| |
Forty-one (41) named watersheds* flow into the Port Moody Arm of Burrard
* These 41 named watersheds are soon to be listed separately with relevant details and graphics elsewhere on this Web
A Very Preliminary Plan for Fish and Fish
Habitat Restoration and Enhancement for the 41 Streams / Creeks / Watersheds Flowing into Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet and for
Port Moody Arm Itself - 2001 - 2003 and Beyond.
Port Moody Arm runs in an east - west direction. The entrance to Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet is a line drawn from Admiralty
Point, in GVRD Belcarra Regional Park, in the Township of Belcarra on the north side to Gosse Point in the Barnet Marine Park, in the
City of Burnaby on the south side.
Biodiversity: In 2001, 55 fish species listed using Port Moody Arm for loafing,
foraging, in-migration & out-migration for all or part of their life-cycle ecology. In 1994, 45 fish species listed.
Port Moody Arm basin consists of Port Moody Arm itself and the 41 named streams/creeks/watersheds flowing into Port Moody Arm of
Burrard Inlet, several of which have possible fish habitat restoration and enhancement projects planned for the future, one of which
is Noons Creek.
10 named streams/creeks/watersheds, including tributaries, flow into Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet from the north shore of Port
Moody Arm.
31 named streams/creeks/watersheds, including tributaries, flow into Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet from the south shore of Port
Moody Arm.
These 41 named streams/creeks/watersheds have headwaters in and/or flow through: Eagle Mountain Provincial Park; GVRD Belcarra
Regional Park; the Township of Anmore; the Township of Belcarra; the City of Coquitlam; the City of Burnaby and the City of Port
The Vancouver Port Authority has jurisdiction over the foreshore of Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet to the high tide mark.
10 Named Streams/Creeks/Watersheds flow from the North Shore into Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet:
- Admiralty Creek headwaters: pond in GVRD Belcarra Regional Park in Township of
- Imperial Creek, headwaters: side hill run-off from the Imperial Oil refinery site in Port Moody;
- North Schoolhouse Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off in Anmore Township flowing through Port Moody [see Brooke Marshall
watershed profile];
- Mossom Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off in Eagle Mountain Provincial Park flowing through the Township of Anmore and
Port Moody [see Brooke Marshall watershed profile];
- Hett Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off in Port Moody;
- Wilkes Creek, headwaters side-hill run-off in Port Moody;
- Turner Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off in Port Moody;
- Hutchinson Creek, headwaters side-hill run-off in Port Moody;
- Noons Creek main-stem, headwaters: in Cypress Lake, in Eagle Mountain Provincial Park flowing through Coquitlam and Port
Moody [see Brooke Marshall watershed profile];
- West Noons Creek, main tributary of Noons Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off in Eagle Mountain Provincial Park, flowing
through Port Moody, confluence of West Noons Creek and Noons Creek just downstream from Deerwood Place in Port
31 Named Streams/Creeks/Watersheds Flow from the South Shore into Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet:
- Suter Brook, headwaters side-hill run-off from 'The Chines' in Coquitlam and flowing through Port Moody [see Brooke Marshall
watershed profile].
- Pigeon Creek, headwaters side-hill run-off from 'The Chines' in Coquitlam and flowing through Port Moody.
- Slaughterhouse Creek, headwaters tributaries listed below from side-hill run-off from 'The Chines' in Coquitlam and flowing
through Port Moody [see Brooke Marshall watershed profile].
& Four tributaries:
- Dallas Creek;
- Correl Brook;
- Elgin House Creek;
- And Williams Creek;
- Kyle Creek (aka: Flavelle Creek) headwaters and tributaries listed below from side-hill run-off from 'The Chines' in Coquitlam
and flowing through Port Moody;
& Four tributaries:
- Goulet Creek;
- East Sun Dial Creek;
- West Sun Dial Creek;
- And Hatchery Creek;
- Axford Creek;
- Ottley Creek;
- Frog Creek (possibly buried under Reichhold Ltd. property);
- South Schoolhouse Creek, headwaters side-hill run-off from Como Lake Road and Miller Park in Coquitlam flowing through Port
Moody [see Brooke Marshall watershed profile].
& Two tributaries:
- Noble Creek, headwaters; side-hill run-off from the “Chines”
in Port Moody and Coquitlam;
- And Melrose Creek, headwaters: side-hill from College Park
area of Port Moody;
- Aliceville Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Crab Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Submarines Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of
Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Nichols Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Simon Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Thluck-Way-Tun Creek, headwaters side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Kask's Camp Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Dynamite Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Heron Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Squatters Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Campbell Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Berry Point Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby;
- Rainbow Creek, headwaters: side-hill run-off from north face of Burnaby Mountain in Burnaby.
