dictatorship "
By Jeffrey Simpson
McClelland & Stewart,
238 pages, $32.99
 | COMMENTS FROM: PMES web site designer and uploader, Gaetane Claude:
I uploaded the info about "The Friendly Dictatorship" (beginning of library page).
Wow, this book appears to be really interesting!!! Normally politics is a subject which I don't touch, but I think I could make an exception and read that book.
I read a few of the reviews. I put four related web sites on the library page.
Looks quite interesting! OK, I'm impressed and I tell you, it takes a
lot to me.
 | "Salmon Farms, Sea Lice & Wild Salmon: A Watershed Watch Report on Risk, Responsibility and the Public
Interest", from Watershed Watch Salmon Society, December 2001, 25 pages. Forward by Dr. Craig Orr. Free download available at:
 | RLS COMMENT: Easy to read. A good companion reader for the David Suzuki Foundation's "Clear Choices, Clean Waters: The
Leggatt Inquiry Into Salmon Farming In British Columbia", 43 pages, November 2001, Free download
available at: www.leggattinquiry.com/files/Leggatt_reportfinal.pdf.
 | "No Net Loss of Fish Habitat: An Audit of Forest Road Crossings of Fish-Bearing Streams in British
Columbia", by D.J. Harper & J.T. Quigley, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Habitat & Enhancement Branch, October 2000, 43 pages, Canadian Technical Report of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2319.
 | RLS COMMENT: Lack of compliance with fish habitat protection legislation and policy, with regards to stream crossings and the need
for improved monitoring, is pretty much as you would expect.
 | "Community Stewardship: A Guide to Establishing Your Own
Group", co-produced by: Fraser Basin Management Program; Canadian Wildlife Service; Fisheries & Oceans Canada; Forest Renewal BC,
Watershed Restoration Program, 1995, 80 pages. Part of the "The Stewardship Series".
See: http://www.pskf.ca/resources/s-series.html
See also: http://www.stewardshipcentre.bc.ca/sc_bc/stew_series/bc_stewseries.asp
 | RLS COMMENT: On reflection: contains some very useful information even
now for PMES in its ongoing evolution as a volunteer non-profit society. PMES is a contributor to this book and to other books in "The Stewardship Series".
 | "Making Salmon: An Environmental History of the Northwest Fisheries
Crisis", by Joseph E. Taylor III, University of Washington Press, 1999, 421 pages.
 | RLS COMMENT: Heavy. Excellent state-of-the-universe book on
fisheries around here. Excellent end notes and bibliography. History fascinating. If any PMES volunteer, friend or supporter wanted/needed some deep
background information and a way to put what we do into perspective - read it cover to cover and never forget it. Colin MacGillivray just returned it to the lab library, after a long loan
and found it "Illuminating".
"River Recovery: Restoring Rivers and Streams Through Dam Decommissioning and
Modification", by Rodney Stott and Laurie
Smith, BC Outdoor Recreation Council, April 7, 2001, 76 pages. [funded by: BC Outdoor Recreation Council, Donner Canadian
Foundation, BCIT]. Courtesy of: BC Outdoor Recreation Council:
http://www.recovery.bcit.ca/ Complete report available as a free downloadable pdf file from:
I finally printed off a copy, so 'we' are now in possession of: "River Recovery: Restoring Rivers and Streams Through Dam
Decommissioning and Modification", to be added to the Port Moody Ecological Society
(PMES) lab library.
(NOTE: For some reason, my HP Laser Jet Series II black & white printer had trouble with the graphics
on pages 30 & 31, but eventually my wife, Grace, figured out how to make it
cooperate, by printing single pages at a time. The on-line version of the report
has clear colour photos. These are a bit fuzzy in my black & white printed copy.)
RLS Re: "River Recovery: Restoring Rivers and Streams Through Dam
Decommissioning and Modification".
Worth the read. Reading time about 2 hours.
Thorough. Well researched. Easy to read. First study of its kind in British Columbia, that I have seen.
Infinitely pragmatic and practical. Unassailable logic, rationale and criteria.
Noons Creek [coffer] Dam mentioned, page 30. Cleveland Dam on Capilano River mentioned, page 36.
Coquitlam Dam mentioned,
page 37.
To me, there seems to be a great deal of fish spawning and rearing habitat that has been denied to fish by dams that have now
outlived their usefulness. Races of salmon have gone extinct as a consequence of dams.
