Project Description: In response to a need for more information and collaboration, families, caregivers, childcare workers will benefit from using the Internet to complement other media for sharing resources, defining issues and creating solutions. Over one year, this innovative joint project will establish wide Internet access for the childcare community through a growing network of community access points. An online community directory of childcare facilities will be established for families, a job posting service will be implemented for those seeking employment or employees, a newsletter production and distribution system will complement the existing service to the childcare community and a multilingual collection will be made more widely available using electronic means.
Goal: (overall purpose)
To establish a pilot program by using a participatory model to enhance the delivery of childcare and family support services using new information and communication technology in terms of infrastructure, content production and networking.
1. Establish a community Internet access site in the childcare resource library. A site will benefit users of library by making a wider range of information and communication resources available to those without convenient access to the Internet. Train community members and staff in the use of the site for research, communication and advocacy in childcare related issues.
Content Production:
2. Devise an online version of the Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre (WCCRC) newsletter, which is currently distributed throughout the province by surface mail.
3. Develop an online job posting service for community childcare workers in the Lower Mainland that would be accessible to job seekers and childcare organizations.
4. Build a collaborative communications network for family outreach workers to share information and experiences, define issues, and create solutions. Train staff and outreach workers in the use of the above.
Activity Plan:
Establish an Advisory Committee to guide the project:
a) Confirm terms of reference for committee role and responsibilities.
b) Devise an evaluation process and criteria.
c) Devise a community consultation process to provide feedback on project objectives throughout the project. Month 1 � 2
Conduct consultations with stakeholder groups to initiate a participatory design process.
Each objective will be achieved through the active involvement of stakeholders in assessment, design and development of the technological and organizational systems.
Solutions will address problems that arise out of current practices and will seek to improve information sharing and collaboration among stakeholder groups. Month 2 - 4
Establish a community internet access point at the Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre:
Consultation, confirm site plan, order phone line, installation, develop terminal home page, establish on-site volunteer support program, install site hardware and software, provide onsite training for trainers and coaches, conduct regular maintenance, support checks and ongoing evaluation. Month 1 - 6
Establish a set of online collaboration tools (for example, web-based forum and email list serve) in consultation with target user group representatives. Month 3 - 5
Establish a set of web based publishing templates and tools for producing an online newsletter and delivering multilingual pamphlets in consultation with current newsletter editors and library staff. Month 5 - 7
Establish and implement a community-based training program for families, caregivers, childcare resource and referral staff, instructors licensing officers and outreach workers. Training will include components from general basic skills to skills that are directly relevant to the childcare community and applicable to effectively using the applications developed during the project. Month 7 - 11
Establish and implement a promotion program that will include producing outreach materials using the traditional WCCRC media. Month 10 - 11
Finalize evaluation and generate final report. Distribute report to funders, community participants and on the Internet. Month 11 - 12