Please Note: To be added later… In conversation with Eric Olsen, mentioned in passing to him by Peter Hulbert was another stream
flowing from the north shore of Port Moody Arm, somewhere in the vicinity of the Ioco Townsite, in Port Moody, called Doctor’s
Creek, probably between Imperial Creek and North Schoolhouse Creek. Bringing the total to 42 named streams flowing into Port
Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet, eleven of which flow from the north shore, now including Doctor’s Creek.
Please Note: The named streams listed as flowing into Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet, are those ‘we’ are currently aware of.
If anyone has corrections or additions, please contact PMES at address

Following is a list, updated May 4, 2001, of fish species found in
Port Moody Arm and in streams within 1 - 6 kilometres upstream into
those 41 named watersheds.
This list, started in April 1994, had about 45 species. The new updated
list contains 55 fish species for Port Moody Arm.
Fish species abundance and diversity in Port Moody Arm and its 41 named contiguous watersheds, may or may not have changed since 1994.
Please Note: Depending on their life cycle stage, many of the fish species listed above may simply loaf, visit or forage in Port
Moody Arm and the 41 named watersheds flowing into it and may or may not be resident year round. Port Moody Arm is an important
transition zone, for example, for out-migrating and/or in-migrating salmon and trout species.
Since the publication of "Wildlife Inventory of the Shoreline Park System Port Moody, British
Columbia", in 1994, other people may have found and identified other fish species or some fish species may have disappeared, from Port Moody Arm and the
41 streams flowing into it.
Updates and corrections to the Port Moody Arm fish species list are encouraged and welcome. Please contact:
Port Moody Ecological Society
300, Ioco Road
Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada
V3H 2V7
Phone and fax: (604) 469-9106
E-mail: PMES([email protected])
Web site: <http://www.vcn.bc.ca/pmes>.
Sketches and/or pictures for some of these fish species [ ] will be posted soon on this site.
Class Chorndrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fishes)
SQUALIDAE. Shark Family
 | #01. Spiny dogfish [Squalas acenthias] |
Class Osteichthyes (Bony Fishes)
CLUPEIDAE. Herring Family
 | #02. Pacific Herring [Clupea pallasi] |
ENGRAULIDAE. Anchovy Family
 | # 03. Northern Anchovy [Engraulis mordax] |
SALMONIDAE. Salmon & Char Family
 | #04. Pink Salmon [Oncorhynchus gorbuscha] - strays from the Indian River |
 | #05. Chum Salmon [Oncorhynchus keta] |
 | #06. Coho Salmon [Oncorhynchus kisutch] |
 | #07. Sockeye salmon [Oncorhynchus nerka] - strays from the Fraser River |
 | #08. Chinook salmon [Oncorhynchus tashawytscha] - strays from the Indian River |
 | #09 & #10. Coastal cutthroat trout [Oncorhynchus clarki clarki] - both resident Coastal cutthroat trout and sea-run Coastal cutthroat
trout. Now on BC Conservation Data Centre "Blue List". |
 | #11 & #12. Steelhead/Rainbow trout [Oncorhynchus mykiss] - both resident, aka, Rainbow trout and sea-run, aka, Steelhead trout |
OSMERIDAE. Smelt Family
 | #13. Surf smelt [Hypomesus pretiosus pretiosus] |
 | #14. Night smelt [Spirinchus starksi] |
 | #15. Plainfish midshipman [Porichthys notatus] |
GADIDAE. Codfish Family
 | #16. Pacific cod [Gadus macrocephaus] |
 | #17. Pacific hake [Merluccius productus] |
 | #18. Walleye pollock [Theragra chalcogramma] |
 | #19. Pacific tomcod [Microgadus proximus] |
ZOARCIDAE. Eelpout Family
 | #20. Blackbelly eelpout [Lycodopsis pacifica] |
AULORHYCHIDAE. Tube-snout Family
 | #21. Tube-snout [Aulorhynchus flavidus] |
GASTEROSTEIDAE. Stickleback Family
 | #22. Threespine stickleback [Gasterosteus aculeatus] |
EMOBIOTOCIDAE. Surfperch Family
 | #23. Shiner perch [Cymatogaster aggregata] |
 | #24. Striped seaperch [Embiotoca lateralis] |
 | #25. Pile perch [Rhacochilus vacca] |
STICHAEIDAE. Prickleback Family
 | #26. Black prickleback [Xiphister atropurpureus] |
PHOLIDAE. Gunnel Family
 | #27. Penpopint gunnel [Apodichthys flavidus] |
AMMODYTIDAE. Sand Lance Family
 | #28. Pacific sand lance [Ammodytes hexapterus] |
GOBIIDAE. Goby Family