Removal and/or diversions around these
no-longer-necessary dams would be useful in perhaps restoring some of these races and runs.
A good local example of the impact of a dam on fish is the Coquitlam Dam and its impact on the Coquitlam River race of Sockeye
salmon [Oncorhychus nerka]. Ecologically, Sockeye salmon need a lake system in order to complete their life cycle.
The Coquitlam River race of Sockeye salmon, according to the oral history of First Nations and of early Europeans, was a substantial
run. It went extinct shortly after the construction of the Coquitlam Dam at the outflow of Coquitlam Lake in about 1914.
The Coquitlam Dam placed an impassible barrier in their migration path and thereby denied the Coquitlam River stock of Sockeye
salmon access to their natal spawning and rearing habitat in Coquitlam Lake and the streams and rivers flowing into
According to Will Koop's research, at the time, a fish biologist did propose a fish ladder around the Coquitlam Dam to enable the
Coquitlam race of Sockeye salmon, and perhaps other fish species too, continuing access to their birthing and rearing habitat, but
was ignored.
"River Recovery: Restoring Rivers and Streams Through Dam Decommissioning and
Modification", deserves focus, attention and
action on-the-ground, in-the-real-world form the governments of the day...
...with the existing and necessary BC Liberal "Core Review", corporate accounting and spread-sheet oriented mind-set, I doubt
that "River Recovery: Restoring Rivers and Streams Through Dam Decommissioning and
Modification", or any other similarly
constructive reports like it, will see the light of day for some time to come, due to present financial constraints from the inherited
hangover of 'social engineering' and fiscal negligence.
Perhaps, when economic times are more positive, "River Recovery:
Restoring Rivers and Streams Through Dam
Decommissioning and Modification", can be dusted off, funding found and allocated, a timetable drawn up and its practical
recommendations implemented in priority sequence.
All in all, worth the read though.
"The Role of Public Groups in Protecting and Restoring Freshwater Habitats in British Columbia, with Special Emphasis on
Urban Streams", by Dr. Marvin Rosenau, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, and Mark Angelo, British Columbia Institute of
Technology, 58 pages, September 2001. FREE.
(Courtesy of: Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (PFRCC),
590 - 800 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2G7,
Tel: (604) 775-5621, Fax: (604) 775-5622,
E-mail: <[email protected]>,
Web Site: http://www.fish.bc.ca)
 | RLS COMMENTS: "The Role of Public Groups in Protecting and Restoring Freshwater Habitats in British Columbia, with Special
Emphasis on Urban Streams":
Worth the read.
Confirms and clarifies a great deal of the thoughts, ideas, concerns, volunteer initiatives and direction 'we' have taken intuitively
since the inception of the Port Moody Ecological Society (PMES) in 1989.
Perhaps, too, parts of the report can provide some insights
into and a possible blueprint for the future of the society, after 12 years of survival and successful on-the-ground, real-world
Reading time about an hour and a bit.
Alouette River Management Society (ARMS), Pitt River & Area Watershed Network (PRAWN) and Burnaby Lake System Project
used as cases to illustrate: the tension between "Advocacy" and "Stewardship" and where various Environmental Non-Government
Organizations (ENGO's) might lie on a continuum between "Stewardship" and "Advocacy".
Authors, Angelo and Rosenau, seem to favour a greater emphasis on "Advocacy" to
achieve needed results. But, at the same time,
recognize the importance of continued "Stewardship" initiatives and the past and continuing, tangible and demonstrated contributions
from "Stewardship" groups.
Many local ENGO's in the lower Fraser River Valley are recognized throughout, including, among
others: Port Coquitlam & District
Hunting & Fishing Club (PCDHFC); Sapperton Fish and Game Club; North Shore Fish And Game Club; Steelhead Society of BC; BC
Federation of Drift Fishers; Burke Mountain Naturalists; Pacific Streamkeepers Federation (PSKF); Sierra Legal Defense Fund; ...etc,
etc,...and, of course, the Port Moody Ecological Society [page 17]...and a host of others.
The essence of the report: Says to me a lot about building effective and continuing multi-stakeholder partnerships and alliances.
These alliances and partnerships are crucially important, in order to achieve worthwhile and lasting results in urban watersheds, like
the 41 named watersheds flowing into Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet, including Noons Creek, and watersheds elsewhere throughout
BC being heavily impacted by rapid and by slower incremental urbanization and industrialization. |
 | "A Crisis in Fisheries Education", by Dr. Paul
LeBlond, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC), 20 pages, September 2001.
