VCN Technical Volunteer Web

Technical Volunteer Web

Concept  Instructors 
Volunteer Centres 
Volunteers  Non-Profit 
Technical Resources 
Final Report

This web site is to complement the Technical Volunteer Web project, which is now complete, that took place from 2001 to 2002. The site will remain as a permanent resource.

The Technical Volunteer Web project is the result of a partnership between the BC Ministry of Community Development, Co-operatives and Volunteeers through the InVOLve BC program, Vancouver Community Network, Volunteer Vancouver and the Vancouver Community College and many other participating agencies around the Lower Mainland.

The project will develop a set of practices for connecting technical volunteers in voluntary sector organizations with a larger technical resource network that can provide additional recruitment, training and support to complement the non-profit organization's volunteer program.

A process for recruitment, intake from post secondary educational institiutions, orientation, training and deployment of technical volunteers will be developed and implemented during this one year project. A network for collaboration, problem solving and informal learning for technical volunteers and non-profit groups will be developed and put in place. A participatory evaluation process will be initiated to identify transferable elements of practices developed - of successes, failures and of areas for future expansion.

Last modified September 3, 2002

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