PDUs from Participation
Society of PM Professionals
of Greater Vancouver
Previous Rules
Prior to March 2011, the following rules governed the
claims for PDUs that PMPs could make towards PMP� re-certification under three
Category 2. Professional Activities
Category 4. Other Providers
Category 5. Service to Professional Organizations
Category 2. Presenter or Workshop Leader.
We now have confirmation from PMI that, in addition to the time they spend as
participants, Presenters can claim ten PDUs and Workshop Leaders can claim five
PDUs for serving in those roles. As a presenter, make your claim under Category
2C; a s a workshop leader, use Category 2E.
See the
email message from Dr. Zerby
confirming the bases for these claims.
We also have a confirmation that a person may claim for time as both a
presenter (Category 2) and as an attendee (Category 4) at a seminar on the same
day, but not at the same time, of course. See the
email message from Laurie Cooke
Category 4. Seminar Attendee.
As a participant in a seminar, when you are not making a presentation, make
your claim under Category 4. One PDU may be claimed for each hour of attendance
at a presentation or workshop. Ten minutes per each hour for breaks are
permitted in programs that exceed one hour in length. Seminar programs are
typically designed to provide seven PDUs for attendance for the full day. If
one attends for less than a full day, the PDU claim should be adjusted
Category 5. Service to Professional Organizations
The Officers of the Society will earn five PDUs per year for serving. Other
members may earn PDUs by serving on committees or task forces of the Society.
The seminar PM can claim five PDUs.
email message from Dr. Zerby
confirms that the role of seminar PM requires an effort comparable to a
one-year term
as a committee member. The seminar PM can claim five PDUs for service in
to PDUs for attendance at the seminar (Category 4) and for making a technical
presentation (Category 2), if applicable.
Except for the seminar PM, A short term volunteer assignment as a member of the
management team for a seminar likely would not entitle one to PDUs. The excerpt
from the Continuing Certification Requirements Handbook below suggests that a
committee member must participate for a minimum of three months. Each
member of the management team will have to assess her or his own involvement
and decide whether it constitutes three months of participation.
Category 5: Service to Professional or Community Organizations. Serve as a
committee member for a project management organization.
Minimum three months of participation. One PDU per calendar year. (No PDUs are
awarded for service less than three months.)
Minimum six months of participation. Three PDUs per calendar year
Twelve months of participation. Five PDUs per calendar year
Provider Information.
The Activity Provider is the Society of PM Professionals of Greater Vancouver.
For contact information, enter the URL for the Society : www.vcn.bc.ca/pmprof/
This page updated August 29, 2011