FREE. (Courtesy of: Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (PFRCC),
590 - 800 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2G7,
Tel: (604) 775-5621, Fax: (604) 775-5622,
E-mail: <[email protected]>,
Web Site: http://www.fish.bc.ca)
 | "A Summary of Chum and Coho Salmon Counts Conducted in Port Moody Arm
Tributaries", by Jeff Greenbank, Greenbank Environmental Services,
prepared for: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Habitat and Enhancement
Branch, 26 pages, February 2001.
 | "DRAFT - Coquitlam River Channel Morphology and Substrate Condition
Study", by Ken Rood, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, prepared for:
BC Hydro Coquitlam/Buntzen Water Use Plan, 98 pages, January 2001.
 | "The Last Great Sea: A Voyage Through the Human and Natural History
of the North Pacific Ocean", by Terry Glavin, (David Suzuki Foundation
and Greystone Books), Douglas & McIntyre Publishing Group, September
2000, 244 pages, $37.40 CDN (including taxes) at Chapters.
"ADVISORY, June 2000, The Wild Salmon Policy and the Future of the Salmon
Enhancement Program", prepared by Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation
Council, transmittal letter to: The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister
of Fisheries and Oceans, Government of Canada and The Honourable Corky
Evans, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fish, Government of British Columbia,
from The Honourable John A. Fraser, Chairman (PFRCC).
Background Paper No. 2000/4, "State of Salmon Conservation in the Central
Coast Area", prepared by Allen Wood, Allen Wood Consulting Inc., 29
 | Background Paper No. 2000/3, "Sand and Gravel Management and Fish-Habitat
Protection in British Columbia Salmon and Steelhead Streams", prepared
by Dr. Marvin Rosenau, BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, and
Mark Angelo, British Columbia Institute of Technology, 70 pages.
Background Paper No. 2000/2, "Review of the Coho and Chinook Sections
of the 'Agreement Under the Pacific Salmon Treaty' between Canada
and the United States, dated 30 June 1999", by Randell M. Peterman
and Brian J. Piper, School of Resource and Environment Management, Simon
Fraser University, 35 pages.
 | Background Paper No. 2000/1, "Water Use Planning: A Tool to
Salmon and Steelhead Habitat in British Columbia Streams", prepared
by Dr. Marvin Rosenau, BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, and
Mark Angelo, British Columbia Institute of Technology, 13 pages.
 | Courtesy of Ms. Taina Tuominen, Head, Aquatic Sciences Branch and Mr.
Colin Gray, Head, Research and Applications Section, Environment Canada,
Environmental Conservation Branch, Aquatic and Atmospheric Sciences Division..."we"
are now in possession of the following, for some light bed-time reading:
 | "Volumes 1 & 2, Health of the Fraser Aquatic Ecosystem:
A Synthesis of Research Conducted Under the Fraser River Action Plan",
available from Environment Canada, ISBN 0-662-27870-4, Catalogue Number
En47-119/1999E, editors: Colin Gray & Taina Tuominen, November
1998, Volume 1 - 210 pages, Volume 2 - 180 pages. FREE.
 | BTW - I've only read the "Executive Summary" and "Section
5. Research Results: Integration and
 | From this very preliminary scan of these two volumes (390 pages), it
appears that the information gathered from 1991 - 1998, as part of Fraser
River Action Plan (FRAP), for about $8 million, and presented coherently
here by editors Gray and Touminen, should be part of some kind of ongoing
main-stream public information dissemination process. [Very heavy.
Scientific research results. Technical chemical names lose me. Needs a
series of bite-sized tutorials and a glossary in lay-persons English].
 | Perhaps, a series of 1/2 day tutorials based on: "Volumes
1 & 2, Health of the Fraser Aquatic Ecosystem: A Synthesis of Research
Conducted Under the Fraser River Action Plan", would accomplish
 | It would be nice if this information were to eventually get used
in our daily land and water use decision making processes. Conversely,
it would be a shame if this information was set aside, like so many other
reports, as just another dust-gathering shelf tome. [In its present form,
regrettably, I feel this is exactly what will happen, in spite of the excellent
efforts by editors, Tuominen and Gray].
 | "The Northwest Salmon Crisis: A Documentary History".
 | A bit dry. Actual documents used to make policy decisions
and gives commentary about each point in the escalating crisis. Much
like Will Koop's dissection of the decisions regarding the Coquitlam dam
construction, causing the extinction of the Coquitlam River race of Sockeye
salmon. One of the contributors is Jim Lichatowich, author of: "Salmon
Without Rivers: A History of the Pacific Salmon Crisis".
