Make Presentation or Lead a Workshop
for the Society of PM Professionals
of Greater Vancouver

The Society is a strictly voluntary organization, based on the principle that we learn from each other, and each of us has valuable experience to share, or facilitation and management skills to contribute.

The Society is a vehicle for professional development activities which are organized and delivered by PMPs for PMPs. Professional development seminars are attended by professionals who get together to explore topics of common interest, taking turns in making presentations and leading discussions. There is a limit on the number attending, to encourage discussion and an informal atmosphere.

The seminars provide a friendly environment. The aim is to give PMPs with limited experience in presentation and facilitation the opportunity to rehearse their skills in front of a small, supportive group.

PMPs are asked to volunteer as technical presenters and as workshop leaders. The content of a presentation does not need to be original. It could come from a text book or a journal. A typical technical presentation is 45 minutes in length, followed by a question and discussion period of 10 to 15 minutes. Participatory workshop sessions range in length up to 90 minutes or more.

For a sense of the kinds of presentations and workshops that have been provided in the past, see the archive of seminar proceedings. This may stimulate your own ideas for a topic.

To get on the program, contact the Project Manager of a planned seminar , or any Officer of the Society .

This page updated April 7, 2008