Concept | Instructors
and Volunteer Centres |
Volunteers | Non-Profit
Technical Resources |
Sessions |
Final Report |
This web site is to complement the Technical Volunteer Web project, which is now complete, that took place from 2001 to 2002. The site will remain as a permanent resource.The Technical Volunteer Web project is the result of a partnership between the BC Ministry of Community Development, Co-operatives and Volunteeers through the InVOLve BC program, Vancouver Community Network, Volunteer Vancouver and the Vancouver Community College and many other participating agencies around the Lower Mainland.
The project will develop a set of practices for connecting technical volunteers in voluntary sector organizations with a larger technical resource network that can provide additional recruitment, training and support to complement the non-profit organization's volunteer program.
A process for recruitment, intake from post secondary educational institiutions, orientation, training and deployment of technical volunteers will be developed and implemented during this one year project. A network for collaboration, problem solving and informal learning for technical volunteers and non-profit groups will be developed and put in place. A participatory evaluation process will be initiated to identify transferable elements of practices developed - of successes, failures and of areas for future expansion.
- Concept - of the project and the needs it will attempt to address.
- Proposal - for Technical Volunteer Web. For budget or personnel details, please contact VCN at the co-ordinates below.
- Press Release - announcing the project.
- Request for Proposals - for Evaluation Consultant (Mar. 2001)
- Technical Volunteer Needs Survey - for non-profit group feedback in planning stage (March 2001)
- Volunteer! - Join this growing Technical Volunteer Network supporting non-profit Internet use.
- Technical Program Instructors and Volunteer Centers - Tell your students and volunteers about this exciting placement opportunity!
- Practicum Opportunities - Available Now!
- Resources for Non-Profit Technical Volunteer Programs - Links to general resources for non-profits working online, on finding and working with Technical Volunteers, and developing your group's use of the Internet.
- Special full-day Internet training sessions are being offered to non-profit volunteers and staff under our various community initiatives! To register, complete the Needs Assessment and Registration form:
- Interim Report - May 31, 2001
- Interim Report - September 30, 2001
- Final Report - January 31, 2002
Last modified September 3, 2002
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