Read in short chunks. Heavy. Again, subject matter is sad for me,
but worth the read.
 | "Salmon Without Rivers: A History of the Pacific Salmon Crisis".
 | Absorbing. I couldn't stop reading, as sad as the subject matter is
for me, particularly the early chapters - salmon evolution, history, cultural
and economic significance to First Nations and anthropological perspectives.
Excellent "Endnotes" and bibliography. A good state-of-the-universe book
for Pacific Northwest salmon, how 'we' got there and what 'we' can do. Jim Lichatowich was a fisheries scientist for 29 years and it shows! In
spite of that, easy to read.
 | "DRAFT Port Moody Environmental Almanac", September 2000, client:
City of Port Moody, prepared by partners including Douglas College, Institute
of Urban Ecology, City of Port Moody and community groups. 61 pages.
 | "City of Port Moody ESA Management Strategy Phase 2: Development of
Management Recommendations", June 2000, Client: City of Port Moody,
prepared by: Robertson Environmental Services Ltd., in association with
Coast River Environmental Services Ltd. and Quadra Planning Consultants
Ltd., about 70 pages.
 | CD-ROM Beta Test Version, "Urban Watershed Management",
from UBC, Institute of Resources and Environment, April 2000. Reviews and
comments from PMES volunteers, friends and supporters, had been requested,
if possible, by Dr. Paul Zandbergen by April 29, 2000.
 | This is an excellent resource for PMES. The CD is an
how to for many of the things we achieve for. The CD ties together many
of the operations we already have in place and helps lay out next steps.
(review by Colin MacGillivray).
 | "An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America"
3rd edition, Editors: R.W. Merritt and K.W. Cummins, 1996. 862 pages.
 | "Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes and
Practices", from US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation
Service, National Engineering Handbook (NEH), Part 653, February 1999.
Est. 400+ pages.
 | "Bats In Port Moody", prepared by: Sue Harder, 2nd year student,
BCIT, Fish, Wildlife and Recreation Management Program, prepared for: The
City of Port Moody, May 2000. 29 pages.
 | "Songbird Nesting & Feeding Habitat Inventory of the Noons Creek
Corridor, Winter 1999 - 2000", by Sue Harder and Helen Olynyk [2nd
year students, BCIT - Fish, Wildlife and Recreation Management Program],
May 10, 2000, 25 pages, BCIT/FWR Faculty Advisor: Daniel Catt Dipl.Tech.,
M.Sc, RP.Bio., Wildlife Instructor.
 | "Resource Management in the Pitt River Watershed: An Overview of Current
Issues and Potential Planning Solutions", prepared by: Lori Brewer,
Andrew Doi, Tricia Gribling, Josie Hughes, Esther Speck, Johnathan Stamp
and Lisa Zosiak - Regional Planning (642) students; School of Resource
and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, prepared for:
Don Alexander, Instructor. April 15, 2000. 130 pages.
 | "The Rusted Shield: Government's Failure to Enforce - or Obey - Our
System of Environmental Law Threatens the Recovery of Puget Sound's Wild
Salmon", by Daniel Jack Chasen. Commissioned by the Bullitt Foundation.
March 2000. 37 pages. FREE.
 | RLS COMMENTS: Title says it all. A bit of a harangue. Confirms,
in spades, much of what most of 'us' know and/or have historically sensed
for quite some time. Applies equally here as to Puget Sound. A call to
action directed at politicians. Hard to read because it is so depressingly
accurate. The rationale presented is inescapable. I would be interested
to know what impact it had and the concrete on-the-ground, in-the-real-world
corrective actions that resulted from it.
 | "Washington State Wetland Mitigation Evaluation Study: Phase 1: Compliance",
by Patricia A. Johnson, Dana L. Mock, Emily J. Teachout and Andy McMillan,
Washington State Department of Ecology, Shorelands and Environmental Assistance
Program, Lacey, WA and US Fish and Wildlife Service, Lacey, WA. Publication
No. 00-06-016. June 2000. 84 pages. FREE.
 | RLS COMMENTS: Ms. Lauren C. Driscoll assisted in its preparation.