 | #29. Bay goby [Lepidogobius lepidus] |
SCORPAENIDAE. Scorpionfish Family
 | #30. Copper rockfish [Sebastes caurinus] |
 | #31. Quillback rockfish [Sebastes maliger] |
HEXAGRAMMIDAE. Greenling Family
 | #32. Kelp greenling [Hexagrammos decagrammus] |
COTTIDAE. Sculpin Family
 | #33. Prickly sculpin [Cottus asper] |
 | #34. Buffalo sculpin [Enophrys bison] |
 | #35. Pacific staghorn sculpin [Leptocottus armatus] |
 | #36. Great sculpin [Myoxocephalus polycanthocephalus] |
 | #37. Tidepool sculpin [Oligocottus maculosus] |
 | #38. Grunt sculpin [Rhamphocottus richardsoni] |
CYCLOPTERIDAE. Lumpfish & Snailfish Family
 | #39. Snailfish, species not identified [Careprocus sp.] |
BOTHIDAE. Lefteye Flounder Family
 | #40. Pacific sand dab [Citharichthys sordidus] |
 | #41. Speckled sand dab [Citharichthys stigmaeus] |
PLEURONECTIDAE. Righteye Flounder Family, i.e: Sole
 | #42. Petrale sole [Eopsetta jordani] |
 | #43. Flathead sole [Hippoglossides elassodon] |
 | #44. Hybrid sole [Inopsetta ischyra] |
 | #45. Rock sole [Lepidopsetta bilineata] |
 | #46. Slender sole [Lyopsetta exilis] |
 | #47. Dover sole [Microstomus pacificus] |
 | #48. English sole [Parophrys vetulus] |
 | #49. Starry flounder [Platichthys stellatus] |
 | #50. Curlfin sole [Pleuronichthys decurrens] |
 | #51. Sand sole [Psettichthys melanostictus] |
 | #52. Butter sole [Isopsetta isolepsis] |
 | #53. Pacific lamprey [Lampetra tridentatus] |
 | #54. River lamprey [Lampetra ayresi] |
RAJIDAE. Skate Family
 | #55. Big Skate [Raja binoculata] |
"Wildlife Inventory of the Shoreline Park System Port Moody, British
Columbia" , written by Christine Hanrahan, with contributions by Dr. Elaine Golds, Dr. Jay Burr & Rick Simpson, Burke Mountain Naturalists, April 1994, 121 pages.
"Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest", by Andy Lamb and Phil Edgell, Harbour Publishing, 1986, 224 pages.
"The Audubon Society Nature Guides: Pacific Coast", by Bayard H.
McConnaughey & Evelyn McConnaughey, Alfred A. Knopf, 1985, 633 pages.
"Beachwalker: Sea Life of the West Coast", By Stefani Hewlett Paine, Douglas & McIntyre, 1992, 170 pages.
"Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of British Columbia", by J.D. McPhail & R. Craveth, , 1993, 239 pages.
"Freshwater Fishes of Canada", by W.B. Scott and E.J. Crossman, 1998 reprint, original 1973 - reprinted 1979, Galt House
Publications Ltd., 966 pages.
"Pacific Fishes of Canada", by John Lawson Hart, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, original 1973, reprinted 1975, 1980, 1988,
Bulletin 180, Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Catalogue No. Fs94-80,
ISBN 0-660-10459-8, 741 pages.
Information and corrections for this revised 2001 Fish Species List for Port Moody Arm and the
41 Named Streams Flowing Into
It, were kindly provided by: Janice Boyd, Lorri Cashman, Dr. John Jordan, Jamie Lamb, Gary Rosberg and Kent Smith.
Thank you !
This original 1994 fish species list was compiled from reports provided by (1) Lee Harding, (Environment Canada
[Regional Data
Report DR 87-03]), (DFO/MOEP Fish Habitat Inventory and Information Program, Stream Information
Survey}; (2) Jason Hwang,
Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO April 1992, Two Beach Seines, Port Moody Arm); (3) Judy Russell, Reed Point Marina Ltd. (Official
Catch Records of the 8th Annual Fishing Derby); Ken Berry, Westcoast Energy (Land, Right-of-Way and Environment Files, May 19,
1992); (5) Wilda Booth & Bill Harris, Pacific Coast Terminals Ltd. (Environment Evaluation for an Expansion of the Pacific Coast
Terminals Company Ltd. at Port Moody); Mark Johnson, Fisheries & Oceans Canada (Log Book, Electroshocking Noons Creek, 1992).
The following people provided invaluable assistance in compiling the list of fish species:
Peter Caverhill; Maurice Coulter-Boisvert; Ruth Foster; John Gregson; Elaine Golds, Al Grist; Lee Harding; Wendy Hessler; Jason Hwang; John Jordan; Mark Johnson; Alan
Kolok; Tim Lissamore; Elmer "Al" Rudolph; Judy Russell; Louis Rzen; Fred Smallenberg; Al Sawchuk; Gary Taccogna; Chris Tulloch;
Rob Way and Ian Whyte.
To reach us:
Port Moody Ecological Society
300, Ioco Road
Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada
V3H 2V7
Phone and fax: (604) 469-9106
E-mail: PMES