Start a Society in your Community
Society of PM Professionals
of Greater Vancouver

Start your own Society for the PMPs in your community. You do not need permission from anyone.

On this website, you will find a model constitution and copies of all the notices that have gone out since inception for the Vancouver Society. Feel free to use as models any of the governance documents, manuals, forms, and templates that you find here.

To get started you need a core group of willing PMPs. We suggest that you adopt the model constitution from our website and hold a founding meeting among three Officers as a first step. Then plan your first professional development seminar. At the first seminar, solicit memberships and hold a membership meeting to elect the Officers through the year end. Simple.

If you are in Canada, do not be concerned with provincial registration if this issue is brought up. The Vancouver Society is NOT provincially registered, nor will it be. We enjoy freedom of association in Canada, and you do not need anyone's consent to form a club. The technical term for the legal status of the Society is unincorporated collective. This is a close parallel to a partnership in the world of business, and is the same status as a labour union. The members share equally in liability. If you study the constitution, you will see that there is no executive, and that the Officers have no powers of governance. Only the members in a general meeting can make governance decisions. Completely democratic.

When we formed the Vancouver Society, we first tried holding organizational meetings, but no-one showed up. So the core group just went ahead and organized our first PD seminars. We hold an annual business meeting in conjunction with one of the PD seminars; generally no more than 30 minutes during the lunch break.

Your biggest challenge will be to establish communications with the PMPs in your community. Likely you will have to rely on the PMI Chapter to distribute a notice. In this initial notice you could ask interested PMPs to register for your first seminar, and to contact you if they wish to receive notices for future events. This will give you a start for your own distribution list.

You may have to pay for this initial advertisement. The PMI Chapter likely will perceive the Society as a competitor. You should be able to recover this cost from the fees for your first seminar.

This page updated April 7, 2008