Easy to read.
 | page v. "This [Phase 1.] study was initiated in response to a 1998
King County [WA] study, which found that over three-quarters of the wetland
mitigation sites evaluated in King County were unsuccessful according to
their performance standards." |
 | page 2. This [Phase 1.] .."study was designed to determine compensatory
wetland mitigation projects' level of compliance with permit requirements." |
 | page 9. In this Phase 1. study, "...31 [of 45] projects (69%) were out
of compliance..." |
 | Personally, I will be interested to read the Phase 2 report, now in
progress, that "will attempt to determine the level of ecological functioning
in compensatory wetland mitigation projects", due out in early 2001. |
 | "Guidelines for Developing Freshwater Wetlands Mitigation Plans and
Proposals", by Thomas Hruby and Cyd Brower, Washington State Department
of Ecology, Wetland Section. Publication No. 94-29. March 1994.
40 pages. FREE. "Guidelines for Developing Freshwater Wetlands Mitigation Plans and
Proposals" can also be downloaded as a PDF file from
 | RLS COMMENTS: An Information Needs checklist for permit reviewers
i.e., Washington State Departments of Ecology, and Fish and Wildlife, the
US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Environment Protection Agency and the
US Fish and Wildlife Service.
 | page 1. "It is estimated that less than one-half of the mitigation projects
undertaken to date are even partially successful."
 | page 3. "Mitigation of wetland impacts will usually require an area
ratio that is greater than 1:1 to ensure that there is a full replacement
of both wetland area and functions". "Furthermore, reviews of mitigation
projects have found a significant failure in current mitigation projects. The success rate is less than 50% and a large percentage of mitigation
projects fail to meet the goal of "no-net-loss" of either wetland area
or function."
 | "Pacific Salmon and Wildlife: Ecological Contexts, Relationships and
Implications for Management: Special Edition Technical Report", C.J.
Cederholm et al., Washington Department of Natural Resources.
March 15, 2000. 138 pages, FREE. "Pacific Salmon and Wildlife: Ecological Contexts, Relationships and
Implications for Management: Special Edition Technical Report" can also
be downloaded as a PDF file from http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/hab/salmonwild/.
 | Additional copies available from: David H. Johnson, WDFW, Habitat
Program, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, Email:<[email protected]>.
 | In spite of the title, fairly easy to read.
 | Relevant and useful Figures, Tables and Plates [photos] throughout,
 | Figure 5. "Some Food Web Beneficiaries of Pacific Salmon Nutrient
in Freshwater, Estuary and Ocean Environments",
 | Table 4. "Wildlife Species that have been Observed or Are Perceived
to Aggregate at Salmon Congregations in Oregon and Washington",
 | Plate #13 [photo]. "Garter Snake Eating a Salmon Smolt":
 | Amazing. More than 576 references in Bibliography.
 | Interesting and useful appendices, e.g.:
 | Appendix VII. "List of "Published and Unpublished Observations
of Wildlife Predation and Scavenging on Salmon", pages 128 - 138. |
Aboriginal Fisheries Journal (BC Aboriginal Fisheries
The Backroader (Four Wheel Drive Association of BC)
BC Naturalist ((the Federation of British Columbia
Naturalists )
British Columbia Environmental Report (BC Environmental
British Columbia Sportsman (BC Wildlife Federation)
Burke Mountain Naturalists Newsletter
Channels (Pacific Coast Terminals)
Eco-notes (the Polis Project, University of Victoria)
Fishbytes (the Fisheries Centre, University of British
Finding Solutions (the David Suzuki Foundation)
Fresh 2 Outlook
The Green Link (Institute of Urban Ecology)
Green News (the Global Rivers Education Network)
Natural Legacy (the Nature Trust of British Columbia)
The Outlet (Pleasantside Community Association)
The Park Warbler (GVRD Parks Partnership Initiative)
Parks & Wilderness Quarterly (BC Chapter
–Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society)
A Burke’s Eye View (Port Coquitlam & District Hunting
& Fishing Club)
Sapperton Sportsman (Sapperton Fish and Game Club)
Streamtalk (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Vancouver Naturalist (Vancouver Natural History Society)
Volunteer Monitor (the National Newsletter of Volunteer
Watershed Monitoring)
The Watershed News (the Como Watershed Group)
British Columbia Environmental Network (Annual Report,
Canadian Species at Risk November 2001 (Committee on the
Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada)
Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife (2000-2001
Annual Report)
To reach us:
Port Moody Ecological Society
300, Ioco Road
Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada
V3H 2V7
Phone and fax: (604) 469-9106
E-mail: PMES
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