Organize and Deliver a Professional Development Seminar
for the Society of PM Professionals
of Greater Vancouver

Volunteer your services as the Project Manager for a professional development seminar. If there is a topic you want to see explored, or if you are willing to contribute your management skills, the resources of the Society will be made available to you.

Every seminar is a separate venture, managed by a one-time team. The team leader, the PM, has complete responsibility for event delivery from start to finish: from booking the facility and recruiting the presenters to collecting any outstanding fees and issuing the evaluation and completion reports. The PM is the key player. If there is no PM, then there is no seminar.

Unless a volunteer Project Manager steps forward from the ranks of the local PMPs, a seminar does not proceed.

In addition to technical presenters, workshop leaders, and the Project Manager, there are volunteer roles on the management team for each seminar. Additional volunteers are invited for all. One person may be asked to do two or more jobs: To volunteer your services as a seminar Project Manager, or seminar management team member, contact the President or any Officer of the Society.

The key process resources available to the management team for a seminar are a Management manual, and a series of template documents and messages. These items are available for download from the list below.

Right click on an item to download it to your computer:
This page updated December 11, 2013