Related Links
From Workplace to Workspace
- Maureen James and Liz Rykert's guide to using email lists to help you do your work
Gilbert Research Beyond Anecdotes in Nonprofit Practices
- from the Gilbert Center - Nonprofit Communication, Incubation, Innovation (US based)
Benton's Best Practices Toolkit
Electronics Communications Basics
- from Southwestern Ontario Adult Literacy Network ('98)
- Designing web pages for your non-profit organization - Queensland, Australia
Writing HTML
- a friendly tutorial for creating web pages
Web Developers Virtual Library
- huge resource of training materials, tutorials and useful information
Charity Village
- wide range of information for volunteer groups
- resources and support for environmental groups using the Internet
Virtual Activist
- a training course (US based)
Resources for Fundraising Online
- compiled by Putnam Barber, Editor, The Internet Nonprofit Center (US based)
Empower Web
- US page of funding and related links for non-profits
Internet Nonprofit Center
- New York based source of up-to-date information and resources
Institute for Media, Policy And Civil Society
- media training for non-profits
Virtual Activist
- a training course (US based)
Internet PR
- tutorial from the Strategic Press Information Network (US based)
WC3 Accessability Guidelines
- World Wide Web accessability guidelines (inc. technical details) - May 5, 1999
Directory of Disability Organizations
- from the Canadian Abilities Foundation
- web page accessability checker for people with disabilities
- a commercial mapping service that covers the Lower Mainland
"604 Connect!" home page